Fairy Tall: Tremor Man

Chapter 25 - Ch. 24 Dungeon Boss

Back to our MC vergil, he moved forward in the dungeon and is looking forward to fighting the last boss of the dungeon.


It has been two years now and Vergil is still in the dungeon, he has seen a lot in this dungeon. Death, betrayal, cruelty, comradeship, and whatnot.

He has also grown a lot powerful than before, he was also able to awaken his divinity of the divine slayer magic all three of the forms. His magic reserves have also broken past limits.

But now is the time he takes the final step and defeats this dungeon by killing the last boss. He is waking in a hallway and then comes across a large door, even retards can tell it was the final boss room

Vergil: Jackpot, now let's get over with it can get out of this hellish place, I wonder how Rose is doing I miss her.

Vergil pushes the door open and walks in the room but to his surprise it was empty.

Vergil: Really now, the last thing I want from this dungeon is a jump scare.

As he said that a women who looked like a mixed-race between an elf and a devil come forward.

(???): Well it looks like you finally arrived vergil, now I can get done with the task GOD gave me.

Vergil: Wait a minute women! First of all, how do you know my name and then what do mean godsend you?

Kristina: Well let's start with an intro, my name is Kristina and fir why do I know you, this whole dungeon was made by God to test you and if you finish it by defeating me, you can ask for one request and take one thing from this dungeon. And which god it is I think you know it already.

Vergil: Well then if that is so I and ready for it, so shall we start.

Without saying anything in return Kristina dashed towards Vergil and equipped some kind of armour and two blades attached to a chain from what Vergil remembered it looked like blades of chaos from God if War.

Vergil to did not wait for her to reach him and equipped his naginata and struck towards her which was blocked easily and even countered with a kick from which Vergil was pushed back.

Vergil: Well looks like I can not go easy ha then let's go! Divinity First Form.

As vergil said that his body got covered in white light and white tattoos started to form on his body which looked just like Kratos tattoo but white in colour.

It was followed by a burst of magical power from vergil who pounced towards Kristina and swung his left fist at her with his magic power added.

Kristina jumped backwards to distance herself but made an error that was Vergil's magic, as she jumped back and dodged the fist but the space in front of her cracked and a huge shockwave pushed her in the wall.

She now knew that she too could not hold back and came back stronger than before and just like that both of them engaged in a fight of weapons, fists and magic. The scene can be described as the main fight episode of DB but no shouting.

Soon Vergil could figure out that he was at the disadvantage in this fight and thought ' The hell is she made of, she can block my full power quake fist.

A quake bubble forms at the blade of the naginata, just when Kristina was about to rush at Vergil to not let him get out of the disadvantaged situation, Vergil swung his naginata at her even when there was a long-distance between them.

But to her surprise, the quake bubble flew from the blade towards her in a fast seed that she was not able to dodge. This was the Naginata Rasetsu. And to not let her recover quickly Vergil let go of his weapon on grasped the air in front of him and pulled it down while saying "Shima Yurashi"

The whole hall started to shack then the ground started to break and deform as vergil jumped back. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.-24-dungeon-boss_47633884921260463 for visiting.

Vergil: Well it looks like I will not be able to defeat her like this, but don't worry this is not even my full strength, let's take this fight up by a notch FORM SECOND

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