Fairy Winner

Chapter 1457: Very simple


Zhou Shuqing sighed, "I deeply regret what happened to the Yun family."

"Sorry, is regret useful?"

Yun blamed the gods with a calm look, "After that, the Yun family began to decline, and the 10,000-year-old family became a wasteland. Not to mention the first family in the world. Today, only three people are still there. All this is out of practice. From the demon pot."

He looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes sharp as a knife.

Zhou Shu was right and nodded, "Yes, the Yun family's affairs are indeed the fault of refining the demon pot."

Yun Yingtian stagnated slightly, and said slowly, "Friends of the Taoist understand, that is the best."

Zhou Shu nodded, "This is a fact, there is nothing difficult to understand."

Zhou Shu was wary of the refining demon pot. Zhou Shu would never fully believe what it said. After all, Tiandao and Wushuang City Lord had both said about its inferiorities, and now Yun Yingtian has recounted it again, of course he I am more willing to believe that Yun Yutian.

Yun Yingtian nodded slightly, "For generations, the Yun family has regarded the demon refining pot as a dead enemy. The various characteristics of the demon refining pot have also been passed down from generation to generation. The children dare not forget a little. If you "plug" the sword in the courtyard, the layer of white smoke is the strength training formula from the demon pot, I can't read it wrong."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Elder Yun looks pretty good, the demon refining pot is in my hand at this time."

"Sure enough!"

Yun Yingtian stared at Zhou Shu. Although he tried his best to control his emotions, his figure still couldn't stop shaking.

After tens of thousands of years of grievances, I finally saw the enemy, how could it be calm.

Zhou Shuwen said, "The elders should not be too "excited"."

"Agitated? I am not agitated. I am just happy. I finally saw the culprit who harmed my Yun family. I am too happy, hahaha!"

Yun resented the sky and smiled, only knowing that it was getting colder and colder.

The laughter continued, and a huge force suddenly appeared, surrounding Zhou Shu.

That power was clearly visible, and it was a pale red'color', which was transformed by the real fire of Double Ninth. Although scattered, it was more than several times stronger than the previous Tao chapter.

Zhou Shu felt it for himself, and only shook his head slightly, "Elder Yun, what are you going to do?"

"What to do, of course is revenge!"

Yun Yutian's beard and hair are all open, his face is red, and there is a hint of kindness, "Give me the demon refining pot, I will not hurt you, I must destroy it, at all costs!" "

He said coldly, "Don't even think about using the strength training technique. My Yun family has studied for tens of thousands of years, and there has long been a way to crack it."

Zhou Shu didn't move, only shook his head, "Can you destroy it if you get it?"

Yun Yutian stagnated, "Huh?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's a divine tool, co-existing with the Xuanhuang world. When Heaven and Dao joined the three divine tools to make a shot, they only stripped of its origin. After silence, it can regenerate. You are just crossing the Fifth Heaven. How can I destroy it?"

"Ah, neither the Heavenly Dao nor the Divine Tool can destroy it?"

Yun Yutian was stunned.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, I also know something you don't know, when this demon refining pot wants to refine the mysterious yellow world..."

Yun Yingtian was dumbfounded.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "So, Elder, you can't destroy it."

"Then, wouldn't it be impossible to avenge revenge?!"

Yun Yingtian's eyes were sad, but soon, his expression was livid, "Anyway, I have to try it, fellow Taoist, please let me go."

"I will not'hand over' it to you."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said slowly, "However, I can avenge you in the future."

"What, can you avenge me?"

Yun Yingtian couldn't believe it.

"Yes," Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "I can. It has killed the Xuanhuang world several times and deserves retribution."

What he said was very sincere, because he really thought so, the demon refining pot had passed the bottom line he could tolerate, and he didn't plan to keep it long.

"It sounds good!"

Yun Yingtian shook his head vigorously, "Don't think I don't know. The reason why you have cultivated so fast and reached today's level in hundreds of years is all thanks to the demon pot. You are afraid that you have bowed your head to it, how can you pay for it? Will avenge me?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I practice fast. It really has something to do with the Demon Refining Pot. If I rely on it, it will be enough. It can help me only so much. As for the head and ears? It is even more impossible. It is just my tool. Not really."

"how come?"

Yun Yingtian said suspiciously, "The pursuit of power by the cultivator is endless, and the demon pot can satisfy the desire of the cultivator. How could you not listen to it? Are you not a cultivator? Only me In this way, a person with ten thousand years of hatred can resist this kind of temptation or you can't do it!"

"I can do it."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, without a trace of ‘wave’ on his face, “Because what I’m looking for is not something that the Demon Refining Pot can give me, it’s not qualified.”

The goal he wants to achieve is determined from the first day of cultivating immortality. It is to reach the peak of the immortal world. If refining the demon pot can help him achieve this, he may use any means to help refine the demon pot, but the refining of the demon pot cannot. Demon Pot, I'm afraid it is a golden fairy at best. Compared with his goal, what's the deal?

What's more, as a Taoist person, it's enough to rely on and promote one's own Tao, so why not look for a despicable artifact like a refining demon pot.


Yun Yutian was startled, and muttered ~www.ltnovel.com~ The demon pot is not qualified, so what is qualified..."

"You will know later."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Just trust me now, and I will give you an'explain' in the future. And..."

After a pause, he waved his sleeves, seemingly understatement, until his power was so great that the power of the real fire surrounding him was immediately driven away, and there was no trace of it. "I don't need to refine the demon pot, you can't hurt you. To mine."

Yun Yuantian was sluggish, and he felt the true fire being returned intact. He only felt powerless. That power was stronger than the strength training art of the demon pot, and it was much more decent.

"It turns out that you are so strong..."

He whispered, "Then why do you tell me so much, just kill me and it's over."

"The elder is worried."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I acted according to my heart, and you didn't do anything to me, why did you kill you? I also thank you for telling me about the demon pot refining."


Yun Yingtian slowly withdrew the power of true fire and looked at Zhou Shu, "At this time, even if I don't believe it, I must believe it. I can only put hope on you, right?"

There were many pleadings in his eyes.

The cultivator who can cross the Tribulation Realm can do this, showing how deep he hates the Demon Refining Pot, and he also has irresistible sadness in his heart. He cannot avenge himself, so he can only hope for others.

Zhou Shuwen said, "I won't let you down. That is what I want to do, and I will definitely do it."

Yun Yingtian hesitated for a while, "Could you ask, how are you going to destroy the demon refining pot?"

"Very simple."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Achieve a golden fairy, and then destroy it."


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