Fairy Tall: Tremor Man


VERGIL: you are right then we should go for now

vergil started walking but then realised something

that was .....








he did not know which direction north east is [A/N-Hahahahha what did you thought and ambush by beast no but it's just are mc is a bit dumb after being closed in a single room form whole previous life ....

what even you do not know where north east is ....]

jarvis then lead vergil to the cave where he will spend next 5 years

---------------------------next morning-------------------------

JARVIS: vergil wake up it's time for you to train

VERGIL: ya ya I am up good morning jarvis

JARVIS: good morning vergil let's start with your training

For next one year Vergil did his training in the same way bang shaped garou body before training him in martial arts and after one year he had a fit body had fine muscles for a 9 year old and would even shame some ȧduŀts but not bulky with an year gone his face has also charmed but not alot as he is till a small kid

[A/N- if you guys are thinking he will train in haki and the other skills then you are wrong the wish he asked for was only the memories of whitebeard on how to use his devil fruit and polearm with it not any other memories and if you ask why because I do not like the concept of adding haki and his polearm is already indestructible ]

During his break in the training he had an hobby to remember his mother and recall the scene that god showed him and also recall all the events of fairy tail

He also had a very nice relationship with jarvis being and system with emotions they were very close and vergil's first real and best friend

During this time me also searched for the passive skills that god told him about and he really wanted to buy two of those skills but they were also expensive and could only wait till the time he hunt beast in the forest and made some points he really did not needed points for many things as they were no magic or other active skills sold on the shop only few passive ones.

JARVIS: yes vergil your body is strong enough to learn water flowing fist crushing rock

VERGIL: so jarvis show me my status

JARVIS: yes vergil here is your status:-





STR- 820( above kid natsu )

MANA-350( low as hell )

LUCK-100 ( enough to be reincarnate again )


VERGIL: so jarvis what do you think about my progress

JARVIS: vergil your growth rate is nice and your strength level is above of kid natsu and you can learn basics of martial arts while gradually improving the strength but your mana did not progress much as you did not trained in magic and only increased because you trained daily till you are all exhausted and natural recovering process increased it.

VERGIL: so that is why my mana increase and jarvis can I only train basics of martial arts and not other moves.

JARVIS: your strength is still not enough for that I suggest that you should start with basics and then take 3 strengthening pill in a gap on 3 months each so that your strength is increased and do the same with magic pills when you are training magic.

VERGIL: then why did not I take them from the stat

JARVIS: I did not let you do so because you should have build a base of your strength otherwise it would be more of a curse rather than bringing you benefits

VERGIL: ok jarvis I will go as you say buddy

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