Fairy Winner

Chapter 1306: Like 1

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, "What to do?" ∩Miscellaneous Ψ Chi Ψ Insects∩

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Look first, and wait for it to finish."

Qingque smiled knowingly, "Well, I think so too."

In such a situation, perhaps you should take advantage of the mountain to cross the catastrophe. The so-called take advantage of it to kill him, this approach seems very good and correct, but in fact it is very unwise.

If Zhou Shu Qingque acted at this time, Tian Dao would think that they had violated his own majesty, and transferred the catastrophe to them. Stealing chickens would not be counterproductive. Not only did they fail to take advantage of the opportunity, they would also have to take advantage of them. Resist the catastrophe, the gain is not worth the loss.

Zhou Shu has experienced similar things twice.

If it is not for profit-driven people, they would not choose to start at this time.

Zhou Shu took Xiaogun and Caiying out of Qiankun's bag.

Xiao Gun is the same dragon species as Shan Ren. In the future, Xiao Gun will definitely encounter this kind of catastrophe. Letting it feel the same kind of catastrophe will be of great benefit to it. Opportunities are hard to find for thousands of years. It was also an important reason why Zhou Shu was unwilling to disturb the tribulation of the mountain.

As for Caiying, it is here to join in the fun.

As the wizard of the sword, her way of crossing the catastrophe is different from that of the monster beast.

Xiao Gun sat obediently next to Zhou Shu, staring at the distant mountains, his expression extremely focused.

Its mind is quite mature, and it also knows what this moment means to it, shutting its mouth tightly and wholeheartedly.

The sky is getting darker, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and dark purple clouds gradually appear in the sky.

Clouds came from all directions, gathered together, and completely enveloped the hundreds of miles above the mountain. It was dozens of miles thick, and you couldn't see the head at a glance.

Feeling a strong sense of pressure, Zhou Shu's heart tightened slightly, and he glanced at Xiao Gun, but Xiao Gun opened his eyes and looked at the mountain forest without moving, seeming to completely ignore the pressure.

Very good performance.

At this time, Shan Ren had retracted his head and four feet, and the thick layers of carapace quickly filled in the gaps, and from the outside, there was no gap, like an airtight hemisphere.

No matter how hard you are, I feel confident.

At the same time, a large amount of the surrounding soil air gathered and mixed with the heavy rain caused by the mountain remnant, forming a cloud of dark gray soil slurry, which continued to fall on the mountain remnant carapace.

In just a few dozen breaths, the size of the mountain is more than doubled, and the outer layer is full of thick earth and rocks.

It is not ordinary earth and rock, it has a lot of earth movement aura, and it can match the high-level magic weapon, and it is as strong as a castle.

"It should be the second time to cross the catastrophe."

Qingque whispered, "It looks very experienced. It turned the soil underground before, it should be to better attract the spirit of soil travel."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Well, if it succeeds this time, I think it should be able to transform some parts of the dragon. I don't know if it is dragon claws or dragon scales, or something else."

Green Bird's heart moved and immediately said with joy, "Dragon Eye is the best."

"Dragon Eye is naturally excellent. It is rumored that it can change the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator, so that the spiritual consciousness can obtain special characteristics, and can penetrate all obstacles. In the future, whether on the seabed or in the rocks, it will not affect the observation range of the spiritual consciousness. , The formation that confuses divine consciousness no longer works on the cultivators. It is really the treasure of the cultivators, but it is only the second time of the catastrophe, and it is impossible to make the dragon's eyes," Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Actually The dragon scales are also pretty good, even if there are only a dozen pieces, they are enough to do many things."

Qingque curled his lips, "I just think about it, that won't work."

As the two discussed, the sky changed again. In the clouds, thick purple lightning began to flash, swimming, circling, and continuously pressing down with the clouds. The sound of deafening thunder was endless, and the world was shaking.


A shrill roar penetrated the thick carapace and rushed straight into the sky, making the clouds sway.

Dozens of lightning were affected and dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu's heart moved slightly and he was very grateful.

Qingque couldn't help saying, "It's not waiting for the tribulation to fall, but to act on the tribulation first. This mountain is also courageous, worthy of being a dragon, fearless, and the same with heaven."

"You actually did it first?"

Tiandao felt that the majesty was being provoked, and the robbery cloud became thicker, while the lightning gathered one after another, densely packed, and the sky all turned purple.

Tianwei Huanghuang, Zhou Shu and Qingque didn't feel a trace of tension, Caiying on the side was even closer to Zhou Shu's side, trembling slightly, a little frightened.

And Xiao Gun was still sitting in the wind and rain, staring at the mountain, without blinking his eyes, and disappeared from the sky full of purple TV.

This surprised Zhou Shu. He didn't expect Xiao Gun to have reached this level. It was also extremely rare among alien beasts. He had more confidence in Xiao Gun's future tribulation-provided that Xiao Gun was really calm and composed. Not being scared.

After a few glances, it was not.


Two waves of robbery thunder, one after another, slammed down one after another, and the sky trembled.

The dazzling light exploded in an instant, stabbing Zhou Shu Qingque's eyes and could only perceive it with divine consciousness.

Instantly flying sand and rocks, the layers of soil armor on the mountain reeds continued to collapse, turning into flying smoke and vanishing in the thunder.

The mountain forest was exposed, and the cracks on the thick carapace were expanding at a visible speed. Within a few breaths, hundreds of cracks close to a foot were revealed ~ www.ltnovel.com~ This double robbery is indescribable.

Qingque sighed unconsciously, "I only heard it before, but now I see it with my own eyes. It is really much harder for the dragon species to cross the calamity than the human immortal cultivator. If every calamity thunder is double, the power will be more than doubled... "

"I'm not afraid."

Xiao Gun suddenly spoke, his words were round.

Qingque was a little surprised, "Are you really afraid, why are you not afraid?"

Xiaojun stared at the mountain and didn't look back. "Why should you be afraid? Heaven is Zhou Zhou's enemy, that is, my enemy. I will not be afraid of the enemy at all. No matter how strong he is, I and Zhou Zhou are both I will defeat him."

It speaks very firmly, and its will is the same, it will not waver when anything happens.

"Zhou Zhou is Zhou Shu?"

Qingque seemed to have realized something, and looked at Zhou Shu, "Your spirit beast is psychic with you to such an extent, it is really enviable."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, with a lot of smiles in his eyes. The worries about Xiaogun before disappeared.

The words Xiao Gun said were no different from what he said. Obviously, Xiao Gun and him had the same mind. What kind of attitude he has towards the Way of Heaven, and Xiao Gun Bian, then naturally won't have any fear.


Shan Ren let out a painful long hiss, and his body couldn't help shaking. Soon, a huge tortoise-shaped shadow was formed above the body. A tremendous strength.

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The power of Jinlong has already become the essence. The classics say that Shanren's IQ is insufficient. It seems that this is not true. If it were not for the deep understanding of Jinlong's power and tactics, such a situation would not happen. "

The appearance of the tortoise shadow also indicates that Shan Ren began to use all his strength.

The shadow of the tortoise slowly fell, wherever it went, the remnants of thunder quickly dissipated, and the cracks on the carapace began to recover at a visible speed.

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