“Elsa! Anna! Nero roared angrily, and then he couldn’t change the facts, the two women were hit by Brenda’s magic sword, their souls were wounded, and they fell into a coma!

“Ugh!” The goblin berserkers were also enraged by what was happening in front of them, and the magic around them was like a volcanic eruption, full of destruction and destruction, their little short legs moved rapidly, and giant axes and big @ sticks greeted “Hans” one after another.

“Well, none of your elders can help me, let alone you? Ephemera shakes big trees, do not measure themselves! “Hans” just glanced at it, and the magic power divided countless sword shadows, accurately hitting all the goblin berserkers, pointing directly at the soul!


“Knock knock…”

It was like countless boulders smashed on the ground, and in an instant the goblin berserkers smashed on the ground, unable to move, and now the only people standing are “Hans” and Nero!

Are they all dead?

Nero no longer knew what expression he should use to look at this matter, everyone fell, only himself was left as a human, so what was he still alive for?

It turned out that I took it for granted, thinking that crossing would really be able to spend my life perfectly, but now it seems that I am really naïve?

Weakness is sin! It is a sin that cannot be forgiven!

Why am I so weak and can’t protect a person, why?

Anger, unwillingness, was ignited at this moment, like an erupting volcano, out of control!

Nero’s eyes slowly glowed with blood, and everything in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of blood-colored veil, becoming bright red and red, and in Nero’s eyes there was a standing person,

Puppet Hans, or rather Count Brenda of the Magic Sword!

Kill him, kill him, kill him, every cell around Nero is crying and screaming.

The consciousness slowly disappeared, leaving only a piece of terror. And something in Nero’s body is running wildly throughout the body, but between the whiskers, Nero’s whole body seems to be ignited, and it is like a cooked crab, becoming red and red.

“I almost forgot you kid,” “Hans” turned his head to look at Nero, this kid had broken his plan three times and five times, and he couldn’t keep him, and with a flick of one hand, a phantom shadow of a sword pointed directly at Nero, carrying a soaring murderous aura, sharp and unstoppable.

Nero lowered his head, and a strange cry came out of his mouth, and the sword shadow attacked, but he grabbed it with one hand.

How so?

The demon sword shadow is not a physical object, and the attack is also directed at the soul, how can this kid grab the sword shadow.

There are quirks!

Brenda saw such a thing for the first time, and looked at Nero cautiously.

Nero slowly raised his head, and at this moment Nero was completely no longer the graceful appearance he was before. His eyes were red, but there was a faint golden light. His face was a little exaggerated and distorted, with anger that was enough to burn the sky. The red skin is like a demon in the world.

My eyes couldn’t see anything anymore, and the flames of anger covered it!

Come on, who can stop my fury!

Brenda only felt that the kid in front of him seemed to be a changed person, the original strength was not high, but he was a little clever, and this him in front of him was full of murderous energy, a crazy surge of magic, as if he was a volcano ready to erupt, waiting for catharsis.

“Sin! Wrath! ”

Nero had no consciousness at the moment, and now he was acting entirely on instinct, chanting a sentence in his mouth. The figure suddenly flashed, suddenly appeared in front of “Hans”, but the long sword in his hand pierced Hans’s heart again!

“Hans” pupils contracted, when, how, with his gold-level strength, he didn’t see at all, when did this kid come over, he only felt that his chest was empty, and there was only a hole through the heart.

His heart was pulled out!

“Ah! Sword Shadow Erupt! “Hans” shouted sharply, the black light shone around him, and the magic sword phantom seemed to be blooming, shooting towards the surroundings.

The uselessness of such consumption was enormous, but “Hans” had to do this, and there was no Nero in front of his senses, but the eyes could see that Nero was in front of him at this time.

Eyes can sometimes deceive!

A full-coverage attack can at least allow “Hans” to see where Nero is!

Did the sword shadow pierce Nero directly and tear him apart.

But no blood came out, “Hans” is clear, sure enough, he has left, but where did he go? The sword shadow did not have any stabbing sensation.

Suddenly, “Hans” only felt a chill in his spine, and a chilling killing intent enveloped him!

“I’m here!” A man whispered in his ear.

“Poof” A long sword pierced his body again, this time in his head!

“Hans” only felt that his eyes were dark, and his body was paralyzed. He is only a demon sword incarnation, not an immortal body, and he can still hold on without his heart, but his head is gone, and his demon sword mark is gone, only broken and dissipated!

“Hans” is dead!

That is, the Demon Sword Count Brenda Demon Sword Incarnation fell!

And when “Hans” fell, Nero also softened, and his body was covered with countless thin mouths, and a large area of blood red appeared.

In the “Hmm” field, Goblin Elder Parker and Brenda were still fighting inextricably, but at this time, Brenda suddenly trembled, his eyes were black, the incarnation of the damn demon sword was broken, and as the main body, he was not exempt from being implicated, and his soul was turbulent!

“Suffered” Brenda’s heart tightened, and she suddenly felt bad!

Sure enough, although Parker didn’t know what happened to Brenda, he still knew the wise saying that you would kill while you were sick.

“Mountain suppression!”

The magic power surged wildly, in the void, a majestic mountain ¥ peak pressed straight down, carrying unparalleled weight, weighing Brenda down #.

This time, Brenda did not break the mountain with a sword light like the last time, and the turmoil in his soul made his body stiffen.

“Poof! I’m not willing! Parker! Brenda let out a terrible roar, and then died of death!

“Whew~” Elder Parker also let out a long breath, Brenda was finally completely eliminated, this time he was no longer lucky last time!

“Field: Scatter!”

After a fluctuation, Elder Parker reappeared outside the Goblin Village, along with a pitch-black sword!

Seeing this scene in front of him, as well as the imprint that Hans’s eyebrows were about to dissipate, he also guessed what was going on!

“Earth revival!” With a flick of the short staff, a brown brilliance enveloped everyone!

Earth Revival, the healing technique of earth magic!

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