Fairy Winner

Chapter 1430: Continue treatment

"Very well, the heart demon has been cleansed by you."

Zhou Shu showed a trace of relief. As expected, Xiahou Wan'er's spirit was really tough and extraordinary, successfully suppressing the demons.

At this point, all the invaders in her body were cleaned up, and the rest was restored.

"Now, I am still me, I am finally me!"

The spirit jumped, unable to hide his excitement, and shouted several times.

Looking forward, she thanked her loudly, "Thank you for your life-saving grace, it is unforgettable! May I ask the name of the senior, and the junior can also remember it!"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "My name is Zhou Shu, maybe I should call you senior."

The spirit bowed down three times and said, "Zhou Shu, the younger generation remembered."

Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "Don't say this, you haven't fully recovered yet, hurry up and continue."

Xiahou Wan'er's spirit slid in all directions, and she saw that the sea of ​​consciousness around it was riddled with holes, like a broken net, and the spirit tree in the center, like dry firewood, couldn't see a trace of green, and she couldn't help but shock.

"Don't worry, I have a way, you can help me, but be careful."

"Senior Zhou has ordered that I also ask Senior to do everything possible. Even if something goes wrong, I will never blame Senior."

The white smoke gradually passed away and was taken back by the refining demon pot.

With the activation of the Fengchun Jue, a gentle force of comfort gradually penetrated into Xiahou Wan'er.

There are many divine thoughts attached to the power of Nashu. According to the figure, he quickly found the sea of ​​consciousness and covered it little by little, completely enclosing the outside of the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's like rebuilding a sea of ​​consciousness.

Xiahou Wan'er's spirit looked at all this, except for gratitude, only shock.

She couldn't think of such a magical skill, just as she couldn't, she still had a day to see the sun again.

Every plant of spiritual things, without money, turned into a pure aura in Zhou Shu's hands, continuously poured into the broken sea of ​​consciousness.

The Xiahou family at the top of the immortal cultivation world does not lack these, of course, there are also a few spiritual artifacts from Zhou Shu.

Soon, the sea of ​​consciousness was filled with mist, full of spiritual energy, and with the power of Shu Zhi guarding outside, they could not leave, and gradually condensed into liquid, forming a thin film, patching the broken sea of ​​consciousness little by little.

"Don't just look at them, use them to restore your soul."

Zhou Shu screamed, the soul came back to his senses, and quickly separated thousands of branches to accept these warm breath.

The absorption is fast, and the repair is not slow. Looking at the aura of the sea of ​​consciousness and other auras, it will gradually dissipate within a quarter of an hour, but don't worry, the spiritual things are almost endless, and they have been supplemented.

Xiahou Wan'er had no consciousness, so Zhou Shu used the magic trick to transform the spiritual thing into a spiritual energy that was easy for the soul to receive.

I don't know how long it took, the Tree of Souls finally showed a hint of green, and a few new leaves appeared.

A thick layer of spiritual fluid was also covered on Shihaibi.

With the leaves, it shows that the tree of souls has begun to play a role and has completed a very critical step. After that, Xiahou Wan'er can heal and recover by herself.

Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of relief and slowly said, "Soon, I will let go of the protection and fully restore your consciousness. You can control your body, and then use the pill to recover your body and the sea. The pill will continue to provide , The process will be very painful, but you have to hold it back. If you can’t help it, you may lose everything.”

"Senior, I am not afraid of pain, as long as I can recover I am not afraid of anything."

Shenhun replied immediately, without a trace of hesitation.

Zhou Shu turned to Yangmei and nodded gently.

Yangmei's face turned pale at this time, and she was stunned. She used too much power of compassion, and she was a little haggard, but she was still worried, "Brother, is it all right now? I can hold on for a long time. "

Walking to her, Zhou Shu held her back and smiled gently, "Yang Mei, you have done enough, and the rest is up to her. Don't worry, she will get better."

"That's fine, brother, I'm actually very tired."

Yangmei brought a lot of tenderness in her eyes, leaning gently on Zhou Shu, and looking at Xiahou Wan'er with Zhou Shu.

As the power of compassion dissipated, Xiahou Wan'er's body trembled suddenly, twitching, and her muscles were twisting, intense and terrifying.

"Brother, is she okay?"

Yang Mei was taken aback, but she was still a little worried. Zhou Shu calmly patted her head and said warmly, "Don't always think about others, don't worry, her consciousness recovers and she feels the scarred body and the sea, which will definitely be very painful. , You helped her bear a lot before, now it's her."

After waiting for a while, the trembling gradually subsided, Zhou Shu seemed to be thinking, popping out the pills one by one and feeding them into her mouth.

Zhou Shu’s spiritual thoughts still linger around her Sea of ​​Consciousness, observing her recovery, and speaking from time to time to guide her. Zhou Shu has some experience in recovering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, not to mention that in the deduction, he also calculated in advance. Many times.

With the guidance of Zhou Shu, the assistance of many high-level pills, and the aptitude of the soul that is far superior to others, it is no longer difficult to repair the sea of ​​consciousness.

A little bit of time passed~www.ltnovel.com~ Yangmei was too tired, and fell asleep by him, while Zhou Shu was full of vigor, and there was no sense of fatigue. After that, the body will no longer feel tired.

Outside the attic.

Xia Hou Zhaode and Yuan Heyin waited, with worries in their eyes. One worried was his sister, and the other worried was his disciple.

They couldn't perceive the situation inside. Although Xia Hou Zhaode didn't pay much attention to Zhou Shu's warning and tried to use his spiritual mind to detect it, it didn't work. This shocked him and also had a hint of curiosity.

He stroked his beard, "Fairy Yuan, is the relationship between Ci Hangzong and Xiaoyou Zhou good?"

Yuan Heyin nodded lightly and said neither humble nor overbearing, "Duke Zhaode, to be precise, our Ci Hang Sect and the Heyin Sect of Zhou Sect Master are in the same way."


He couldn't help being surprised, "Ci Hangzong and Heyin School, the difference between the two is too big..."

Yuan Heyin smiled lightly, "Hehe, with Sect Master Zhou, even if there is only one person in the Heyin School, Ci Hangzong is willing to ally."

Xia Hou Zhaode seemed to be thoughtful, arched his hands, "I can't imagine that Xiaoyou Zhou is so powerful, worthy of the treatment of Ci Hangzong, the reason, Yuan Fairy, can you please elaborate on one or two."

He got a lot of information from Xia Houying, but after all, he still didn't believe it and couldn't help but ask for verification.

"Speaking of which, I founded the Holland School..."

A faint flash of color flashed in Yuan Heyin's eyes, and the warm voice explained, Xia Hou Zhaode couldn't help nodding, and was speechless for a long while.

The blue mountains in the distance.

Above a small peak, he is refining the pill without mercy, and dare not slack.

Not far from him, Xia Houying fixedly looked at him, with a cold color on the corners of his mouth and a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

(PS: Thank you PYHuang for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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