Fairy Winner

Chapter 1334: Cathodic and anode fire beads

"Let's talk about it. ■ Miscellaneous & Chi & Worm ■"

Zhou Shu smiled and said calmly, "The magic weapon is not precious, but when it is appropriate, what should be yours is yours, and what should be mine is mine."

As he said, he picked up another magic weapon, "I hold it better than you."

Qingque blinked, "This magic weapon is very strange, two small beads are still connected together...what is it?"

As she said, they were two one-inch-diameter beads, one red and the other white, with a light golden thread in the middle. The golden thread was wrapped around a four-inch long rod, layered on top of each other. The circle does not look like a magic weapon, but more like an ordinary gadget, or the kind of rattle played by children.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, and said cautiously, "Don't underestimate it. Its name is very famous, it's called the anode and cathode fire beads."

"Anode and cathode fire beads?"

Qingque was startled, "I seem to have heard of it, is this this?"

The anode and cathode fire beads are a strange magic weapon that has long been lost.

Its production method is quite peculiar. It is first refined into two beads, called Yin Zhu Yang Zhu, each of which contains seven rare different fires. The Yang beads contain positive fires and the Yin beads contain negative fires.

The seven different fires in the small beads collide, destroy, and then merge, each forming a new different fire, the positive fire in the male bead is the anode fire, and the negative fire in the negative bead.

The newly generated anode and cathode misfires are not of equal order. They are different kinds of misfires and are much stronger than ordinary misfires.

Then connect the two beads with the Yin and Yang line. The two kinds of different fires are polar numbers, so they cannot be merged, but between the two polarities interlacing each other, a lot of energy will be generated. This energy is almost never exhausted, even if it exceeds tens of thousands. Nian is also the same as before, and this energy can be compatible with Yuanli, that is to say, the cultivator can also use it.

With that said, Zhou Shu picked up the anode and cathode fire bead, and put his fingers on the stick together, injecting a trace of vitality.


A burst of Yuan force shot out, clearly visible, as solid as a gun.

It was hitting the ground, and a very deep hole was punched, and even the ground trembled a few times, like an earthquake.

Taking a look at Qingque, Zhou Shu said slowly, "Look, its value is that even an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, with it, can display the offensive power of the God Transition Realm and even the Tribulation Realm."


Qingque Shicai also sensed that elemental power. The mighty power is indeed not far from the first-tier cultivator of the Tribulation Realm. If a cultivator of the Yuanying Realm could issue such an attack, it would be a bit scary.

If it can be mass-produced, a small sect may jump up and become one of the largest sects in the world of cultivation.

In this case, the pattern of the entire world of cultivating immortals would be changed, and she couldn't help being a little frightened when she thought of this.

As if seeing Qingque’s thoughts, Zhou Shu smiled faintly, “This magic weapon cannot be mass-produced. It is not easy to find seven different fires, and not every kind of fire can successfully form a cathode or anode. Fire, even if one of the hundreds of different fires can be fused with luck, at that time, the refining method of this magic weapon was actually widely spread, but no one succeeded, so it was lost...I guess, Xiu There is only this finished product in the fairy world."

"That's it."

Qingque nodded lightly, seeming to let go of her heart, but she was still a little confused, "That's an orphan, but it doesn't have much use for you, right?"

"Of course I didn't use it to attack."

Zhou Shu smiled, but no longer explained.

How can such a good thing be said to be useless?

With a little modification, such as using the formation method to stimulate its effects, then the anode and cathode fire beads can become an inexhaustible resource, just like a power plant, providing a long time for Zhou Shu and the Heyin faction Unchanging vitality, and there is no need to consume anything, such good things, where to look.

This unique magic weapon in the world of cultivating immortals is of great benefit to his future goals, saving a lot of manpower, material resources, and trouble.

"God is mysterious."

Qingque glared at him, raised his hand to pick up another magic weapon, and couldn't help being startled, "This lamp is really beautiful."

The light blue lampshade seems to be tattooed with the entire starry sky. I am afraid that there will not be hundreds of thousands of stars. This is not surprising. The strange thing is that the stars are still moving slowly and flashing from time to time. Will this one, that one for a while, just like the real starry sky.

The lamp is full of fog and colorful, and the wick is a pearl of unknown material, exuding a soft brilliance like water.

Looking at it, she was taken aback for a moment, "Zhou Shu, is this the star-reversing lamp?"

Inverse star lamp, ancient magic weapon, with the help of starlight, it can travel freely in the world of Xuanhuang, tens of thousands of miles in a flash, and it is an excellent mobile magic weapon.

Zhou Shu Ning looked up, as if thoughtful, "A little bit like..."

Somewhat unexpectedly, he had never heard of this magic weapon.

According to his memory, there are not so many stars in the anti-star lights in the classics. It is said that there are only hundreds of stars on the anti-star lights. They are mainly used to mark the direction of the stars, and they cannot be fixed for transmission. They are all random... …And this lamp has too many stars on it, almost all the stars that can be seen in the Xuanhuang world. If it is really an inverted star lamp, it can be positioned and transmitted. It feels impossible and unreliable.

It seems more like a magic weapon for searching for stars, but it is much higher-end than the Emei astrolabe.

He thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure what it is, but it must have something to do with the starlight power. There is no way to test it here. You can try it after you go out."

Qingque nodded and suddenly said, "Will there be starlight in it, then, can you use it to restore the demon refining pot?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I can't perceive ~www.ltnovel.com~, even if it does, it must be very restricted, and I can't solve it."

"That's a shame."

Qingque sighed lightly, "I'm still thinking, if you can use it to complete the demon refining pot, then we will have a little more confidence in dealing with the demon monkey."

"Hehe, I've already arrived here, it's too late to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, I can only rely on the existing strength."

Zhou Shu glanced at the pillar and said slowly, "But I think the magic monkey should be very weak now, not very powerful, or else it would be able to perceive us and come out a long time ago, don't worry about it. Find out more here."


Qingqueyan obeyed, handed Zhou Shu the lamp-shaped magic weapon, and picked up another one.

This magic weapon is very weird, like a small fish-shaped box, only one inch, there are many fish scale-like patterns on it, layered on top of it, and there are dozens of small holes in the mouth of the fish, and the tail of the fish is ring-shaped. It happened to ring on the finger, and it looked like a bigger ring.

"What is this, is it also a magic weapon?"

Qingque was a little strange, and unknowingly put the magic weapon on his finger.

puff! puff!

After a few abnormal noises, a few sword lights suddenly spit out from the mouth of the fish, fiercely and fiercely, and went straight to Zhou Shufei!

It happened suddenly, but Zhou Shu's reaction was also surprisingly fast. He quickly erected two strong walls in front of him, and then blocked the sea stepping sword in front of his chest.


The Sea-Treading Sword flew out directly, Zhou Shu retreated several steps in succession, two blood holes appeared on his chest, and blood oozes out quickly.

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