Fairy Winner

Chapter 1427: Lord Palace

"How can you help him, my palace is very unhappy!"

A little man jumped out and stared at Zhou Shu, his cheeks bulging with anger, "That Wei injury is very bad. At the beginning, he killed many people at the sword meeting. Now he has killed a good person like this. You...you are helping the gang to abuse!"

"I will use idioms."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't deny that he is bad, but I helped Xiahou Wan'er and Xiahou's family, not him."

The little man snorted, "But you helped him too. If you don't help him to hide, he will definitely be chased by the Xiahou family. Now that you help him, he can harm others freely. "

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Heaven Sword Sect has done evil to him, and he wants revenge. I have no reason to stop him."

Xiao Ren'er shook his head, "But he didn't stop hurting the Heavenly Sword Sect. Xiahou Wan'er didn't do anything. He didn't want to hurt her."

Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "Yes, it is his fault. It is really abhorrent to transfer the blame that Heaven Sword Sect should bear to others."

"Knowing that you still help him makes my palace very angry!"

The little man looked at Zhou Shu and pouted, "Such a person should be allowed to die early, and I would rather not help him than a sword."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "You are right, but the wrongdoer is wronged and the debtor is the owner. Naturally, his enemies will find him to collect the mistakes he committed, just like he seeks the Heavenly Sword Sect to collect debts. Why bother with it?"

"You mean, let Xiahou Wan'er go to collect debts?"

The little man was a little puzzled, "How to ask, she is like that."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "When she recovers, she must be promoted soon. With the Xiahou family, it is not difficult for her to deal with a Wei injury without a sword spirit?"

The little man said blankly, "But you said you helped Wei Shang conceal it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I didn't say that I kept hiding things for him. It's not my duty."

"Ah," the little person was startled, "are you trying to tell Xiahou Wan'er the truth?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I don’t need to tell anything, she knows the truth by herself. All I have to do is to ask her to seek justice later. I will help her recover and I believe she will also help me. of."

The little man said in surprise, "Isn't that Wei injury can't get anything."

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price, and no one can escape."

Zhou Shu looked into the distance and slowly said, "If he only works on the Heavenly Sword Gate, I might really help him, it's a pity."

The little man thought for a while, and whispered, "Uh, uh... I blamed you."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu lifted the little man up and put it on his hand, and gave it a double jab, "It's okay, but I am destined to be promoted together. In the future, you still have to be more obedient. I will not act against my heart. , But you shouldn’t speculate about me, and as a sword spirit, it’s very important for you to communicate with your master."

"It's already very connected, okay, my palace has always learned from you, huh."

The little man glared at Zhou Shu, "Let the palace go down, and poke the palace, this palace is shameless."


Zhou Shu burst into laughter, not only didn’t let go, but grasped tighter, the little man twisted around, quite dissatisfied, “I’ve known that I will not get this clone. There are many things, and if there is anything else, I will bother this palace..."

"Caiying, have you learned everything you taught you?"

Zhou Shu smiled and let go of his hand, with a serious expression, "It won't be long before you are about to start a big battle, which is very important to you."


The little man frowned, seemingly puzzled, but soon understood, "He Wugou, right?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "The seventh-order Wugou will never agree to take the Azure Nightmare Sword away. This battle is inevitable. I intend to let you defeat him and absorb his origin."

The little man was stunned and suddenly excited, "Ah, if you really do, this palace will definitely grow a lot, maybe it will be able to overcome the catastrophe again!"

"It's not maybe, it's for sure."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Wugo has experienced more than 30 sword slaves and spent so long in the sword pavilion. His understanding of sword intent far exceeds that of ordinary sword spirits, and he has obtained his origins, and there is no problem breaking through the first floor. "

The little person nodded, "Well, I must work hard! But... he should be very good, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Wu Gu, like you, has just crossed the catastrophe, but he has hidden many sword slaves, and he must have more combat experience than you. With the help of the Blue Nightmare sword, his strength must be above you, and Much beyond."


Xiao Ren'er showed some hesitation, but soon he hesitated and disappeared. Looking at Zhou Shu, she was very firm and said, "That's not afraid, my palace will definitely defeat him in order to become an immortal!"

"I like your arrogant and self-confident look," Zhou Shu smiled, "rest assured, I will help you naturally."

"Well, my palace won't thank you."

The little man snorted, and his little face was full of joy, "However, how do you know Wugou would never agree? He should have a good relationship with Wei Shang and won't betray him easily, right?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and said seriously~www.ltnovel.com~ No, he will definitely betray Wei Shang. "

The little man just doesn't understand, "Why?"

"Wuji has controlled many sword slaves, and it is inevitable that they are also contaminated with the obsession of the sword slaves-those sword slaves are all bitter towards Wei. For example, when Gai Feng was at the Dongsheng Sword Club, he was right It is impossible for Wei Shang’s hatred to disappear. After death, it will inevitably turn into obsessions and be entangled on the sword spirit——, with so many obsessions affecting the sword spirit, do you think Wu Gu will still obey Wei Shang’s words? The injury is stronger than Wugou, so Wugou will still tolerate it, but once Wei's injury is not as good as Wugou?"

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "And the most important thing is that in order to grow up with Jian Xiu, Jian Ling will become one with Jian Xiu, and now Wei Shang does not hold a sword at all, nor is it a sword repair! Sword Xiu is not, why would Sword Spirit listen to him? Wei Shang only controls Wu Gu, not the relationship between Sword Xiu and Sword Spirit. When Sword Spirit is stronger than him, how can he not leave?"

The little man seemed to have some enlightenment, "If you say that, this palace understands a little bit. Indeed, it's not a sword repairer anymore. What Sword Spirit is doing with him."

Zhou Shu glanced at her, nodded, and continued, "And Wei Shang still regards himself as a sword repairman, thinking that Wu Gu's relationship with him will never change. Unfortunately, it has been a thousand years... his bet. , The loser is set."

"Well, I understand now that you did everything right."

The little Ren'er nodded sensibly, suddenly looked at Zhou Shu, and blinked, "But, that...even if you are not a sword repairman, this palace will listen to you."

"Hehe, I know."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Caiying, I don't see you like other sword spirits, you are destined to be promoted with me."

"Hmph, don't be so confident, this palace will run too, and also, call me Lord Palace!"

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