Fairy Winner

Chapter 1368: Great changes

Both eyes fell on Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, smiled and said, "Ask me, I don't know, but it's up to people to plan and to get things done. As long as everything is well prepared, the chance of success will be high."

The city lord said irritably, "I have been preparing."

Zhou Shu bowed his hands and said, "That's good, these things are impossible without the city owner."

Xuanhu frowned slightly, "I don't know what you are talking about, what is it?"

"Xuanhu, you'll know in a few days, it's not suitable to say now."

The city lord waved his hand and turned to Zhou Shu, "When will you come to Penglai Island and take away the Ye Mingzhu you want? During this time, I have collected a lot of them, almost a hundred, huh, I have lost a lot of my treasures. "

Zhou Shu said unhappily, "Okay, the city lord, you can help a lot. I'll go later."

To restore the Demon Refining Pot, he alone is always not enough. Besides, I've been to the Temple of Stars and the Grand Ceremony of Summoning Stars. It is unrealistic to obtain a lot of starlight and star power at once, only by slowly collecting. In this regard, Wushuang City obviously has a great advantage.

These more than one hundred night pearls, if all goes well, maybe the third character of the refining demon pot can be restored to its entirety, but Zhou Shu doesn't know how to restore the fourth character, so he can only take one step to see.

"Early, I have many things to discuss with you."

The city lord nodded, his expression suddenly became serious, "Zhou Shu, you are going to Nanzhanzhou this time, did you participate in the matter between Shushan and the Barbarian?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly stagnant, "What is going on with them now?"

The city lord said condensedly, "You know? Then did you participate in it?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said seriously, "It's okay to say that it's okay to participate, or not to participate. I didn't join which side, but I got acquainted with some people on both sides, which may have affected some."

"It might be okay if you didn't join directly."

The city lord thought for a while, looked at Zhou Shu, and said solemnly, "This incident has angered Tiandao and has a great impact on the world of immortality. As far as I know, Tiandao's view on this is that all those who have participated In the future, you will encounter calamities several times larger than before, and the road to immortality will be extremely difficult. If you participate in it, it will also attract revenge from Heaven, which is definitely not a good thing for you."

"Heaven's Dao is already revenge on me, it doesn't matter if one more time or one less time."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, "City Lord, I want to know, what is the result?"

Xuanhu shook his head and said, "The sky is broken and the earth is broken, and both lose and lose."

"No one thought that Shushan would actually use the Eightfold Elder of the Cross Tribulation Realm to deal with the barbarians, and put the battlefield on the Shushan Mountain, ha," the city lord laughed, but was slightly sad, "They probably thought that with the formation The Fa can prevent the spread of Heavenly Tribulation, too naive."

Xuanhu slowly said, "Shu Mountain has five main peaks. Three of them have fallen. Three thousand miles of Shu Mountain. Nearly half of the mountain range was razed to the ground. It is said that Shu Mountain disciples have suffered heavy casualties. At least a quarter of the disciples are in the sky. There is no shortage of elites who are killed in the robbery."

"Naive, really naive."

The city lord said twice in succession, with a kind of anger and helplessness, "It sounds like a good idea to use the heavens to deal with the enemy, but Shushan doesn't want to think about it, how can the heavens be used by the cultivators? They have a wishful calculation. , But the way of heaven will never follow their wishes, the heavenly tribulation that heavenly way descends is more than ten times more violent than the normal nine-fold heavenly tribulation? Shushan, really asking for trouble."

Xuanhu nodded, "Such a catastrophe, it is impossible for Elder Shushan to successfully overcome the catastrophe, and he also suffered many disciples. This is really unwise."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Where is the barbarian?"

"Barbarians, almost the entire army is wiped out. I heard that only three high priests managed to escape. The other barbarians who attacked were all turned into ashes in the catastrophe," Xuanhu thought for a while, "have experienced this battle. , The barbarians may have to sting for thousands of years before they can return to their former conditions."

"Assault Shushan?"

The city lord was very disdainful, "It deserves it, no barbarians have tried this way for tens of thousands of years, but they did it suddenly, not looking for death? I don't understand why the barbarians would act like this, it is really stupid, can it be this? In the past few years, have there been no smart people in the barbarian tribe?"

"The barbarians have always been stupid, but what the old man can't understand is why Shushan would lead the robbery to besieged, causing such a situation where both sides suffer."

Xuanhu shook his head and sighed, "The two of them seem to have cooperated well. This time, they must fight to the death. No one of them knows that there will be an alien invasion soon? They just Don't think about it, if you fight for both losses now, then the future Nanzhanzhou will be vulnerable and easily attacked by a foreign race? No consideration of the consequences."

The two discussed the Shushan and the barbarians, and they were quite puzzled and angry.

Zhou Shu felt a slight shock in his heart. He never believed that there would be no wise men in the Barbarians and Shushan, and would not know about the alien invasion a hundred years later, but they still did.

He has been through most of the whole incident. From the beginning to the present, he has watched or participated in it. Now when he looks back and thinks about it, there seem to be many coincidences, but the ending is almost certain.

Regardless of whether Suddenly agrees to the surrender of the wizard god, Suddenly the tribe that held the ceremonial ceremony of all gods will surely launch the barbarians to attack Shushan, and even if there is no Zhou Shu sent back to Henglang Taoist~www.ltnovel.com~Zhen Yuanting will definitely raise the robbery. Of course, Shu Shan would definitely agree with his proposition to eliminate barbarism. It is just the difference between guilt and meritorious service and self-salvation.

It has long been doomed, there is no way to change it, but why did it lead to such an ending? Is anyone behind it?

Thinking of this, my heart was unconsciously terrified.

Seven hundred years ago, Emei, who had changed drastically, and the Jiang family, who had already changed, seemed to have fallen into a dilemma long ago. Now, it’s the turn of the barbarians in the Shu Mountain and the Shiwan Mountain. Nanzhanzhou is already a time of great chaos.

If the alien race from the outer world enters the world of Xuanhuang from here, Nanzhanzhou has almost no possibility of resisting it.

The city lord was also concerned about this and snorted, "It's like this now, what about when the aliens invade? Nanzhanzhou is completely unreliable. They will be the first to fall in the future."

Xuanhu seemed to be thinking, "The big changes have been accomplished, but they are also difficult to change. We only need to take care of Penglai. As for the alien invasion a hundred years later..."

Listening to the words of the two, Zhou Shu suddenly realized that there was a light in his heart.

"It may not be a hundred years."

Zhou Shu looked at the two and his eyes flashed, "The alien race is already invading the world of Xuanhuang, and the great changes in Nanzhanzhou are all caused by them. Although they did not appear on the surface, they have done countless actions in the dark. "

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