Fairy Winner

Chapter 1444: Collect flowers

"You know so much about me, huh... But, I am most curious about you. You obviously used Utambula flowers. Why didn't you be tempted?"

Empress Juyin stared at Zhou Shu, but the flower in her eyes became more and more delicate w..lā

"It turns out it's called Utambula, a good name, and it's worthy of the name."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand thoughtfully, and suddenly, a beautiful flower bloomed in his palm.

The flower is not much different from the flower in the eyes of the Empress Juyin, but it is more vivid and lively. The colorful petals are sometimes light red, sometimes emerald green, blooming in a psychedelic and graceful color. Just one glance, there is a feeling of intoxication.

"How is it possible! Give me back!"

Empress Juyin's complexion changed slightly, she stretched out her bare hand, and grabbed it straight to the flower.

Zhou Shu smiled indifferently, only waved his sleeves, and an invisible wall stood up in front of him, blocking the female emperor's attack.

The female emperor missed a hit and didn't make another move. She asked sideways, "How did you do it? Not only did you not get confused by the Utambula flower, you could even take it out completely?"

"The flowers are really beautiful..."

Zhou Shu stared at the Utambula flower and shook his head slightly, "You could have influenced me, but it's a pity that you are too greedy."


The Empress Juyin stagnated, "I don't know what Zhou Shu is."

Zhou Shu raised his head and said slowly, "You took action very early, when I dealt with those Yinkui people... You know they won't be my opponents, but they don't help each other, only secretly use their own yin The power of Aoi is attached to them, and then enters my body with the power of my Dao, and when you appear, they immediately begin to take effect, forming this Utambula flower in my body."

"You understand, but it was still hit."

Empress Juyin raised her head slightly, with a trace of contentment in her eyes.

"Not to mention how you treat the same clan, the methods really make me admire, and the power of your shade is very soft and strange, you can follow the power of the Tao into the body, and even I can't detect it until I enter the body. , It's really good...I thought that only Yuanli and Sword Intent would bring disasters," Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, seeming to blame himself, "I didn't investigate carefully, this is my mistake."

The Empress Juyin glanced at Zhou Shu, slightly disdainful, "How can you be aware of it, even the great power may not know the magical effect of Utambula."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent and continued, "That Utambula flower formed in my body, and it has begun to affect my soul, and even began to shake my heart, trying to completely control my mind. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing."

Empress Juyin raised her head and smiled, "I really want to control you. From the moment you walked around Juyin Mountain, I knew that a man like you must have many uses, much better than other monks. ..."

She paused, "But you haven't told me, how did you get rid of it?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and slowly said, "You should be satisfied if it can affect my spirit, but you are not satisfied, and you have to touch other places, ha ha."

"other places?"

The Empress Juyin was startled, "Where, is there something more important to the cultivators than the soul?"

"Generally, your idea is right. If you control the soul, you can control a cultivator, but I am different. I still have something more important than the soul," Zhou Shu shook his head and said in a straightforward voice, "Even yours Utambula flowers are very strong, and there is not something you can easily influence."

Empress Juyin pursed her lips, showing a trace of boredom, "What the **** is it, don't pretend to be a ghost."

"Why should I tell you?"

The corner of Zhou Shu's mouth was slightly raised, and he said faintly, "Anyway, if two tigers are fighting, if you lose, the flower will belong to me. Seeing that it is so beautiful and colorful, there should be a lot of power of the shade. Thank you very much for the origin of you and that Utambula."


A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Empress Juyin, her killing intent was awe-inspiring, but it quickly subsided.

"Hey, I'll give it to you if you like it, I'm afraid you dare not stay."

Amidst the laughter, her figure gradually disappeared, and at the place where she was, a U-Tumboluo flower suddenly bloomed, about thirty meters in radius, and it was still expanding. The petals kept shaking and stretched towards Zhou Shu.

"Your opponent is me!"

Before Zhou Shu moved, the bayberry turned into a burst of light and flew straight towards the petals.

"Sister, I almost forgot about you. What are your skills? I want to see my sister too."

The petals were rolled and collected, enclosing the entire bayberry, and the Utambula flower shrank into the ground and disappeared in an instant.


Yuan Heyin exclaimed and hurried over.

"Don't help her, it's her own battle," Zhou Shu blocked her and said warmly, "Fairy Yuan, don't worry too much."

Yuan Heyin stagnated, "But where are they?"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "My spiritual sense cannot perceive it. It should be a place similar to a secret realm. The tactics create a special space as a battlefield to avoid being affected by the domain. The method of the Utan Witch is indeed very strange. It’s extraordinary, but Yang Mei is fine for the time being. When something happens, I will take action."

"You can't even feel it, how..."

Yuan Heyin was about to ask again, but she paused again. She understood after another thought~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu cares about Yangmei no less than anyone. Since he is okay, Yangmei is probably fine, although she I don't know how Zhou Shu judged it, but she also believed in Zhou Shu persistently.

Of course she couldn't know that Zhou Shu didn't use his spiritual sense to perceive, but instead used the eighth sense to perceive Yang Mei's location. She also confirmed that they could enter through the entrance at any time in their zone, but he didn't need to do so temporarily.

"Sect Master Zhou is like this, what do I have to worry about."

Yuan Heyin nodded slightly, "I hope she can make good use of the opportunity of this battle to successfully break through."

Zhou Shu nodded and said calmly, "I think she can do it, we just wait."

"Right, Sect Master Zhou."

Yuan Heyin looked at Zhou Shu, with a lot of expectation in his eyes, "I don’t really understand what other places of yours are, even the soul has been affected, and you can fight back through that place, even if you are not afraid of the U-Tumbal Flower that enters your body, This... is really unreasonable."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Fairy Yuan, that is my secret, but it won't take long for you to know."

The place that is inconvenient to talk to others is naturally the furnace born by Shu Zhidao.

The creation of the Dao is completed, unless the Dao is destroyed, the Dao Furnace cannot be destroyed or changed. Don't be the Utanbula flower, even if the Utanbula comes in person, it may not be able to affect the Dao Furnace.

Utan Witch's delusion to completely control Zhou Shu, it is simply an impossible task.


Yuan Heyin nodded, thought about it, and then laughed, "I don't need to ask too much. In short, Sect Master Zhou is getting stronger and stronger. This is an excellent thing, whether it is for the Heyin School or the Ci Hang School."

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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