Fairy Tall: Tremor Man

Chapter 24 - Ch23. The Dungeon

[A/N- Hey guys sorry for the delay but I am still busy with my exams and have another one on 20th Aug and two or three mire exams after that. I will try my best to see if I can upload but no promises. But I promise that I will post mire when my exams end. BTW Happy Independence Day to all my Indian readers ]

After going back to the train station and reaching the XYZ village vergil made gis way to the mayor of the village. But he saw something different about this village, there were many members of the dark guild in the village. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.-the-dungeon_46573642699568557 for visiting.

But vergil did not make a move rashly and made his way to the main hall in the village where the mayor is supposed to be.

After reaching the main hall he went to the lady standing behind the desk.

Vergil: I am a mage of fairy tail and have come to accept the quest issues by the mayor of the village.

Lady: Yes, Please wait for a moment I will call the mayor.

After five minutes the mayor came to the hall and introduced himself to Vergil.

Mayor: Hello young man, I am the mayor of this village and I was the one who issued the quest.

Vergil: Yes, gramps told me that it was something related to the dungeon that appeared near the village and why are there so many dark guild members in the village.

Mayor: Yes the dungeon appeared near the village out of nowhere and then many adventurous went to explore the dungeon but no one ever came out of there so I issued the request.

Mayor: As for the members of the dark guild in the village, it is one of the reasons I issued the request. For the first few years when the dungeon appeared the village had a huge growth because of people coming to explore the dungeon but after the members of the dark guild started coming in the village for the dungeon. They want to take over the village for it. Many other mages went in the dungeon before but no one came out.

With that said, Vergil made his way to the dungeon. After half an hour Vergil reached the entrance of the dungeon and saw many people had gathered around there. After waiting for some time the entrance of the dungeon opened and everyone went inside.

Soon Vergil was consumed by a bright light when he opened his eye again he was alone and in front of him was a long path filled with darkness.

Vergil: So the dungeon separated everyone and it looks like no one can go out unless the dungeon is defeated. Well let's get started it will take two to three years.

Then vergil began to walk down the dark path and created a fireball in his palm. But the path looked never-ending, he threw the fireball to see how far it goes, after a few seconds even the fireball vanished into the darkness.


It has been two months since vergil started to walk down the path but he still has not reached the end of the path. He even thought about going back from where he started but looking back the same dark path he gave up on the idea. And since the can not constantly use the fireball as he has to conserve magic.

One more month passed by and finally, vergil got out of the never-ending path of darkness. But the darkness path also helped him in increasing his observation and reflexes. Now vergil stands in front of a door.

As soon as he opened the door he sees the various tunnels, he chooses one according to his gut feeling and went in. After walking for a kilometre he sees various types of magical beast.


Ten more months have passed since he has exited the path of darkness and not much has happened in the past ten months. Vergil has fought and killed a lot of magical beasts and humans alike.

Yes and those who think that people from fairy tail guild do not kill is very wrong, yes they do not kill without a reason and killing is the last resort otherwise they will be branded as a dark guild.

He has also seen many comrades die which he made in the dungeon and have also seen many betrayals. But know he is standing in the front of another gate.


Meanwhile at fairy tail.

Erza was sitting at the counter in front on Mira and with Master Makarov, it can be seen that she was worried about something, breaking the ice she asked the master.

Erza: Master has there been any news of vergil? It has been a year now?

Makarov: No erza there is no news about him, I am sure he must have a reason for not to contact, you do not have to worry about him, I believe in hi. and his ability he will surely come back in a year or two after all he went to a decade mission.

Erza: Yes master, I will believe in him.

Mira: Erza you do not need to worry so much about V after all he has to take you to that promised date he will surely come back.

Erza: W-Wh-What? H-how do you know that?

Mira: When you proposed him we all saw and heard all of it, we all followed you when you ran after V towards the train station.

Erza: Damn it! all of you now you all know about it and you have a weapon to use against me.

Back to our MC vergil, he moved forward in the dungeon and is looking forward to fighting the last boss of the dungeon.

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