Fairy Winner

Chapter 1428: Miaodi Come

Over Xiahou Villa, two lotus flowers slowly drifted closer.

The lotus was green and white. On the green lotus stood two female cultivators looking forward, while on the white lotus there was only one person, with eyes closed and eyebrows sitting like a statue.

In the hall, Xia Hou Zhaode was taken aback and stood up immediately, "Why did she come?"

Xia Houying was taken aback for a moment, but did not notice, "Duke Zhaode, who is here?"

"Stop talking, come and meet me all together."

Xia Hou Zhaode stood up slowly, walked out of the hall, the five-colored changhong, went straight to the sky, and landed in front of the lotus.

People follow the rainbow, and Xiahou Zhaode bowed his hands and described it with a serious description, "Master Miaodi is coming, and Xiahou's family has missed the welcome, which is really offensive."

The monk on the white lotus is like a girl, with a star-shaped golden sand on the front of her forehead. It is the Miaodi Immortal Master who has been living deep in the Valley of Wuguang. The Nine Ranks withered Rongtong Xuan, and the cultivation base is still above Xiahou Zhaode, she got up and paid it Yili, said indifferently, "Duke Zhaode, I haven't seen him for thousands of years, and he is still the same as before. It is really a blessing for the world of cultivating immortals."

The female cultivator on Qinglian also paid a salute, "Junior Cihangzong Yuanheyin, I have met Duke Zhaode."

"The younger generation of lotus school of Yangmei has met Zhaode."

Xiahou Zhaode smiled in return, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, "What is the matter with the immortal master coming to the Xiahou family? Could it be that my children endured things outside?"

Miao Di's lips moved slightly, "Duke Zhaode, Zhou Shu is with you, right?"


Xia Hou Zhaode was stunned, "Is it possible that the immortal master came to him specially?"

Miao Di nodded slightly without saying a word, while the Yuanhe sound beside him said warmly, "Duke Zhaode, we are indeed here to see Zhou Shu. He said he would meet us here. The reason is not clear... anyway. The matter is quite important, so please make it clear to Zhaode."

"Hehe, Xiaoyou Zhou is here."

Xia Hou Zhaode put away his surprise, and said with a gentle smile, "Then a few of you, please come with me."

"Thank you, Zhaode."

Yuan Heyin bowed his body and showed respect.

Changhong stretched all the way, hanging straight into the blue mountains, Xia Hou Zhaode stretched his sleeves, two green and white lotus floats on the rainbow, and followed.

The others didn't know what was going on, they were just stunned.

"Ah, is that the rumored Master Miaodi, the first person of Cihangzong? At least several thousand years old, but looks exactly like a girl. How could he be so young and bright, just looking like Being blown in by the spring breeze, comfortable and really intoxicating..."

"Hey, hello, hello! I said your focus is wrong, right? The point is not why she came to our Xiahou family?"

"Didn't she say that, she came to see Zhou Shu."

"How is it possible! Zhou Shu is the second stage of crossing the tribulation realm, and will let Immortal Master Miaodi, the first person of this big sect, to find him? You know, monks like Immortal Miaodi are all from the town sect. It is impossible to leave the sect for one step, even if something big happens."

"Who knows, maybe it was Zhou Shu who invited to help Xiahou Wan'er?"

"Duke Zhaode doesn't have that kind of face, right? How is Zhou Shu possible? Don't talk nonsense!"

"Then why do you say it, I can't think of it anyway."

Xia Houxuan was also at a loss. Immortal Master Miaodi visited Xiahou's family. How could this happen? Is it really for Zhou Shu?

Looking at the leisurely and content Xia Houying not far away, he suddenly felt that something was broken, and regretted why he was so mean to Zhou Shu before.



Seeing Zhou Shu, Yang Mei could not wait to run over, plunged her head into her arms, her face full of joy.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, rolled her sleeves, and stepped forward to salute, "Master Miaodi, Master Zhaode, Fairy Yuan, I don't know if the three have come in person. They have not met, so please don't blame it."

He also had some surprises in his eyes. He notified Ci Hangzong and Yang Mei in advance, hoping that Cihangzong could come to help a few people to help deal with the Yinkui tribe in Juyin Mountain, but he didn't expect that even the Immortal Master Miaodi came here personally. accident.

It seems that the Yinkui clan is really the top priority for Cihangzong.

For him, there is nothing wrong with it. He wanted to borrow a few people, but he borrowed the feeling of a whole sect.

Immortal Master Miaodi opened his eyes, glanced at Zhou Shu, shook his head and said, "It turns out that you really have reached the Second Heaven of Crossing Tribulation Realm, but I made a mistake."

Zhou Shu was slightly confused, "Well, what did the fairy master say?"

Miao Di's face was indifferent, and no one else said, "A few years ago, my disciple and I used the puppet you left to calculate once. I said that you will suffer a catastrophe, but you can be promoted to the first stage of the disaster. The disciple said that you could reach the second level. I felt a little strange, but she was right."

"It's a coincidence, the fairy master doesn't need to care."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, as if he felt something, and said with joy, "Master's disciple, is it Bian Xue?"

Miao Di did not answer, and closed his eyes again.

Xia Hou Zhaode on the side felt embarrassed, and said with a smile, "While talking, the old man is going to prepare the spiritual feast, and I also invite a few to be able to admire the light, so that the Xiahou family will be splendid."

"Zhaode has done a job."

Yuan Heyin hurriedly nodded and agreed, and Zhou Shu glanced at him, warmly said ~www.ltnovel.com~Duke Zhaode and don't worry, the monk of Ci Hangzong came, and it was related to the treatment of the sister. You can start in a few days. Duke Zhaode prepares first. "


Xia Hou Zhaode's complexion changed suddenly, and he was overjoyed. "It turns out that several people came here for Wan'er. The old man is really grateful, so let's prepare."

Miao Di remained motionless, with a calm expression, as if he had already felt it, but the Yuanhe sound was slightly stagnant, but he didn't know what Zhou Shu was saying, so he nodded gently.

Xiahou Zhaode no longer said more, and went very happy.

Miaodi still kept silent, Yuan Heyin smiled at Zhou Shu, and said with a little doubt, "Sect Master, what do you mean about the treatment of the younger sister Zhaode? I have nothing to do with the Xiahou family. It's all for the Yinkui clan. The matter is too serious. Yinkui and Cihangzong are enemies, no different from the demons. They invade the world of Xuanhuang. Cihangzong must not sit back and watch, so Master Miaodi decided Reveal the demons yourself, but... are you trying to trick Cihangzong into failing?"

"Fairy Yuan, I have no intention of this."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "The Yinkui Clan is Beiluzhou. I also want to inform you that I hope you can help. There will be no falsehood in this matter. The treatment of Xiahou Wan'er is just by the way, and there is no need for Master Miaodi to do it. There is bayberry. Just help me."

Yuan Heyin seemed to have some enlightenment, "Is that right? I'm rude for a while, don't blame Sect Master Zhou."

Yangmei said loudly, "Brother, no matter who you want to save, I will help you!"

Zhou Shu touched her head and said with a smile, "Naturally want you, you can't do without you."

Yuanheyin said warmly, "I don't know what the situation is, can Sect Master Zhou express it?"

Zhou Shu nodded and told the story a little bit, of course, not much. It was enough to let them know that Xiahou Wan'er had something.

(PS: Thank you Suzhou Jinxia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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