Fairy Winner

Chapter 1450: Yu Yurou

In a gorgeous and exquisite hall.

A monk came in quickly and bowed to the middle, "Palace Master, there is a monk who crosses the Tribulation Realm visiting!"

"No, don't you see my palace is busy?"

Sitting in the middle of the hall, a female cultivator was holding a jade slip for viewing, and she whispered without raising her head.

The female cultivator is in perfect state of God, wearing a high-gown dress, wearing a light blue half-section, only showing small crimson lips, the lips are red, showing a bit of coquettish, but the arms are like ice, somewhat transparent, blood vessels and meridians Vaguely visible.

The monk was stagnant, and said, "Palace Master...he said his name is Zhou Shu."

"Zhou Shu?"

The female cultivator was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head and said, "But Zhou Shu from the lotus school, went to Juyin Mountain a while ago?"

The monk nodded, "It looks like there will be no fakes, Palace Master Luo also said yes, but the cultivation base..."

"What's wrong with the cultivation base?"

The female cultivator became colder, and said with disdain, "Didn't he just get the second stage after the catastrophe? Is it now the first stage, the third stage? Ridiculous!"

The cultivator hesitated for a while, "Exactly, he is already the Triple Crossing Tribulation Realm."


The lady's face tightened and she almost stood up.

"It has only been a few years since I have improved the triple level. Who is he? How could there be such a thing... but I can't do it in one piece. It's really damn, damned..."

Sakura's lips moved slightly, and although no sound came out, anyone could clearly feel her dissatisfaction and jealousy.

The cultivator stood there, not daring to move, and only whispered, "Should the palace master go to see him? It's better to go and meet, after all, it is the great cultivator who crossed the Tribulation Realm, and he said he wanted to ask the palace owner For some things about Zhu Xiaorou, I still need to find Zhu Xiaorou."

The female cultivator stood up slowly, her voice became much colder, "Is it threatening the palace? Even if you cross the Tribulation Realm, you shouldn’t have such courage. It’s just that the little guy who has cultivated for a hundred years has more adventures. It's ridiculous to dare to come and threaten the Chongyang Palace."

The cultivator quickly said, "Yes, yes, the disciple also thinks he is a bit nonsense."

The female cultivator waved her hand, "Well, my palace will go to see him and ask him to go to Taiheyuan."

After a pause, she said again, "In addition, apart from a few hall masters, call Elder Yun, Elder Ou and Elder Tao together."

"Yes, Palace Master."

The monk answered, but the female sister secretly thought, "Look for Zhu Xiaorou, does he know that something happened to Zhu Xiaorou? But... it's not good to find Zhu Xiaorou if you can't let him do what he wants, and let him know that it was me on purpose."

An inexplicable fear surged in her heart, and she stood there for a while before slowly leaving.


It's probably one of the largest in the palace complex. It's probably not tens of miles away. It's all made of Chongyang gold. The outside is luxurious and luxurious, and the inside is wider than the outside, and it's more luxurious and luxurious. It's hard to say.

Luo Renhao smiled and said, "Sect Master Zhou, let's take a rest in this Taihe Courtyard. The Palace Master will come soon."


Zhou Shu lightly nodded, glanced in the hall, and smiled, "The Chongyang Palace is well-deserved, and it is full of magnificent magnificence, as if there are a hundred suns. All the way, the eyes are about to flicker, ha ha."

"We feel that way too."

Luo Renhao unknowingly followed, "Except for Huayin Palace and Ningshui Courtyard, almost everything in the Chongyang Palace is like this. Every day is like suffering from a fire. The disciples are extremely yang, but this kind of environment is very good for the disciples. There are also many benefits, such as cultivating anode tactics, condensing different fires, etc. I am afraid that there is no better one in the world of cultivating immortals."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I heard that the Chongyang Palace is the largest sect with the most different fires, and the disciples are good at different fires. What I saw today, it is true."

"Sect Master Zhou is right."

Luo Renhao nodded, quite complacent, "This is really not a boast. It is said that there are ten different fires in the world, and Chongyang has the only five. There are only 16 kinds of seventh-order different fires that have been passed down to the world. Eight of them..."

During the greeting, there was a tumult at the courtyard gate, and a group of people walked in slowly.

The one who walked in the front was naturally the female nun in that temple, that is, Yu Yurou, the current lord of the Chongyang Palace.

Behind her, following several elders across the Tribulation Realm, with no arrogance, glanced at Zhou Shu, but there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Zhou Shu stood up and smiled, calmly facing it. It's normal for the Chongyang Palace and other veteran sects to look down on the sudden rise of the small sect. Besides, Zhou Shu was just a cultivator of the gods a few years ago. , Compared with other big sects, the tolerance of the Chongyang Palace is significantly different, both up and down, and perhaps it has nothing to do with the current palace owner.

Yu Yurou walked to the courtyard, arched her hands at Zhou Shu, and sat down immediately. Others also sat in a row, not looking at Zhou Shu more.

The owner was all seated, but Zhou Shu was still standing, Luo Renhao didn't feel a little embarrassed, and Zhou Shu sat down with a calm expression, smiling.

"Sect Master Zhou, I have been looking up for a long time."

Yu Yurou turned to Zhou Shu and said faintly, "I don't know why Sect Master Zhou is here today?"

Zhou Shu gave a hand and said calmly, "I am here to wish Xiaorou for my Taoist companion. I heard that Zhu Xiaorou is missing. I want to ask the lord something. I also hope that the palace lord will tell the truth. Besides, I want to go to the Qilin Temple in your palace. , To investigate the whereabouts of Zhu Xiaorou, and also ask the Palace Master to consider."


An elder suddenly stood up ~www.ltnovel.com~ and scolded, "How dare you talk to the palace lord like this, who do you think you are!?"

The other elder also frowned, "Sect Master Zhou, you are too blunt, you just want the palace master to tell you something and let you enter the Kylin Palace, what reason do you have? Then Zhu Xiaorou is from my Double Ninth Palace Disciple, even if we look for it, we will look for it. What does it have to do with you?"

Yu Yurou sat firmly, without a word, with a smile on her mouth.

Zhou Shu glanced at a few people and said indifferently, "Several elders are so angry, I asked myself if Zhou Shu has not offended you, why is it so aggressive? I just said the request frankly, it seems that there is nothing wrong. , And I asked Palace Master Yu...what do you think, Palace Master Yu?"

Yu Yurou stroked her hands, motioned the elders to sit down, turned to Zhou Shu, and smiled faintly, "Sect Master Zhou, how did you know that Xiao Rou was missing? I'm afraid it is not a rumor? As far as I know, Xiao Rou is fine now. of."

"Hehe, Yu Palace Master's words are not correct."

Zhou Shu shook his head and slowly said, "Palace Master punishes Xiao Rou to face the wall of the Kylin Temple. Later, Xiao Rou disappeared. I have already investigated these things clearly, and Palace Master Yu doesn't have to hide it anymore."

Yu Yurou's complexion stagnated, and she was a little speechless.

"Dare to investigate our Chongyang Palace!"

The elder behind him immediately stood up again and shouted, "Who do you think you are? You have committed a great taboo in the world of immortality!"

"Yes, a big taboo!"

The other elder did not show weakness, and followed, "You are very ignorant of the suzerain. The monks from Dongshengzhou came to our Beiluzhou to destroy the Juyin sect. This should not be the case. Now they are still coming to our Chongyang Palace to find trouble. What is your intention? Are you deceiving me in Beiluzhou?"

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