Fairy Winner

Chapter 1445: Each other

Zhou Shu stared at the Utambula flower in his hand, and nodded slightly, quite obvious~щww~~lā

This flower can be regarded as an exotic treasure.

Although it was formed by pure strength, it felt smooth and tough to the touch. It was actually like a solid body when held in the hand. It was very weird. He didn't know how it got into his body or how it was formed. He didn't notice it with his spiritual consciousness. , It is really weird, if you can carefully explore and clarify the truth, maybe you can add some other effects to your comfort.

The Tao of Shu comes from all kinds of methods, and those who come will not refuse, it is the magic trick of another world, Zhou Shu will not abandon it, only use it with ideas.

"Sect Master Zhou, do you really want to keep it?"

Looking at Zhou Shu, Yuanheyin couldn’t help but feel a little worried, “It’s really not a good thing, Utambula flower is made of pure the power of anemone, it is all-pervasive, and it is a big worry if you are not careful. It's troublesome, and if it escapes, it will affect the sect or other people. It's good to get rid of these evil things as soon as possible."

Zhou Shu nodded, but didn't ruin it, "Fairy Yuan said something reasonable, I will pay special attention to it. I keep it for its own use."

The power of Yin Kui and Yin Kui Tactics aroused his interest. He would not give up. As for the hidden worries of the evil, he didn't care about it. If it was thrown into the Demon Refining Pot, it would naturally not affect others.

"Well, the lord takes care of it himself."

Yuan Heyin didn't persuade him anymore, his eyes didn't know where to fall, and he sighed, "Oh, I don't know what happened to Yangmei."

Zhou Shuwen said, "She's okay now, there are back and forth."

In an unknown empty secret place.

Except for the petals of Utambula flying everywhere, nothing else can be seen or perceived. There is no normal five element aura or air. Obviously, this place is a foreign space created by Utan deliberately, similar to a magical array. But it is more powerful than the phantom array and is close to reality.

In it, Yangmei has fought Youtan back and forth a few times, not giving way to each other.

"Hey...Little sister, I underestimated you."

You Tan chuckled softly, "Your strength of compassion is much stronger than that recorded in the book. It is so quintessential and tough, it can resist me four consecutive thorns. I have never encountered such a thing. In my opinion, even the old lady floating in the air is far inferior to you."

Yang Mei frowned, and said straightly, "Don't say anything to Master Miaodi, her cultivation is much higher than mine. If she came, you would have lost."

You Tan's mouth bends slightly, "Really? I don't believe it, and I'm not afraid of her at all, only you."

Yang Mei was stunned, "What are you worried about me?"

"I'm worried that you will become the worst enemy of my Yinkui Clan in the future."

Youtan's expression suddenly became cold, and his bare hands connected a little, and the yin wind suddenly rose up, bringing the surrounding petals to the bayberry, "So, I have to get rid of you completely here, sorry, little sister."

"Then you can try it."

Yangmei remained unmoved, standing in the air with a condensed expression, a faint golden light suddenly appeared on his body.

Juyin Mountain outside.

Zhou Shu saw the situation inside, and he also told the vowel lotus sound.

"Even the witch said the same..."

Yuan Heyin expressed a bit of emotion, and said slowly, "It seems that what the immortal master said is correct. Yangmei’s power of compassion has really been enlightened, and it is deeply rooted in the true meaning left by Great Immortal Cihang back then, her compassion The power of the heart is fundamentally different from the power of compassion that we cultivate. She is the power of the Tao that comes from our own enlightenment. It is not a power derived from pure cultivation. It is stronger than ours by more than one level, perhaps completely. It’s not the same power anymore."

Zhou Shu had already understood this and nodded lightly, quite proud.

"The person who knows you best is usually the opponent. To some extent, Yangmei is indeed the biggest enemy of the Yinkui tribe. On the other hand, as a Saintess of Utan, she is not Cihangzong. The two of them are each other’s worst enemy. They may not be the winners or losers in this battle, but they must have a lot of benefits for Yangmei..."

"You can realize the truth at a young age. The Daughter of Destiny is worthy of her name. We at Ci Hang Sect finally have a successor."

Yuan Heyin smiled slightly and bowed his hand to Zhou Shu, "Sect Master Zhou, please continue to look after her and search for Yu Dang. I will go outside and look at the Taoist friends of Xiahou's family. I seem to need help. The domain is just right."

Zhou Shu nodded and said knowingly, "She will be fine, so don't worry. Then I will look for it in Juyin Mountain to see how the overwhelming evil wind comes from. If it can be broken, It also saves the hard work of Master Miaodi."

The two saluted and separated, and Zhou Shu went to the depths of Juyin Mountain.

I looked carefully all the way, but I also learned a lot.

The Nayin Kui clan secretly entered the world and established the Juyin Sect. It has been operating in Beiluzhou for 20 years. It has attracted many monks, stealing, kidnapping, and doing everything. It has become the largest evil force and has gained a fortune. Zhou Shu did not Will be polite, and accept as many as you see.

The Xiahou family is rich and can be an enemy of the country, so you don’t have to and won’t find him to share the wealth, but Cihangzong doesn’t care at all. Yuan Heyin deliberately walks away, leaving him the entire Juyin Mountain~www.ltnovel.com~ Said it was looking for the remaining party, but in fact it was for Zhou Shu to find the spoils.

"There is a bottle of Seven Life Rushing Jade Pill. This is the real healing medicine, no less than Kunlun's Xiaohuan Pill."

"The Xianxian Jade, Dew Illusion Earth, and Maoling Water are all rare Tier 7 materials, which are suitable for formation and have to be taken."

"So many kinds of stone spirit stones, it is a pity that some have been contaminated by the power of the Yin Kui and cannot be used, but the rest is several times more than the whole lotus faction, and it happens to be handed to the city lord."

"What are these strange grasses? I haven't seen them before. Could they belong to the Yinkui tribe. Take them out and show them to Master Miaodi."

Zhou Shu found pleasure outside, but the fight inside became more and more intense.

"I really underestimated you."

Youtan stared at the bayberry, his smile faded away, his eyes shimmering, and the cold killing intent filled out like water.

All kinds of weird tactics, boundlessly and endlessly, attacked the bayberry, and the entire secret area was completely occupied by the power of the Yinkui, and there was no other space, which was suppressed to suffocation.

Lasted for at least half an hour.

Yangmei still insisted.

The small body stood in the air, in the faint golden light, was a firm and tenacious face.

The power of compassion took shape, like a transparent armor, completely guarding her, letting the wind and rain beat her, she stood still.

This armor is already the rudimentary form of Dao Pagoda, but it hasn't fully formed yet, so it's not as good as Zhou Shu.

"Little sister, don't know how long you can last?"

You Tan flipped his wrist slightly and showed a small colorful prism in his palm. He gave Yang Mei a cold look, "Hey!"

(Ps: It’s too late to get back today, I can barely change it, and I will make it up in a few days.)

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