Fairy Winner

Chapter 1431: wake

"She woke up?"

Yangmei glanced at the bed, seemingly thoughtful.

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "I have been awake for a while."

Yang Mei questioned, "Why don't you speak, is it still not good, can't you say it?"

"Thinking about things, it's almost the same."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, walked a few steps closer, looked at Xiahou Wan'er and said softly, "Miss Xiahou, I probably know what you are thinking, but don't think about it for now, listen to me, right?"

The show gradually opened. Xiahou Wan'er glanced at Zhou Shu, then sat up and bowed her hand in a salute. "Xiahou Wan'er, I have seen Senior Zhou Shu. Thank you Senior for helping me get rid of the evil spirits and lift my bondage. Wan'er is not grateful Do it!"

"Thank you so much."

Zhou Shu looked calm and said slowly, "I have observed you for a long time. Your spirit is extremely tough, and Shizui has also suppressed the demons. Your mind should be very clear. Then, you probably know the previous things, right?"


Xiahou Wan'er nodded and said in a straightforward voice, "That's not forgiving, it's wrong, it's Wei injury. He hurt me so deeply, and even the Xiahou family! I will avenge this grudge!"

"Sure enough."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Then I don't need to explain more. What I want to say is that you can repay this grudge, but you must repay it later."

Xiahou Wan'er immediately nodded her head and agreed, "Senior is my lifesaver, but I can't help it if I have a life, and I’m very grateful that Senior didn’t put forward any conditions before saving me, but... I want Senior to give me enough Reason."

"The grievances are clear, not bad."

Zhou Shu showed a touch of satisfaction, "The reason is very simple. I need to do something for me now without forgiveness. When the thing is done, I will do whatever you want. Before that, you need to hide yourself temporarily and still treat him as a rescuer. Your master of unforgiveness."

Xiahou Wan'er thought for a moment, "Okay."

A lot of worry flashed between his eyebrows, "Senior, I don't know if I can do it. I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself when I see him now."

"I understand that he did a lot of vicious things to you, but on the other hand, this has also increased your spirit a lot, better displayed your qualifications, and completed the Heart Slasher ahead of schedule. Cultivation must be a smooth journey."

Zhou Shuwen said, "The cultivator will inevitably suffer training. Although your training is very long and difficult, it is a good thing to have experienced it."

"Yes, Sister Wan'er."

Yangmei walked over and smiled, "Take it as a nightmare for hundreds of years. At the beginning, I had dreams for thousands of years in the heart of suffering. It was also a very difficult and uncomfortable time. , But after the experience, the state of mind and soul has been greatly improved, and the cultivation is much faster."


Xiahou Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, "Is this senior the elder of Ci Hangzong?"

Yangmei's face was reddish, and she said embarrassedly, "Don't call me senior, how can someone be your senior."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Ms. Xiahou, this is my younger sister, Yangmei from the lotus school. When she treated you before, she protected you with the power of compassion, otherwise it would be difficult for you to suffer the baptism. ."

"Thank you Senior Yang!"

Xiahou Wan'er's complexion changed slightly, and she immediately bowed her hands in a salute, "The juniors can't get up yet, just bow like this. Please don't blame the seniors."

"No blame, no blame, sister, take a good rest, don't call seniors anymore..."

Yangmei hurriedly helped her, and she only shook her head slightly. She called her sister when she saw someone, but she still resisted the word senior.

Xiahou Wan'er smiled unconsciously, and said frankly, "Okay, I won't shout in the future, but I really want to thank Sister Yang. My body is really weak and there is so much poison in it. It’s not my sister who helped me to protect me, I’m afraid I’m already dead."

"That's what I should do."

The bayberry smiled sweetly, and it really felt more comfortable.

"Hehe, my junior sister, as long as it is to save people, we must do our best."

Zhou Shu touched Yang Mei's head and smiled slightly, "Miss Xiahou, since you agreed to this matter, I won't say much."

"Senior don't worry, the junior knows what to do. Before the senior speaks, the junior will not do anything to Wei Shang and will conceal the matter. Once the senior agrees, the junior will immediately take revenge and end this grudge."

Xiahou Wan'er hugged her fist, a sharp killing intent flashed in her eyes.

This killing intent was very transparent and decisive, and there was no trace of stickiness in it. It could be seen that she no longer has distracting thoughts and demons, and only hates Wei Shang.

It can be considered a very good growth.

Zhou Shu saw that she was satisfied. This girl had a distinct grievance and resentment, and she was quite aware of things. With her genius, she would surely become the pillar of Xiahou's family in the future, and he and her have this relationship. The future Xiahou family Maybe it can also be used by him.

He smiled indifferently, "I'm anxious to come to Duke Zhaode, I'll call him in now."

"Senior is troublesome, I want to see him too."

A gleam of light flashed in Xiahou Wan'er's eyes. During the days when she lost her nature, she knew that she had done a lot of wrong things to Xiahou Zhaode, but she knew that she couldn't change anything, but now she can.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and walked out quickly with Yang Mei~www.ltnovel.com~ Xiahou Zhaode outside the attic, when he saw them, he immediately greeted them.

Xia Hou Zhaode looked anxious, staring at Zhou Shu, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say, hesitating, he was completely unlike a family tycoon who was so eager to come to such a situation.

The cultivators are not merciless. On the contrary, many cultivators are extremely affectionate, such as Wei Shang, Xiahou Zhaode, and the King of Teng.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said slowly, "Duke Zhaode does not need to be anxious, sister Ling has recovered."


Xia Hou Zhaode's complexion changed drastically, as if he was about to jump up in surprise, he was delighted for a while, and then hesitated, "Xiaoyou Zhou, isn't it a trick to the old man?"

"Of course not, Zhaode can rest assured."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Sister Ling is basically okay. It's just that she can't use her vitality and consciousness, etc., and her body is not suitable for movement, but it's not a problem. It will take some time and let Master Fuxu refine some. The right medicine will be fine."

"Thank you so much, Xiaoyou Zhou, for other things, we'll talk about it later!"

Xia Hou Zhaode arched his hand and swept into the attic like the wind, and soon heard his ecstatic shout, "Sister, are you really all right?!"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and walked down the attic with Yangmei, Yuan Heyin came over with a worried expression.

"Yang Mei, are you okay?"

Yangmei bowed and bowed, "I'm okay, Master Yuan is worried."

"It's okay, you can't have a little problem," Yuan Heyin breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in relief, then turned to Zhou Shu, showing a bit of solemnity, "Sect Master Zhou, things are almost all right, right? We can go to Juyin Mountain. The immortal master can't wait long, and she is not used to it."

"Wait a few more days, there is still something to do."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I'll talk to her in a moment."

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