Fairy Winner

Chapter 1080: Disappear in the whirlpool

Ning Ting's expression was very different from before. He was no longer showing his senility, and showed a lot of fierceness and determination. This should be the original appearance of the lord of the first house.

"This sword..."

He stared at the sword in Zhou Shu's hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was saying something, but others couldn't hear it.

He always remembered this sword.

Ten thousand years ago, his ancestors were defeated by such a sword, and even the horns were cut in half. The remaining half of the horns were stored in Huiyue Palace, together with the portrait of the sword. , Passed on from generation to generation, he saw it from time to time and used it as a lesson. This is not to say how much hatred the Mo Jiao clan and this sword have. On the contrary, there is still a lot of kindness and righteousness in it. The people who defeated his ancestors did not kill them, leaving his ancestors a way of life, and left two rare books. The law requires the Mo Jiao clan not to invade Dongsheng Prefecture.

The Mo Jiao clan has become a fish, but they didn't expect that the other party would still be willing to negotiate terms. They agreed without much thought.

He looked at the sword, his eyes flickering, showing a strange light.

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and said slowly, "The palace master knows the real person who walks in the sea?"

Ning Ting shook his head and nodded again, "The ancestor and the real person Tahai had a relationship, so I don't know each other."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu nodded, smiling at Ning Ting, "Does the palace master plan to continue fighting?"


Ning Ting waved his hand and sat down slowly, "The Mo Jiao clan will not fight against the owner of this sword, besides, I may not have been able to fight before... Heh, the human immortal cultivator is better than us."

He sighed with a smile, and there was a trace of fatigue on his face, quite emotional.

It was not because of Treading the Sea Art. He tried his best to take over the Eye of Returning to the Ruins, which was already expending a lot of energy, and Zhou Shu on the opposite side seemed to be able to do well. Lost.

At this moment, he seemed to feel the feeling of his ancestors.

Zhou Shu stood with his sword, arched his hands, "It's just a fluke."

"It's a fluke again, haha."

Ning Ting didn't want to say more, staring at Zhou Shu slowly and said, "You know that female monk, are you here to find her?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, please also ask the palace lord to tell me what I know, Zhou is very grateful."

Ning Ting turned his head, his gaze wandered, thinking for a while before he said, "I don't know the specific situation completely..."

At that time, the Dragon Palace messenger took Zhao Yueru away on a dragon boat, but after less than half a month, Zhao Yueru suddenly changed from a primordial infant realm cultivator to a qi refiner with only a little cultivation base. Not only that, but even his appearance and temperament have changed. Looking like an ordinary fisher girl, the Dragon Palace messenger dropped Zhao Yueru down the dragon boat. Since then, there has been no more news.

Zhou Shu questioned, "No cultivation base?"

Ning Ting nodded, with a trace of doubt on his face, "I heard that the messenger of the Dragon Palace shook her palm, but I think it is impossible after thinking about it. She has become a tribute to the Dragon King, and the messenger of the Dragon Palace is unlikely to hurt her. , Probably for something else."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "How did the palace lord hear about it?"

Ning Ting said slowly, "When the Dragon Palace envoy left, I arranged some people to protect the envoy, so I got the news."

Seeing Zhao Yueru leaving, he was a little unwilling, so he sent some people to protect him along the way. In fact, in the sea, the Dragon Palace envoy with the Dragon King Order didn’t need protection at all. He was just worried that Zhao Yueru had something wrong, but where did he know it? .

Zhou Shu wondered, "Since someone is protecting, how can she not be found? At that time, she was left in the Dragon Palace and had no cultivation base. She should be able to find it soon, right?"

"I think so too, but the person who reported back said that a seabed vortex suddenly appeared outside the dragon boat, and she was directly involved in the vortex. The person I sent out immediately rushed into the vortex, but the vortex was only a blink of an eye. The time disappeared, as if it had never appeared."

Ning Ting frowned deeply, and apparently there was a lot of puzzlement, "Undersea vortices, we have seen too many. Although undersea vortices will constantly change positions with ocean currents, they never appear and disappear suddenly. It is really puzzling... "

"Will it be the palace owner..."

"will not."

Ning Ting categorically denied, "My people will never betray me, I can be sure of this."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay."

Ning Ting said so surely that he didn't seem to be lying, that is to say, Zhao Yueru was swallowed by a submarine vortex that appeared inexplicably and disappeared after that. This is really weird and tight.

Zhao Yueru had lost his cultivation base. He could expect that it was mostly Zhao Yueru's own work. She opened up all the Qi veins and penetrated them at once. Of course, the cultivation base disappeared completely. She did this to escape the Dragon Palace messenger. On the other hand, there is also a way to go, even if all the cultivation bases fall, they are not afraid, just to re-practice the sea treading technique.

But, how can she survive in the deep sea without her cultivation?

The pressure of the deep sea is unbelievable, even if the pulse state is difficult to hold for long, she is afraid that she will be crushed soon in the refining state, but she dares to do so, is it that she has been prepared?

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Shu has a feeling that the sudden appearance of the underwater vortex is related to Zhao Yueru?

He doesn’t know much about Zhao Yueru, but he knows that she is from Wanghai City. Wanghai City is the largest city among the five anti-sea cities and the closest city to the East China Sea. Wanghai City is located on the peninsula, surrounded by the sea on three sides, and has the most disputes with the sea clan. , And the sword used by the real man who treaded the sea to decide victory was also done in Wanghai City. Speaking of it, the deeds of the real person in the sea were repeatedly covered up by the Heavenly Sword Gate. It is extremely difficult for mortals to know that most immortal cultivators are also ignorant, but Zhao Yueru has known the real person in the sea since she was a child. She said she learned about it from her father. , It can be seen that her father will never be a mortal, most of them are immortal cultivators with profound family learning, coming from a good family.

Since she has a good background and excellent qualifications, no one knows about this. The only top three results in the entry test came from Zhao Yueru, a little better than Zhou Shu. She can't go anywhere, why should she go to a remote place far away from the East China Sea. Heyin sent to cultivate immortals?

She is far from Wanghai City, is she trying to escape the East China Sea?

Thinking about it this way, it is not surprising that she has some secrets.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu didn't feel a little relieved.

Zhao Yueru was taken away by the Dragon Palace messenger, he would be very worried, but now she fell into the seabed vortex alone, his worries were much less. He felt that Zhao Yueru was clever-minded, strong-willed, and trapped in a fish bubble for several years. If they survived strong, then they must still be alive now, and they are even practising Treading the Sea Art.

Even so, he still had to find a way to retrieve Zhao Yueru.

Even if Zhao Yueru has a secret, most of that secret is related to the East China Sea. She has been avoiding the East China Sea, and sooner or later she will encounter danger in the East China Sea.

(PS: Thank you Sky is Blue for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~).


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