Fairy Winner

Chapter 1451: place it here

"Elder Ou, Elder Tao, wait a minute."

Yu Yurou waved her hand and turned to Zhou Shu, "Sect Master Zhou, this palace thinks that you are a rising star and the lord of a sect. It gives you three points of courtesy and does not blame you for speaking out and disrespect, but you privately investigate the affairs of the Chongyang Palace. It is unwise and unkind, but I don't know how you can explain it?"

Zhou Shu thoughtfully said, "So, then I have to thank the palace lord?"

"This is not necessary."

Yu Yurou said indifferently, "My palace admits that Xiao Rou is indeed not in the palace, but she is fine now, and this is a matter of our Chongyang Palace, which has nothing to do with you. If you come as a guest, the Chongyang Palace will naturally welcome you. , But if you want to make other requests, I’m afraid you won’t be able to do so."

An elder nodded and followed, "Sect Master Zhou, if you want to enter the Kylin Temple, that is absolutely impossible. The three halls are the important sites of the Chongyang Palace, especially the Kylin Temple. It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter. ."

"What I said was to find Xiaorou, but I clearly wanted to find a reason to enter the Kylin Palace."

The other elder snorted, "But the Chongyang Palace is not Juyin Mountain, nor is it the Xiahou family, not a place where you can come and go freely."

Zhou Shu looked over there and said that the two elders were both in ancient years. The one with a short beard and a snowflake is Elder Tao, and the one with a black beard and chest is Elder Ou Maochun. The two of them have ruddy complexions and seem to be dripping with oil. Well, it is indeed the appearance of extremely high yang energy and extremely high anger. There is also an elder named Yun Yuantian who has not spoken. He looks much younger and more stable, but his cultivation is better than those two. One level higher, is already a five-fold monk crossing the Tribulation Realm.

In terms of strength, Zhou Shu can easily subdue them, but this is in the Chongyang Palace.

The status of the six major sects is placed here. Among them, there are not many old antique cultivators, and there are no fewer than ten people who cross the tribulation realm above the seventh level.

Zhou Shu is not afraid of himself, but doing so is not good for himself and the Heyin school, and it is even more impossible to find Zhu Xiaorou.

It was also unexpected that why the Chongyang Palace was so hostile to him, it was because Zhu Xiaorou, the palace lord of the Chongyang Palace, or something else, was it really because he and the Xiahou family destroyed the Ju Yin Sect and caused the Chongyang Palace's resentment?

Hard to say.

Before figuring out the whole story, Zhou Shu didn't intend to make any outrageous actions, there was no need.

However, it is impossible to do nothing, without showing a little bit of strength, they still don't know what it means to Zhou Shu.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu gently nodded, "What the palace lord said is that I was a little bit abrupt in this matter."

Yu Yurou breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Sect Master Zhou doesn't have to say that, I don't know anything about it, this palace will not blame you."

"Hmph, it's nothing more than the boasting outside."

The two elders beside her nodded triumphantly, and they looked at Zhou Shu with contempt.

Zhou Shu just ignored it and said slowly, "The Qilin Temple will not mention it for the time being, but I also ask the palace lord to give me an explanation as soon as possible about my Taoist friend Xiaorou."

"Explain, what do you want to explain?"

Tao Chapter turned dark and said loudly, "We need to explain to you about our Chongyang Palace?"

Ou Maochun followed, "It is only you and Zhu Ningshan who say yes to the Taoist couple. We did not agree with the Chongyang Palace. I wish you little and gentle, you have nothing to do with you, don't come to make trouble."

Zhou Shu glanced at the two of them and looked at Yu Yujudo, "These two elders are so aggressive, isn't it from the palace lord's instruction?"

Yu Yurou twitched her lips and shook her head, "The elders have their own opinions, and this palace can't control it."

"That's good."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and turned to the two of them, "The two elders, you and I have never known each other in your life, why do you see each other like enemies? Even so, you don't have to see kung fu in your mouth. Can you learn something?"

Tao Chapter snorted softly, and said, "Also, let the old man see what you have."

Ou Maochun was also quite happy, "How you want to learn, let's talk about it, no matter where you are, the old man can accompany you."

"Just here."

Zhou Shu's expression was indifferent, and a long sword slipped quietly from his sleeve, hanging in the air, swinging.

The monks in the courtyard all looked at it curiously, but were quickly disappointed.

"I thought it was a baby, it was only Tier 3."

"It's all about Tier 3, it's actually a low-grade Feijian, and a dignified sect master can use this magic weapon, how poor the Heyin Sect should be."


Tao Chapter even leaned forward with a smile, "Sect Master Zhou, the old man heard that you are a sword repairer. Could it be that you are a sword repairer with this sword?"

Ou Maochun showed some caution, "Does Sect Master Zhou want to use this sword to compete with me?"

"It's not a contest, you are not worth my shot."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and looked at the sword in his hand intently. A layer of white smoke gradually enveloped the sword. Then, when he let go, the flying sword fell vertically and inserted three inches into the ground, most of which was exposed.

"Ignorant child, how arrogant!"

Tao Zhang's complexion was flushed, his beard and hair were wide, and he almost jumped out, blocked by Ou Maochun, "Let's see what he is going to do."

They knew that Zhou Shu practiced extremely fast, but they didn’t know much about his true strength. Since Yurou took power, the Chongyang Palace had rarely left Beiluzhou, and during the Juyin Mountain battle, although they had investigated, they only saw Cihangzong. He played with the Xiahou family and didn't see how Zhou Shu was.

Zhou Shu looked around and slowly said, "My sword is here. Who can break it, I will turn around and leave without saying more."

Everyone was in an uproar.


"It's too simple, the sword is not a lower grade of Tier 3, and it breaks as soon as you reach out."

"If you want to be beautiful, he will definitely protect it, saying that it's a shattering sword~www.ltnovel.com~ Actually, you have to defeat him."

"Even if it is protected, it is difficult. The sword is too fragile. It will shatter when touched with only a little power. Not to mention the cultivator who crosses the catastrophe, even a cultivator of the gods can do it easily."

"That said, it is enough for two elemental forces to oscillate with each other to destroy it. Tier 3 is inferior, and it doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the battlefield, and it instantly becomes scum."

Zhou Shu just smiled when he heard the sound, "Everyone, I won't do anything, just stand here and watch."

As he said, he stepped back three feet and looked at everyone leisurely, "No matter who you are, you can break or destroy it by any method. If you want to make a move, you can try it now."


"No shot?"

"That can't be done by anyone, what is he going to do?"

The crowd was even more uproar, only the few elders were slightly thinking and started talking.

"Although the sword is a waste, the white smoke attached to the sword is a bit strange."

"The old man has never seen the power in the white smoke. He feels weak but tenacious. It should be very strong. I don't know what he is practicing... But no matter what, I am afraid that he can't protect the sword. The two forces collided. , The sword head bears the brunt, mostly destroyed."

"Yes, just a ray of power from the body plus a little bit of divine thoughts, I want to protect the sword completely, it is really wishful thinking."

"There is no need for us to act, just let a disciple go."

Soon, a monk stood up and saluted, "Elder Ou, why do you need the elder himself to do such trivial matters? The disciples are willing to do it for you."

"it is good."

Ou Maochun nodded, "Xu An, it's up to you to give it a try, and let this Sect Master Zhou see what the Chongyang Palace is capable of."

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