Fairy Winner

Chapter 1367: Give us

After several days of the event, Zhou Shu left Wanghai City.

He left a lot of soul fluid, saying that it was a lot, that was in the eyes of others, in his opinion, it was just a little bit.

These soul fluids have some other magic weapons, which are rewards for the current disciples of the Heyin Sect, and they are also the capital for recruiting more disciples in the future.

Soul liquid is already the most sought-after treasure in Dongshengzhou. As long as it appears at the auction, a group of immortal cultivators will rush away, lest you miss it, and a large number of lotus cultivators with soul liquid have naturally become the most desired by immortal cultivators. Joined sect.

However, it is not easy to join the Heyin faction now. Heyin faction has passed the stage of expansion, and what is needed now is Ningque Wulan.

Following the familiar seaside, Zhou Shu went back to Lingyu City.

Looking at Donghai, many things will come to mind unconsciously, and I don't know whether the deceased is well.

Only one day away, he was called into Wushuang City by the city lord.

The city lord and Xuanhu stared at Zhou Shu for a quarter of an hour, with a very strange look.

Zhou Shu couldn't help it anymore, "You guys, what are you doing?"

Xuanhu smiled slightly and stroked his beard, "It's okay, I just want to confirm if you are still alive. It seems that you are alive now."

Zhou Shu frowned and stared, "Don't curse me, I'm not dead."

"not dead?"

The city lord glared back and shook his head and said, "Not dead? In the past few years, no matter how I summoned you and Qingque, there has been no response, and I can't even feel a trace of your message! That is to say, you are not dead. It is the promotion of immortality, but the latter is obviously impossible, so Xuanhu and I think you are dead. Is this wrong?"

Xuanhu nodded his head, quite suspicious, "Yes, it is reasonable to say that as long as you are still in the Xuanhuang world, the city lord will not be able to perceive it. You also know that Jianshi Zhimu can communicate with the Xuanhuang world."

The city lord snorted, "Where are you and Qingque hiding?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and smiled, "Still in this world, just entered the secret realm."

The city lord said angrily, "Secret realm? Impossible! What secret realm can't be discovered by me?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "City Lord, it is the secret realm of Huaguo Mountain that has been lost for a long time. Qingque and I found the entrance and went in..."

Except for a few places, Zhou Shu didn't hide anything. After a few words, the two of them shook their heads and were shocked.

"Unexpectedly, even the secret realm of Huaguo Mountain was found by you, and the city lord there hadn't found it. You also found the magic monkey back then. It turns out that the legend is true..." Xuanhu said in praise, "Such a chance encounter. , I am afraid that no one in the world of cultivating immortals can compare, so your gains must be great?"

"Ah, you have restored your eighth-order spirit veins, isn't that better than mine?"

The city lord was even more surprised, "I also spent some time in the eighth-order spiritual veins, where the origin of vitality is really strong, I grew up very quickly in it at the beginning, and laid the foundation for the future, just... alas, Later, I learned the spirit veins and veins everywhere, but the highest level I saw was only at the seventh level, and I couldn't find the eighth level anymore."

"gained a lot."

Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "What the city lord said is that if it is in the middle of the eighth-order spiritual vein, the training effect is indeed better than that of Wushuang City, but other places are still not as good as the city lord."

"What, better than Wushuang City?"

Xuanhu was taken aback, looking at Zhou Shu, his expression was a bit twisted, "Zhou Shu, if possible..."

"Senior Xuanhu needless to say, it is a great honor for the younger generation to be able to help Senior," Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "If Senior wants to go, I will definitely take Senior, but I have to wait a while and wait for me to finish some tasks. ."

He was willing to say it, so naturally he wanted to let Xuanhu go.

Wushuang City has helped him a lot, and it can be said that he has been completely connected with him. After he has discovered something, the first priority is the Heyin School and Wushuang City.

"That's great, Zhou Shu," Xuan Hu nodded vigorously, unable to hide his excitement, "I will prepare now as long as I have to wait."

For the immortal cultivator who is ambition to cross the calamity, there may be nothing more important than a good cultivation environment. After knowing that Zhou Shu has an eighth-order spiritual vein, Xuanhu, who has always been calm, can no longer hold his breath, and his heart is extremely eager. , Other things are completely forgotten.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, after some time, I will inform seniors in the city, and then we will go together."

He must return to the secret realm. Although he doesn't need to cultivate there, other people need it very much. He has already made plans.

Xuanhu repeatedly agreed, "Okay, okay..."

The city lord looked at the two of them and snorted, "An eighth-order spiritual vein makes you so happy, hum, how unstable your mentality is, Bai Jingxiu has been practicing these years."

Zhou Shu turned to the city lord and said straightly, "Troubled city lord also told Senior Bai Long that if he wants to go, juniors will be ready at any time."

The city lord said dissatisfied, "Where to go, Zhou Shu, you all ask, why don't you ask me?"

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "It’s okay for the city lord to want to go, but...you don’t need it at all, you don’t need it at all. If the cultivation base is used to determine the city lord’s Mahayana realm long ago, even if it’s a ninth-order spiritual channel, I don’t care."

A high hat was sent out, and the city lord immediately changed his complexion ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said with satisfaction, "That's pretty much the same, then I won't fight with you, you guys practice best, and I will save some trouble. ."

Xuanhu's face was full of joy, and he thought about it, "Zhou Shu, you said the blue bird is still inside?"

"Yes, she is comprehending the soul tower, so I didn't bother her."

When talking about Qingque, Zhou Shu softened a little unconsciously, "I hope she can achieve something next time I go."

"Being with you, she has a good chance," the city lord glanced at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "I used to think it would be difficult for her to survive the next catastrophe, but now it seems that she should be able to go. Farther, farther than I thought."

Zhou Shu was startled slightly, "How does the city lord know, can it be estimated?"

The city lord shook his head and said, "That is the way of your cultivators, I don't have it, I just have some experience."

Zhou Shu seems to have some understanding, sometimes, experience is more direct and accurate than calculation.

"Mu City Lord has lived for more than 20,000 years. It is rare to see people wrong." Xuan Hu looked at the City Lord thoughtfully. "It's just that the City Lord has never said this to the three of us. I am afraid that we will be discouraged. Right? But today I talked about the blue bird, the old man would like to ask too, how many times does the city lord think I can survive the catastrophe? The old man must be prepared."

"Don't tell."

The city lord shook his head and said with a smile, "Xuanhu, you don't have to play with me. I don't think you are sure. What I can tell you is that the fate of you, me and the entire Wushuang City has been changed by this guy in front of you."

Xuanhu thought for a while, and asked, "The change is good or bad?"

"I do not know either."

The city lord just shook his head and stared at Zhou Shu, "Only he can give us the answer."


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