Fairy Winner

Chapter 1458: Not allowed

"Gold...Gold...Golden fairy?"

Yun Yingtian thought he had heard it wrong, but looking at Zhou Shu's calm face, he knew that Zhou Shu really thought so.

He was stunned again.

He had never seen anyone who could just say things like promotion to Jinxian casually. This is the world of Xuanhuang, where no one has been promoted to power in twenty thousand years.

If he knew that Zhou Shu once said that he wanted to be holy, wouldn't he be too scared to move?

Different goals have different ideas.

Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "The Demon Refining Pot has done so many things, it is nothing more than wanting to achieve the position of the Golden Immortal, but it is in my hands now, it will never be possible, I will achieve it before it. Jinxian, then destroy it."

What he thinks is not to destroy all of it, but to destroy the spirituality in the refining pot. As for the refining pot itself, its ninth-level material may be able to be made into other magic weapons. Of course, this is only later. Things to consider.

Yun Yutian paused for a while, then slowly said, "It seems that I can only believe in you, Sect Master Zhou."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Yes."

"I have changed other people. Anyone stronger than me will not explain to me like this. Sect Master's kindness, I can't thank God enough."

Yun Yingtian solemnly bowed, "Sect Master Zhou, thank you very much."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to help, and said with a gentle face, "Elder Yun doesn't have to be like this, this is what I want to do."

Yun Yingtian nodded, and said carefully, "The demon refining pot, won't you hear it?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, it is completely within my control. I want it to hear it before it can hear it. By the way, you said before that you have a formula for restraining refining strength, what is that? , Does this kind of tactics really exist?"

He was a little puzzled. There may indeed be powers that cannot be refined by the strength training formula, but it must be the power of the Tao after enlightenment, and it is extremely pure and exquisite. Even if Zhou Shu’s current Shu Zhili, it cannot be said that he is not afraid of the strength training formula. How can Yun Yutian have it?

Yun Yutian nodded lightly, "Yes."


Zhou Shu became more and more curious.

"Actually, it's not difficult to say. Don't just give up this life," Yun Huitian sighed slightly, "Smash the soul and blend it into the strength, and the strength refining formula will not be effective. If I force refining, I The broken soul may enter the demon refining pot, but I cannot ask for it."

Zhou Shu looked stagnant and was speechless for a while.

If the obsession of revenge is too strong and it blends with strength, the strength training art that can only be used for strength training will naturally not be refined. However, if you do that, the soul of the cultivator will not be able to recover again, which is equivalent to death to crack Lian Li Jue.

The Yun Family knew a lot about the Demon Refining Pot, and coupled with the deep hatred, only they could come up with such a method.

"But there is the Sovereign, I'm afraid I won't be able to use this method, haha."

Yun Yingtian smiled bitterly and slowly said, "Sect Master Zhou, I want to remind you again that the demon refining pot is very cunning, no matter what it says, it is best not to believe it, otherwise you will regret it."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded, seeming to understand, "The Demon Refining Pot said that his refining art can only be used by the master's master and can only increase the master's cultivation level. Is this true?"

"The front is real, but the back is not."

Yun Yuantian shook his head, "The three refining techniques can only be used by those who have the demon refining pot, but the benefits can be shared with others. The soul refining technique can condense a kind of transparent liquid that the cultivator can absorb. Later, the spirit and consciousness are added, and the refining formula can get a light black liquid, and the cultivator can increase the cultivation base after using it. As for the refining formula, I have discovered before that the suzerain is not completely able to use it. According to the truth, The power obtained through refining can directly counter the opponent, not completely disappearing. The Demon Refining Pot relied on this to defeat many of my Yun family elders and disciples. This was its only attack method."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

I was deceived by the Demon Refining Pot, but fortunately I encountered Yun Yuantian, or else I would continue to be deceived.

He was a little doubtful before, how could the strength-refining art only be used to expand the demon refining pot, which is clearly the same as refining the soul by refining objects, and the power obtained is extremely pure, why can't it be used? It now seems that those things that were obtained were all taken by the Demon Refining Pot itself, and it can be obtained from the refining objects and souls, I am afraid it will deduct a lot from it.

The feeling of not being able to control is really bad. From this point of view, the demon refining pot cannot be kept.

And in the future, you must be more cautious.

It is rare to meet a monk who understands the demon pot, he will not miss it, and asked a lot of questions about the demon pot, and they confirmed each other, and we can draw a conclusion that the demon pot deceived him, and many times, but from now on In the future, I am afraid it will not be so easy to cheat.

"Thank you elder for letting me know."

Zhou Shu politely saluted.

Yun Yingtian hurriedly returned the courtesy, not daring to neglect the slightest, "Sect Master does not need to be like this. I also hope that the Demon Refining Pot will be destroyed as soon as possible, so naturally I will answer."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "Elder, I still have some doubts, and I want to ask."

"Just say it."

As if thinking of something, Yun Yingtian's expression stagnated, "It's about the Chongyang Palace, right?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Yes, I really don't know much about the Double Ninth Palace~www.ltnovel.com~ Dare to ask the elders to clarify, especially the Lord Nayu."

"It's not just you, most of the Chongyang Palace don't know her anymore..."

Yun Yingtian sighed lightly, and said slowly, "Sect Master doesn't understand the Chongyang Palace, so I'll say it's better to be more careful."

Because the Yang Qi is too strong, the Chongyang Palace pays attention to mutual cultivation, the status of female cultivators has naturally risen, and the female cultivators are also very competitive. Over the years, below the crossing of the catastrophe, the strength of the female cultivators is more than that of the male cultivators, and it is still much higher. The female cultivators acted carefully and carefully, so thousands of years ago, the Chongyang Palace set the rules and the master of the Chongyang Palace was held by female cultivators.

After the current palace lord is promoted to elder, the palace lord of Huayin will automatically take over as the next palace lord.

The Chongyang Palace has two palaces, three halls and four courtyards. The two palaces are Huayin Palace and Chunyang Palace. The owners of the palace are the most qualified and capable monks of the gods, and they are almost destined to survive the catastrophe.

Hundreds of years ago, the last palace lord succeeded in crossing the robbery, and then the palace lord of Huayin Palace Yu Yurou became the lord of Chongyang Palace.

The other palace owners are focused on cultivation, but Yu Yurou prefers to handle palace affairs and constantly changes the old rules. The Chongyang Palace changes almost every day.

Maybe Yu Yurou wanted her to be imprinted on the Double Ninth Palace and become a figure that has been passed down through the ages, or maybe she felt that she had a high qualification and would definitely be able to overcome the catastrophe without having to concentrate at all. In short, she and other female cultivators did not the same.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, already a little bit understood, "It seems that he is a person with an inflated desire for power."

Such people are difficult to evaluate, but if they go the wrong way, they will often do a lot of incredible things.

He was stagnant, and said suspiciously, "A Palace Master of the Transformation God Realm, shouldn't he have such great rights?"



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