Fairy Winner

Chapter 1317: Go to the mountain

"You treat me like this, I really don't know how to be grateful. ≮Miscellaneous≒Zhi≒worm≮"

Suddenly looking at Zhou Shu, he said with emotion, "Brother Baima, I will be useful in the future, just speak up."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Brother Elephant, in fact, I have two things for you to help."

Suddenly, he slapped Zhou Shu hard and said loudly, "Say it quickly."

Zhou Shu paused and said frankly, "I'm going to Huamisi Lake in De Beer Mountain."

Mount Debir is the sacred mountain of the Sudden Tribe. It has an important position in the Sudden Tribe. It is not good to go up rashly, the Prophet will say.

Moreover, Zhou Shu has probed, knowing that there are many mechanisms or prohibitions on the mountain, which he can not easily crack. (It is not completely impossible, but if you do that, it is likely to offend the gods of the barbarian beliefs and trigger the entire tribe. His anger is not good for him), so it’s better to make it clear in advance, and to get help from the sudden appearance and avoid those institutions.

"Go to the mountain?"

Suddenly it seemed to be stunned, thinking for a while, and said quite solemnly, "Okay. Now the high priests are all conquering Shushan, and only the priests in the tribe stay behind. There is no big problem for you to go up, and no one will stop you, but my brother has to be very serious. Be careful, there are many taboos on the mountain... These are what I know, they must not be blasphemy, and they must not be destroyed, otherwise the gods will be in trouble if they blame them, and there are some things I don't know, you should pay more attention."

Zhou Shu took notes one by one and nodded gently, "Thank you Brother Xiang for telling me."

The sacred mountain is indeed dangerous. Just as suddenly as the forbidden area told him, there are ten places. In those places, ancient gods have descended and left miracles. If they accidentally break in and violate their majesty, the consequences It's hard to predict, and Zhou Shu only works for the secret realm, and doesn't want to spend more time and energy.

The miracle of the barbarian has no meaning to him.

Suddenly he nodded, "I am not a high priest yet, so I can't go up the mountain at will, so I can't accompany you. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu arched his hand, and suddenly seemed to help Zhou Shu to point the way. It was already betrayed the tribe. It is impossible for him to violate the rules again, and it is best for him to abide by the rules. If he follows, it will be troublesome.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "There is another thing, I would like to ask Brother Xiang to help me seal a new kind of wild pattern."

"The new wild pattern?"

Suddenly his expression was slightly stagnant, and he quickly understood, "Have you found a special savage beast?"

As an engraver, he suddenly seems to know that the root of the savage pattern is the savage beast.

The earliest able man who created the brutal patterns discovered that the patterns on the brutal beasts were very special. I suspected that the strength of the brutal beasts was related to these patterns, and then he would study them and come up with methods to inspire various brutal forces. This kind of wild pattern is called elephant power, which can stimulate the power of giant elephants and increase the power of engraved barbarians several times. This kind of wild pattern is obtained from the special pattern on the ivory of the double-horned giant elephant.

Of course, in order to adapt to the barbarians, many other changes were added in the engraving process.

Until now, every engraver in the tribe must have a good understanding of various savage beasts in order to better seal savage patterns.

Suddenly, when he heard the new wild pattern, he guessed that Zhou Shu met a special wild beast. It must be rare. There is no new strange wild beast handed down from the wild pattern, because he has seen the common wild pattern.

He was surprised and happy.

"Brother Xiang is really a sensible person, you should take a look at this first."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and took out a drawing that had already been prepared, with the lines on the body of the mountain reeds drawn in detail on it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Suddenly it seemed to have taken the drawing and looked at it, revealing a lot of doubts, "The circle on this side seems to be a bit similar to the cloud swallowing beast, and the floating pattern over there is somewhat similar to the stone tortoise... This is indeed on the brute There is nothing wrong with the pattern...Wonderful, it actually connects two completely opposite patterns together, and it looks harmonious and there is no conflict? How did this happen, is there such a brute... Have……"

He talked to himself from time to time, his eyes were condensed, and he was already immersed in it.

Zhou Shuwen said, "Brother Xiang, do you think these lines can be drawn into wild lines?"

"I have never seen such a pattern. It is strange and very special, but since it is on a brutal beast, it can definitely be drawn into a brutal pattern."

Suddenly he looked up, his eyes still shining brightly, "Brother White Horse, what kind of brutal beast does it come from? Does that brutal beast have any special abilities? Judging from the pattern, I feel that it should be a brutal beast of ancient times. I want to understand."

"Brother Elephant guessed right."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's the ancient barbaric beast. As for what it is, wait until Brother Elephant draws the barbaric pattern, and you'll know by trying."

"Brother White Horse, such an appetite is so distracting, it makes people worry."

Suddenly laughed like haha, "Well, even if my brother doesn’t say anything, I’ll try my best to do it well, but I’ve never seen these patterns. I need to study more days. It can be as long as three years or as short as one year. carry out."

"I'm not in a hurry, just do my best," Zhou Shu glanced at him, suspiciously, "By the way, Brother Xiang, you still don't have wild patterns?"

"There are hundreds of wild patterns I know, but there is no suitable one. I have been trapped and I don't have time to find others." Suddenly he put away the drawings and said slowly, "The wild patterns I want are not that good. I don’t know when I will find it."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Maybe this is right for you~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly I thought about it, and said quite cautiously, "When I draw the wild patterns and feel the power in the wild patterns, I will Try it. "

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's so best, Brother Elephant, I will go to the sacred mountain tomorrow, and goodbye when I descend."

"Don't have an accident."

Suddenly, he stretched out his fingers and patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder. Without saying anything, he turned around.

The next day.

Zhou Shu and Qingque headed to the mountain.

As soon as I set foot on the sacred mountain, I felt an unusual dignity. Not only was it difficult to walk, but even his mind became obscure.

Looking around, there are thick clouds floating everywhere, with different colors and different shapes. Some are crimson burning like fire, some are gray and black like a mass of mud, and some are dark green like a pot of venom...

In each cloud, there are one or several vague figures, shaking slightly.

A variety of different sounds, like whining, accusing, roaring, and calling, came from all directions and entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Zhou Shu and Qingque. The sound seemed to come from ancient times, very far away, but close to the ear. Don't live in the eardrum and stir.

Qingque's mind was shocked and trembled unconsciously.

Zhou Shu quickly caught her, "Be quiet, don't listen, don't watch."

Suddenly, the tribe’s holy land for tens of thousands of years, Shenshan, there are many traces left by the wizard gods and gods. For tens of thousands of years, the barbarian priests have been offering sacrifices. To this day, they still maintain a subtle and mysterious connection with the Kuer tribe. Most of them are humans. The opponent of the immortal cultivator will also react after sensing the immortal cultivator.

Although most gods were unable to make any actual actions, the slightest reaction was enough to shock the mind of the cultivator.

Even if it is crossing the tribulation realm, it may not be able to withstand it.

(PS: Thank you for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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