Anna felt some inexplicable sadness in her heart, this despicable person in front of her, she actually loved, and almost let herself lose her sister for him. His sweet words are really ironic when I think about it now!

“Anna! Help me! Seeing that Anna just looked at herself, without any intention of interceding for herself, Hans was a little flustered in her heart, no, if she continued to drag on, it would be bad for herself!

Hans immediately knelt down, trembling all over, and said pitifully to Anna: “Anna, please, spare my life!” Looking at the love we used to have in love, spare my life! Anna! ”

I went, shameless, I originally said that I had never loved Anna, and stabbed Anna with a sword, if Elsa hadn’t frozen Anna in time to stop the bleeding, I’m afraid that Anna would have died now, where would you still be begging for mercy in front of her.

Nero’s heart suddenly became angry, and the long sword in his hand aimed at Hans without hesitation, and stabbed it with a sword.


The long sword pierced directly through Hans’s heart.

“Why? I’m the king… Sub…, you don’t… Yes…… Such…… Right…… I! Hans spit out the last few words with difficulty, and then his body softened, and his breath suddenly disappeared.

Nero pulled out his long sword: “I have never seen such a brazen person, killing is dirty my sword, but your shamelessness has made me really unbearable!” In order to make me feel better and make you disappear from my sight forever, I will reluctantly send you to the god of the underworld! ”

“Nero!” Anna exhaled softly.

“Anna, you don’t want me to let him go!” Nero looked at Anna, who had a pale face, with some surprise.

“After all, I used to love him!” Anna couldn’t bear it.

“This scumbag, but he has been deceiving you, he never loved you from the beginning, Anna!” Nero had a headache.

But it’s not surprising to think that Anna has such thoughts, when she was a child, both of her parents were killed at sea, and her only sister couldn’t meet because of the loss of control of her magic, the castle was closed, there was no friend, and she lived a lonely life, even in cheerful and optimistic people. Finally, there is a person who says that he loves herself, which makes Anna, who has always been lonely, how can she not cherish it, even if that person lied to her!

Elsa thought of this, and felt even more guilty in her heart!

Elsa hugged Anna: “In the future, my sister will accompany you and will always accompany you!” ”

“Well, sister!” Anna responded softly, her eyes filled with happiness.

Oh, well, women are creatures that Nero can’t guess.

Nero was a little stunned, you just hug together, Anna is no longer interceding for Hans, although in fact Hans has been killed by his own sword, but I still don’t understand it at all!

Teenager, the road is long, and you will have a long life in the future!


A voice sounded from Hans, who was spread out on the ground.

Didn’t Hans die?

How is it possible, Nero firmly believes that he pierced his heart with a sword, and smashed it a few times, the heart should have been completely broken, although Hans has bronze-level strength, but the power is given, his body is just a mortal body, where there will be a strong vitality with a broken heart and still immortality?

“Ahem!” Hans slowly stood up, coughed lightly, and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. But there was a smile on his face.

“No, he’s not Hans!” Seeing that smile, Nero immediately felt that something was wrong, and the long sword in his hand did not hesitate, and immediately slashed down in the air!

Elsa and Anna haven’t reacted yet.

What do you mean, this is not Hans, and who is it?

“When” a pair of hands dragged the long sword that Nero cut down, Nero only felt that his sword seemed to be embedded in steel, and he couldn’t move!

The magic sword mark on the center of “Hans” eyebrows is still there, but some strange lines that start from the face have slowly appeared on the skin, and then spread to the whole body. The magic sword mark at the eyebrow of the Arendel guard, which was originally caught by the goblin berserkers, was directly separated from the guard at this moment, and flew towards Hans, not in his eyebrow mark.

The imprint on Hans’s eyebrows began to glow black!

“Demon Sword Count Brenda!” Nero stared into Hans’s eyes, which had gone from dull to bright, and now looked at Nero with appreciation.

“Guian! Everybody! “This voice and this tone are really Demon Sword Count Brenda!

“Aren’t you fighting with Elder Parker in the realm/? Nero said in surprise, but his eyes were looking around, delaying time to find favorable conditions, which was what Nero was going to do now.

But “Hans”‘s eyes are full of playfulness, well, as one of the staff officers of the demon race, he can guess what Nero is going to do at a glance, but what does it matter now? Old Parker is still fighting!

“Old Parker, really old!” “Hans” sighed a little: “Even my hidden doppelganger didn’t see it!” It’s really a bit disappointing, the wise and brave goblin Parker back then has slowly become dull over time, which is really disappointing! ”

Those marks are part of Brenda’s doppelganger!

Nero immediately understood, and each avatar mark can make an ordinary mortal have bronze-level power, and now there are nearly a hundred marks here, which is not a matter of one plus one equals two, but multiplied.

Brenda’s avatar has gold-level power!

“Your Majesty Elsa, use magic to freeze him!” Only Elsa has the same realm as Brenda, but Elsa is now unable to completely control the strength of her own power, and there is still a little gap between Brenda’s old gold level, so it is better to start first!

Elsa immediately noticed.

Aim your hands at “Hans” and push sharply.

Ice crystals appeared out of thin air, and then struck directly at “Hans” with lightning speed, after all, this is a doppelganger with a magic sword mark fused, naturally not comparable to Brenda’s demon body, there is no time to dodge, “Hans” only feels that the whole body is cold, the limbs are stiff, and the blood in the body has stopped circulating.

His original plan was to use the body to lure away Elder Parker, and then use the magic sword mark to fuse the body, and with the strength of the golden level, it would be easy to solve Elsa and Anna.

He left Elsa behind!

A breath of frozen Arendelle, although there is no realm of this gold-level big killer, but it is enough to dominate the gold-level junior!

“Magic Sword! Cross chop! Two sword lights flashed, and the ice crystals that Elsa used to freeze “Hans” were directly shattered by the sword light.

“Little girl, I almost forgot about you! But you can’t escape after all! “The old gold level is not so easy to solve!

“Magic Sword! Sword Shadow Strike! Without hesitation, Brenda shot two virtual shadows in his hand, turning from virtual to real, and the blade pointed directly at Elsa and Anna!

Elsa’s face was a little anxious, and with a sharp wave of her hands, countless ice crystals appeared, turning into countless ice walls, trying to block the attack of these two phantoms. Then the shortcomings of the lack of combat experience were exposed, and the powerful magic power on Brenda’s two sword shadows was like substance, breaking through the face a little, instantly piercing through the ice wall, and directly hitting Elsa and Anna.

The sword shadow disappeared into the bodies of the two women.

The magic sword is originally aimed at the soul, and does not hurt the body!

Elsa and Anna only felt that their eyes were black, and they instantly fell to the ground.

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