Fairy Winner

Chapter 1079: Ink claw

No matter how shocked, things are born. ?

Ning Ting was also very calm. He looked at Xuan Yun and smiled slightly, "Fortunately, you didn't offer any excessive conditions, it's just a sea pillar, otherwise I will lose a lot."

A pillar of vitality is naturally nothing in his eyes.

Xuan Yun followed with a smile, "In front of the palace lord, how dare I make too many conditions? It is the best condition for the palace lord to agree to this gambling agreement."

"Not bad."

Ning Ting nodded, and glanced at Zhou Shu thoughtfully, "You can complete the bet, but it's really not easy. It seems that I might need to reconsider what I did before."

The reason why Ning Ting was reluctant to take in Xuan Yun was because Xuan Yun did not have enough value and the possibility of becoming the palace owner was very low. He would not offend Xuan An for Xuan Yun, but his feelings are a little different now. Zhou Shu’s appearance makes Xuan Yun has become valuable. It's not that he can't put his bet on Xuan Yun's side-offending Xuan An, supporting Xuan Yun as Palace Master Liuyun is also a possibility that can be considered.

Show enough ability to make others think you are valuable. This is why Zhou Shu suggested Xuan Yun to make a bet. Zhou Shu only suggested, but he did not expect Xuan Yun to agree immediately, using the treasures of the whole body as a bet. All hopes are pinned on Zhou Shu.

Xuan Yun showed a bit of joy, "I hope the palace lord will consider it more."

Ning Ting thought a little bit, but didn't give a definite answer, and shook his head, "Wait until you leave here safely. If you can continue, I think I will give more consideration."

Xuan Yun was a little disappointed, but quickly relieved, and nodded.

Ning Ting turned to Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Xuan Yun said that you have something to ask me. Now that you have come in, you are qualified. If you have anything you can say."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I just want to ask one thing, what happened to the female monk sixty years ago?"

"Sixty years ago..."

Ning Ting's expression was startled, and his half-lying body couldn't help shaking. "Are you talking about the female nun with a blue long sword?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes."

"Who is she from you?"

Ning Ting suddenly sat upright, his eyes like torches, fixed on Zhou Shu's body, and did not leave for a while.

Zhou Shu shook his head, his expression somewhat indifferent, "You don't need to ask more about this, I just want to know where she went and what happened."

"Presumptuous, dare to speak to this king like this!"

Ning Ting let out a low roar, and instantly seemed to have completely changed himself, no longer a bit old, a lot of chill in his eyes, power pouring out, the whole hall was shaking, fierce water waves surging back and forth, as if It was like a tsunami.

Xuan Yun couldn't stand at all, and could not help holding the Jin Zhu beside him, while Zhou Shu stood in the middle, motionless, staring at Ning Ting without any fear.


Ning Ting's complexion sank, and he waved his sleeves and grabbed it with one hand in the air. In the sea, that hand gradually became huge, and he threw at Zhou Shu extremely flexibly.

Zhou Shu remained motionless, a blue light flashed in his hand, and the mirror stood in front of him.

The giant hand collided with it, spreading the waves, the whirlpool surged, and many objects in the hall flew up and floated in the whirlpool, a chaos.

Ning Ting was slightly surprised, his complexion darkened.


The hand suddenly became very dark, with layers of scales attached to it, and the fingertips stretched out sharp spikes several feet long. Wherever it went, the sea became black and boiled. There were many ink bubbles. The swelling burst out, the smell was extremely unpleasant, and many tables and chairs soaked in the sea water melted without a trace in the black water in the blink of an eye.

Xuan Yun's expression changed, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Palace Master, be merciful!"

He was of the same dragon race, he recognized that the black hand came from Ning Ting's body, called Mo Jiao Claw, which was a powerful magic weapon.

Monster beasts with pure dragon bloodlines are collectively called near-dragon races.

The palace lord of the Huiyue Palace has always served as the Mojiao clan. Mojiao is the descendant of the ancient phoenix dragon. The phoenix dragon is known for its power and the most powerful among the dragon clan. Mo Jiao naturally inherited this point, although it is far inferior to the ancient beasts. , But it is also one of the best among the Jinlong races, not to mention that the Mo Jiao itself is venomous. Even if the venomous cultivator encounters a point, it will be poisoned to death, and it can continue to spread in the sea, which is really terrifying.

And this shot, I am afraid that the entire hall is within the scope, and there is nowhere to escape.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly stagnant, and he could see the power from a distance.

The power that drives the black hand is not Yuan Li, but the Jin Long Hai Clan’s unique strength, which is much stronger than Yuan Li. Combined with the Mo Jiao’s own power, it is even more difficult to deal with, let alone poison. It is also troublesome if the poison gets on the body or the sea sword, and it is not so easy to remove.

It's a little tricky, maybe it's not enough.

However, Zhou Shu could also see that Ning Ting still made his moves very well. It wasn't that he was reckless after the rage, but that he had left enough room to be retracted. It was not necessary to put Zhou Shu and Xuan Yun to death~www .ltnovel.com~ It is impossible for him to do that, but even so, Zhou Shu will definitely respond and will not ignore it. Of course, he will leave room for it.

The Treading Sea Jue suddenly jumped out, the blue light restrained, showing true expression, and a small dark blue vortex appeared in front of Zhou Shu.


Ning Ting looked startled, and suddenly thought of something.

The Eye of Guixu opened suddenly, swallowing the surrounding sea water continuously, and the suction power did not decrease, and the ink dragon claws began to fly into the whirlpool.

As if he had realized something, Ning Ting's expression changed slightly, and Mo Jiao's claws suddenly turned around and flew back.

One recall, one inhalation, for a while, it became a stalemate, and it seemed that no one could do anything about it.

There was a smile at the corner of Zhou Shu's mouth, the sword light flickered, and the eyes of the ruins were immediately released. Countless black sea water rushed out and merged into a solid water column, rushing towards Ning Ting.

Ning Ting's expression was condensed, his arms were ringed, and several black lights appeared in front of him, immediately covering the sea water and ink dragon's claws.

As the water column kept hitting Ning Ting, the black light flashed for dozens of times before it stopped, and disappeared with the water column.

Ning Nu shook his head slightly, and his very cautious expression gradually relaxed. It could be seen that Zhou Shu was struggling to cope with this.

And Zhou Shu was also a little surprised. It was the first time he encountered such a thing when he could use himself to take over the Eye of Returning to the Ruins.

Although he kept a lot of power, he didn't cast the Eye of Returning to the Ruins when the Mo Jiao's claw was three feet away from him, and he did not have the greatest power of the Eye of Returning to the Ruins, and he released it when his savings were not completed, but Ning Ting was able to withstand the blow of the Eye of Returning Ruins, and he hadn't shown any signs of injury. It was already very rare. Even a cultivator of the second layer of Tribulation Realm would not dare to take the blow by himself.

The body of the Mo Jiao clan is indeed strong, not to mention the strongest in the sea clan, but it is almost the same. 8

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