Fairy Winner

Chapter 1335: Sword box

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Qingque exclaimed, quickly took down the magic weapon, and walked over a few steps, "How are you?"

Zhou Shuruo smiled casually, "I'm fine, so sharp sword intent."

"Is it all right? It's all bleeding, and the sword..." Qingque looked at Zhou Shu with worry in her eyes, "I don't know what's going on, it's like that as soon as I put on that thing..."

"A little wound, don't worry about it."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I deliberately threw the Treading Sea Sword. The sword intent was too strong. I was worried that the sword could not bear it.

With that, he took out a pill and took it.

There are two sword lights directly hitting the chest, and the sharp sword intent enters the body. It is impossible to say that it is okay. Even he is using the pill, but his physique is really strong and he also has a sword intent body. I suffered some injuries, but the effect was not significant, and it would take a few days to recover.

In the past few days, he has to use the power of Dao to wear away the sword intent in his body, his sword intent and vitality are not enough to fight that sword intent.

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu for a while, and whispered, "Sorry, I shouldn't try it casually."

Zhou Shu glanced at her, took the magic weapon from her hand, and slowly said, "This is the sword box. Without recognizing the master, the sword intent in it is completely out of control. No matter who takes it, it will hurt others. , You don’t know this, you don’t have to apologize too much."

"No, I have to apologize for my fault. Fortunately, there is nothing serious, otherwise I don't know what to do..."

The blue bird stubbornly shook his head, his eyes seemed to flicker.

Zhou Shu nodded, showing a little solemnity, "Okay, then you will remember from now on, don’t just touch things you don’t know. After all, we are in ancient ruins. There are many things that you and I don’t understand. Be careful."

Qingque stared at Zhou Shu and said seriously, "Yes, I remembered it."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and said nothing more. An apology is very important, but understanding is just as important. It can make the two of them more trusting and closer.

Tahaijian flew back, complained to Zhou Shu, and stuck it beside Zhou Shu.

After a while, Qingque calmed down and pointed to the magic weapon, "Sword box? What kind of magic weapon is that?"

In her memory, it seemed that she had never heard of this term, nor did she know there was such a magic weapon.

Zhou Shu nodded, "A rare magic weapon that no one can use now."

The sword box is a magic weapon of ancient sword repair.

In ancient sword repairs, heavy sword intent was more important than everything. They often abandon cultivation, don't cultivate base, Yuan Li, etc., concentrate on sword intent, and use sword intent to gain Taoism and immortality. Even more, they condense sword intent into sword. Maru, as his own golden pill, uses his body as a sword to reach the realm of the sword body-like Li Aojian, it is such a path.

This road was very difficult, and there were very few successful people. After their deaths, the condensed sword pills did not disappear, but remained.

The sword pill contained incomparably pure sword intent. At that time, the sword repairman was reluctant to waste his ancestors' efforts, so he collected the sword pill, put it in a special box, refined it, and used it as a magic weapon.

This box is the sword box, which stores one or several sword pills. It is so powerful that if you successfully recognize the Lord, you can use the sword intent in that sword pill. If you can't recognize the Lord and use it casually, it will Hurt others and hurt yourself.

Judging from the few sword lights just now, the sword intent in this sword box is extremely powerful, and I am afraid it has exceeded the realm of Yi Nian Tiandi, and it is omnipotent. Even the sixth-order best magic weapon and the cultivator can not resist.

This is still used unintentionally. If you study it carefully, recognize the master and fully grasp it, it can exert greater power.

"So, this is a good magic weapon?"

Qingque was very pleased, "Try it quickly and let it recognize the master so that you can use it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Naturally I want to try, try now."

There is also a contented smile on his face. This sword box is one of the best magic weapons he can think of, and it can be used as he wishes, and it can be used now, which is more realistic than the previous ones. .

In fact, just to get it, this trip is not in vain.

Unlike other magic weapons to recognize the master, the sword box recognizes the master not with the blood of the cultivator, but the sword intent. As long as the sword intent of the cultivator can be integrated into the sword box, it can be recognized as the master. Use the power in the sword box smoothly.

The fish-shaped sword box lying in his hand was shining with a dim light, like an eye, choosing the right owner.

I didn't know how to recognize the Lord, so I had to try.

Zhou Shu's **** were held at the tail of the fish, and the sword intent was condensed into filaments and penetrated into the sword box.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, there was no movement for a long while.

Zhou Shu thought for a while and increased the output of the sword intent, and the sword intent became a bunch, but after a long time, there was still no movement.

Divine Sense cannot enter the sword box, nor does it have a sword body like Li Aojian. It can be sensed by pure sword intent. Now Zhou Shu knows nothing about the situation inside the sword box. If a blind person touches an elephant, he can only Keep increasing the sword intent, and then wait for the result.

As the sword intent grew more and more, even when Zhou Shu felt a little strenuous, the sword box finally changed.

The sword box shook suddenly and let out a soft whistle. The sound was not loud, but it was like a dragon's chant, circling back and forth in the cave for a long time.

Zhou Shu and Qingque stared at the sword box, their spirits shocked.

After the whistle, the sword box in his hand couldn't stop vibrating, and the scales on the box seemed to be expanding, as if it was about to fly.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel a little bit, and he increased his sword intent, wishing to inject all his sword intent into it, so much sword intent~www.ltnovel.com~ I'm afraid that even a small hill will collapse, and that inch of Xu The long sword box seems to never be full.

After absorbing Zhou Shu's sword intent, the sword box vibrated more frequently, and after a short while, it actually flew.

The ring-shaped fish tail gradually unfolded, emitting bursts of pale golden light. It was both soft and sharp. It looked soft, but it was actually very sharp. It was the light formed by the sword intent, and Zhou Shu felt happy when he felt the light.

Zhou Shu couldn't tell most of the sword intent from the sword box, but he also clearly sensed that his sword intent was also in it.

This shows that his sword intent has been accepted by the sword box and integrated into the sword pill of the sword box.

Still hesitating, Zhou Shu stretched out his finger and stretched it into the circular fishtail. At the same time, the sword intent was condensed on the finger, almost integrated with the finger.

As soon as the finger touches the fish tail, the fish tail closes immediately and wraps the finger.

At the same time, the light on the sword box became more and more intense, and the body of the sword box was completely invisible. The light spread, and Zhou Shu's fingers were also wrapped in it.

Zhou Shu couldn't see the situation either, only his fingers had a strange feeling.

After a few breaths, the light gradually faded, and when I looked again, the sword box had disappeared, and there was nothing on my fingers.

Qingque said nervously, "Nothing?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's not that it's gone, but you can't see it."

The sword box was hidden in his hand, and it was difficult for others to see it. This was a phenomenon that only happened in ancient times, and it also showed that the sword box completely accepted his sword intent and accepted him.

Recognize the Lord successfully.

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