Fairy Winner

Chapter 1318: Find entrance

Compared with Qingque, Zhou Shu's spirit is more condensed, plus he was prepared for it, and he didn't perceive it with his spirit, so it was not easy to be disturbed by these emptiness. ≧Miscellaneous≮Zhi≮Cworm ≧

On the other hand, there is also the reason why the body of the Qingque Hundred Soul is too sensitive.

Qingque complied with Zhou Shu's words and withdrew the divine consciousness that was placed outside. He didn't listen to it, and stuck to his heart. Suddenly, the sense of depression was much less.

In such a place, it is a bad thing to always release the habit of spiritual perception.

Those voices continued to come, but they could no longer interfere with them.

The two of them ignored them, walked cautiously for a short half an hour, passing through the clouds and mist, and their front suddenly became clear.

The true face of the sacred mountain is also fully revealed before my eyes.

Like terraces, the vast mountains are divided into layers of areas. Large and small altars are erected in it. Hundreds of them are erected. The large ones are used to worship witch gods, and the small ones are used to worship barbarians. God’s, but no matter how big or small, it is simple and heavy, full of years of vicissitudes.

There is one altar in the east and one in the west. The arrangement is very messy, it looks like a labyrinth, and there is no way to tell.

"Follow me."

Zhou Shu asked, quite cautious.

Each altar represents a god, and each **** has a different territory, large or small, and has a different temperament, gentle or violent, but no matter what the temperament, it is against the immortals who violated their territory. Or, they will not be polite.

There is no definite path to go between the altars. Most of them have different organs. These organs are not for the defense of the immortal cultivators. If the immortal cultivators arrive here, the tribe may suddenly be on the verge of extinction, like Zhou Shu. The cultivator is really a special case-more to maintain the dignity of the gods and maintain a unique sense of mystery. When priests who believe in other gods accidentally break in, they will be punished.

Just like immortal cultivators like to enter various ruins, if the barbarians deliberately enter here, they will probably benefit from punishment, just like a trial, but Zhou Shu and Qingque have no need to do so, just go in. Waste time and energy.

According to Suddenly's instructions, the two went smoothly. It only took more than three hours to pass the intricate altar group.

Two of them were trapped in a small forest for more than two hours.

They met a savage **** named Mulu. This Mulu was called a hidden **** by the barbarians. His temperament was changeable and playful. It was a coincidence that he liked to tease others the most. He happened to find Zhou Shuhe. Qingque teased the two for a while, causing them to suffer a bit.

But nothing big.

Passing through the altar group and coming to the back of the mountain, a vast lake appeared in front of the two.

If Huamisi Lake at the foot of the mountain can be described as clear, it can only be described as transparent and flawless. If it is not specially perceived by the gods, and there is no water, then the lake water is exactly the same as the air. , There is nothing obstructing sight in it.

At a glance, it was like seeing a big hole without water.

Only two of them knew that the lake actually existed, and the lifelessness in it was much richer than that under the mountain.

Qingque had some concerns, "Is this... okay?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu probed for a while, his expression calm, "It's just that you can't stay too long, take your words, at most half an hour."

His Wu Qin Xi has been completed, it is endless, and the cycle is endless. No matter how strong the death is, the Wu Qin domain can resist it, but the consumption will be greater and the duration will be shorter.

"That's good, then we will find the entrance before going down."

Qingque nodded and looked at the bottom of the lake with all doubts in her eyes, "But...you can't see any portal at all. Is the entrance to the secret realm really inside? Look down, the bottom of the lake is full of thick star rocks. It's too possible to hide in it, does it suddenly seem to be a lie to us?"

"He won't lie to us, it's not necessary, he should be inside, I will try to find it."

Zhou Shu stared at the bottom of the lake and threw a dozen pieces of Xuanyue Gold vigorously.

Xuanyuejin is quite strong among Tier 5 materials, and it also has a certain ability to resist death.

The Xuanyuejin slowly sinks to the bottom of the lake, and it keeps getting smaller as it sinks. It takes only a dozen breaths of time from a three-foot square to the size of a grain of rice to disappear completely.

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, not knowing what he meant, only frowned thinking.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and threw out more Xuanyuejin, hundreds of them, and the positions were very average, dropping one piece every tens of feet.

Just like before, so many Xuanyuejin quickly disappeared, completely corroded by death energy.

At this time, Qingque also understood a little, "Do you think that the entrance to the secret realm has long been corroded by these lifeless auras?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, soaking in such a huge and gloomy death air, the entrance of the secret realm cannot be stable forever. It is very likely that when Xuanhu Lake becomes Huamisi Lake, it will be corroded by the death air, no Re-exist."

Qingque suddenly realized, and said with joy, "No wonder those barbarians can no longer see the portal~www.ltnovel.com~ It turns out that this is the reason! You already understand it, right?"

Looking at Zhou Shu, there were little stars in her eyes, and she admired them more and more.

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Although the portal of the secret realm entrance has been corroded, and that function is still there, you can still enter the secret realm. As long as you find the location of the secret realm entrance, you can enter."

Qingque seemed thoughtful, and followed Zhou Shu’s thoughts, “If you can’t get into the divine sense, and you can’t see it at all, it’s hard to find that place, so you use Xuanyuejin to find it slowly and use Xuanyue. Based on the trajectory of the gold's whereabouts, if Xuanyue gold moves or disappears inexplicably, it means that we have found the right... and we must find the exact location. We don’t know the secret realm, and we don’t know if we will close it after entering. , If you and I are separated by the secret realm after going down, it will be very difficult to handle."


Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "But it seems that the entrance is very deep, and Xuan Yuejin can't reach the bottom of the lake, so we need better materials."

"I have got."

The green bird nodded quickly and took out a lot of gray-black wooden branches, "This should be fine."

"This one……"

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly stagnant, and he was surprised, "Is it from the city lord?"

"Hehe, you guessed it right, it's indeed from the city lord."

The green bird smiled and shoved the wooden branches over, "The branches of Jianshizhimu, although they are withered, they are still grade 7 materials. They are quite good and should be able to withstand a little longer."

Zhou Shu took the wood sticks, only to feel that his hands sank. These dozen wood sticks might not weigh tens of thousands of catties.

He saluted, "City Lord, offended."

Under the division of the sea-treading sword, the wood sticks were quickly divided into tens of thousands of small fragments, each of which weighed more than gold and iron.

With a wave of his hand, like a goddess scattered flowers, many pieces of wood fell into the lake one after another.

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