Fairy Winner

Chapter 1305: mountain?

All the way north. Miscellaneous ↓ Zhi ↓ Insect ξ

Qingque thought about it for a long time, and it seemed that he couldn't help it, "Zhou Shu, that spirit technique..."

She now understands the difference between herself and the Jiang family. It turns out that the Jiang family cultivates spiritism, which is much higher than her spirit art. So she also has a strange idea. If she also practices spiritism, it will how?

Zhou Shu glanced at her, then understood her thoughts, and said in a concentrated voice, "Blue Sparrow, don't think about spiritism. Although spiritism is an advanced stage of spirit art, it has taken a wrong path. On the contrary, it won't be able to ascend to the sky no matter how fast it is, the spirit technique has already deviated from the soul way, and it is impossible to rise to the immortal.

Qingque nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "I think the same is true. If this is the case, you can also ascend to the immortal, it would be too unfair to heaven."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, “Don’t worry about the Jiang family anymore. They are better than you now, but they won’t be in the future. Don’t be suspicious of your own way. If you stick to it, you will definitely be able to walk your own way, Shengxian."

"Well, I understand, I won't think about it anymore."

Qingque nodded vigorously, seeming to have noticed something, and sighed unconsciously, "I have encountered temptations several times along the way, and whenever my heart deviates, I have to rely on you for guidance. I don’t know what to say, obviously I should guide you."

"Mutual, you also guided me, but you don't know it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Experience is based on mutual experience, mutual fulfillment and mutual growth."

"Hehe, this way I will listen more comfortably."

Qingque laughed, like a flower.

Leaving the beach, within a few days of walking, he entered Shiwan Dashan.

The two turned into barbarians, as they were before, no longer flying, and marching in the mountains.

On the one hand, Zhou Shu needs a lot of savage beasts and materials to improve himself. Flying in the air can’t do these things. On the other hand, there are many mysterious lakes in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains that are worth exploring, although it is basically determined that the secret realm entrance is in Demir. Mountain, but it may not be impossible elsewhere.

On the edge of the Shiwan Mountain, you can meet the Barbarian tribe from time to time, but as the two go deeper and deeper, you can hardly see the Barbarian anymore.

A land that even the barbarians have never set foot.

There are so many savage beasts, most of them are Tier 5 and Tier 6, and various materials have been discovered.

It’s worth mentioning that this kind of peculiar grass is said to have grown from the dung of the dragon clan. Although it does not contain aura, it has the breath of a dragon, but Zhou Shu did not perceive anything other than the smell. Things, if there is nothing.

Even so, Zhou Shu still collected a lot, and then built a small dragon nest for Xiao Gun in Qiankun's bag.

Xiao Gun moved in, somewhat reluctant.

The biggest reason for it to live in is not to increase the possibility of a trace of a dragon, but to avoid the nuisance of mining.

Caiying is really afraid of smelly.

Ten days later.


Qingque leaned away from his consciousness, shook his head, with a lot of excitement in his eyes, "We haven’t encountered brute beasts for several days. There must be weird among them. Most of them are powerful brutal beasts that set up their domain. Encountered a great opponent, hey."

"Go on, this opportunity should not be missed."

Zhou Shu nodded, also quite excited, if it were a high-level monster, it would have many benefits.

Not long after I left, an open space appeared in front of him.

Within thousands of miles, the ground was abnormally level, there were no hills or hills, not even a single plant of vegetation was visible, as if all had been cut off deliberately. The air was densely covered with a lot of water vapor, transpiring like fog. Keep floating in the air.

It is surprising to see such a plain in the deep mountains and old forests.

"Is it here?"

Before the words fell, the ground in the middle of the plain suddenly trembled. It was very violent. There was a shock and the earthquake wave radiated and the ground gradually cracked.

After a short while, the middle was completely sunken, and a semicircular black object slowly rose from the sunken area. It was as small as a hill and might not have a radius of nearly a thousand meters. It looked very abrupt from a distance.

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "This is..."


Qing Que shouted out first, with a strange brilliance in her eyes.

Shan Ren, an extremely rare savage beast, no, it is more appropriate to say that it is a strange beast.

It has a huge body and is considered to be one of the largest creatures on land. It looks like a tortoise and can bear the strength of three mountains and five mountains. It is the descendant of the legendary Tyrannosaurus. It is different from other animals with dragon blood. The dragon blood Quite a lot, dozens of times as many as other similar monsters, but because of their innate IQ, it is basically impossible to transform the mountain.

Mountain Reeds are extremely rare, and once they are obtained, they can get huge benefits. Any news that the sect gets it will devote all of it to arrest. For tens of thousands of years, it has not been found in the world of immortality. Encountered one in a hundred thousand mountains.

"It's a great opportunity to meet such a strange beast."

The blue bird is a little unstable, and the brilliance in his eyes is getting more and more. It is no wonder that the mountain is a treasure, and almost all of the body is filled with excellent refining materials, especially the pill armor hidden in it, and the inner pill is not necessary. It is said that even crossing the tribulation realm can increase a lot of cultivation base, and its essence and blood can very well strengthen the body, which is better than most body refining methods ~ www.ltnovel.com~ There has always been " One drop of blood, ten years of refining the body".

She glanced at Zhou Shu and said excitedly, "Zhou Shu, don't miss it."

Zhou Shu lightly nodded and smiled, "Neither you nor I will miss it...but it seems a little strange to me."

At this time, the mountain has been completely drilled out of the ground. The complete body is two li in radius, the carapace on the back is as thick as a mountain, and the pieces are covered with patterns and runes, which seems to be in accordance with certain rules. The huge body, the head is pitifully small, covered with fine scales, and two smaller eyes appear in the middle, emitting bursts of dark light.

Zhou Shu stared at the mountain remnant, his divine consciousness constantly surging, scanning like a scan, recorded the complete form of the mountain remnant, of course, the focus is on the lines on the carapace, which should be the rune pattern from the dragon family, which may be understood from it. what.

Shan Ren raised his head and suddenly let out a long hiss.

The surrounding water was surging up, and in an instant the wind and clouds were overwhelming, the sky changed color, dark clouds shrouded, and the big raindrops of soybeans couldn't help falling down.

It actually started to rain.

The Qingque's expression was stagnant, and he was surprised to say, "It can provoke the situation, it is indeed a dragon seed, and it has exerted its blood, but what is it doing? Did it find us?"


Zhou Shu was slightly calm and pointed to the sky, "It wants to overcome the catastrophe."

"Passing the robbery?"

Qingque calmed his mind, thought about it, and realized it, "Yes, changing the weather and driving away the savage beasts around is indeed a sign of triumph."

It is a great opportunity to meet the mountain relics, and to see the mountain reeds that are going through the catastrophe is a greater opportunity.

How rare, Zhou Shu has begun to calm down.

(PS: Thank you book friends 1067422755 and Little Demon Emperor for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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