Fairy Tall: Tremor Man


VERGIL: ok jarvis I will go as you say buddy

Then Vergil bought some food from the system and went to sleep early as he have to start training his martial arts from tomorrow.


Next day jarvis wake Vergil up and he stared with his next phrase of training he stared with the basics of martial arts like how to position his body and how to do the movements while fighting and Jarvis pointing out his mistakes and corrected them

After first three months of training the basics he bought one strengthening pill and ate after some pain in his body he could feel the strength building up and new he could progress in his training but Jarvis also warned him to not rush things and he could only eat three of the strengthening pills and also in gap of three months each

Jarvisalso told Vergil that the strengthening pill only increases his strength by bit and the mai effect will be shown when his body mȧturės more and he keeps training in short it gave him long term advantage and not in short term

Vergil understood what jarvis told him and he also knew he could not master the water flowing fist crushing rock in these one and a half years but make him strong enough to join fairy tail and will progress over time and with the effects of the pill he knew the effects would not be wasted

In the next one and a half year he also fight with beast in the forest island to get some fighting experience and totally not because he wanted system points for the two passive skills he wanted to buy

The skills he wanted where {memory acceleration} and {memory partition} so that he could improve his fighting skills

MEMORY ACCELERATION did as the name said it increases the pace of the working of his mind and he could react faster to the situation that he usually could not like dodging his enemy

MEMORY PARTITION could help him thinking of more than one thing at the same point of time so he could take out different possibilities for the situation and act accordingly

And when both MEMORY ACCELERATION and MEMORY PARTITION worked together he could take out many possibilities quickly and act accordingly to it and one step ahead of his opponents.

But the price of both of the skills together is 1,000,00 system points which where far from his reach and could only work towards it

After one and a half years Vergil finished his training with water flowing fist crushing water and was ready to start with his training of his magic

training his magic remind yami something and asked jarvis about it

JARVIS: Vergil god had given your magic and origin

your magic is an ancient forgotten magic that is one of the most dangerous and destructive magic just like gildarths crash magic and was only above if not equal to it

It's description is the same as in one piece one of the most destructive magic which have the capability to destroy a continent of used to fullest capabilities and is named "THE RAGNAROK MAGIC" .

hearing this VERGIL was shocked that god gave his magic such origins and on par with crash magic of gildarths one of his favourite characters from fairy tail

VERGIL: thinking of it is not ragnarok magic similar to crash magic in some sense well I could take gildarths help in improving my magic and train with him.

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