Fairy Winner

Chapter 1465: Chongyang Real People

Zhou Shu and Hongxin looked at each other, and it took a long time without knowing it.

Zhou Shu always kept calm, and there was a rare piety, which was a respect for the holy beast.

"It is indeed a great opportunity, the younger generation is terrified."

He slowly said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the blood of this unicorn should belong to the real person of Chongyang, and you, predecessor, are the ray of divine thought left by the real person of Chongyang in this world."

"Yes, how did you guess it?"

Red Heart paused, very surprised.

"Senior has given me enough information. If I can't guess it, it would be too stupid."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "But I still have a lot of things I don't understand, so I would like to ask seniors to tell me."

The red heart flashed a few times and slowly said, "Yes. But after I tell you, I hope you can accept this drop of unicorn blood. I don’t have time to wait any longer. There is only you, and they, and mine. Disciples, none of them can get it."

"Senior, please say."

Zhou Shu didn't agree or object, just lightly nodded.

The red heart in front of us is indeed the real person on Double Ninth Festival back then, leaving behind a ray of divine thought, extremely persistent, and has not disappeared. The purpose of its persistent existence is to know the right descendants for the blood of the unicorn and help the fire unicorn clan achieve great Yes, it leads to the fairy world.

The fire unicorn family inherited the blood of the sacred unicorn, and it is also a rare beast in the world.

Although they are very similar to unicorns, they have seven or eight points, but the bloodline they inherited has great shortcomings. Without the strong power of unicorns, they are enough to travel through ten days to enter the fairy world, and they can't transform and achieve the 9th level. , Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Fire Qi Beast to reach the power level.

The only difference is the Chongyang real person, the reason is the blood of the unicorn.

In the cub stage, he inadvertently got a drop of true Qilin's blood. After blending into his own blood, his subsequent cultivation was naturally smooth and smoothly transformed into the only demon cultivation of the Fire Qi Beast clan. After that, he cultivated to great power and became him. The look you want.

Fire Qi beasts have always been close to humans, and the Chongyang real person is no exception. After becoming a demon cultivator, he established the Chongyang Palace.

Be able to pass on the various methods and tactics obtained from my research to mankind, help mankind, and become a master by himself. At the same time, he can help human beings to help the fire beasts, so that the fire beasts have a stable and comfortable home, thereby promoting the harmony of the two races. Why not?

After doing all these things, the real person of Chongyang can be regarded as a successful retreat, and he left, but when he left, he left behind his divine consciousness and the blood of a unicorn.

That drop of blood is still very important to him who has achieved great power, but it is more important to the future generations. He hopes that drop of blood can help his people, and the achievement of great power from generation to generation will make the fire unicorn beast a real Be strong.

But reality is often much crueler than hope.

Generations of fire unicorns either could not accept the blood of unicorns, or they could not ascend to immortals after receiving the blood of unicorns. They were prevented by the tribulation and eventually perished.

The blood of the unicorn can not help all the fire unicorns. Only when chance and ability are achieved can it be effective. As time goes by, his spiritual thoughts decay day by day, and that desire gradually becomes a bubble.


Red Heart sighed, "Tens of thousands of years ago, there were two very talented clansmen who were very hopeful of leaving the world of Xuanhuang, but when they were going through the last two calamities, they were faced with a catastrophe that was many times stronger than before. It’s me back then, and it’s hard to say that I'm going through it safely, let alone they..."

Zhou Shu Ruo has realized, "

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Was it the reason why God's way of the prison? "

The red heart shook suddenly, "You know?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "The junior knows a thing or two, but he doesn't know much, and he is definitely not as good as the senior."

"Yes, Pu Lao."

Red Heart sighed, showing a lot of sorrow, "I never thought that Pu Lao would have obtained the position of the Heavenly Dao in the Xuanhuang Realm. He and I, his race and the fire unicorn clan, have always been opponents, and now he is in charge of Xuanhuang. Realm, how could I let my people go... Since then, I have known that the Fire Qi beast clan may no longer be promoted."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Senior is in the immortal world, can't he do something?"


Red Heart just shook his head, "The Immortal Realm is not as beautiful as you yearn for. It is a hundred times more cruel than the Xuanhuang Realm. The power here is like a chicken and dog in the Immortal Realm. It is not easy to get ahead. Reading in the Xuanhuang Realm already violated the rules of the Immortal Realm, and it is not easy to be able to linger..."

He didn't want to say more, Zhou Shu didn't ask any more.

At this point, the real person of Chongyang no longer left the blood of the unicorn to the next generation, because he knew that once the blood of the unicorn fell into the hands of Pu Lao, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the fire unicorn family would really be cut off.

He is in the holy land of the clan, that is, here, guarding the blood of the unicorn, waiting for the appearance of people who change the fate.

It is a person, not a fire unicorn.

He knew very well that the inherently lacking Fire Qi beasts could no longer fight Pu Lao, but it is possible for human immortal cultivators. With the relationship between Fire Qi beasts and humans, as long as the fire Qi beasts defeated Pu Lao, the Fire Qi beasts would There is a chance to rise again.

The fire unicorn beasts in the clan will receive the call of the blood of the unicorn before they die ~www.ltnovel.com~, come to this crater, and give their remaining blood and soul to the real person of Chongyang to protect the blood of the unicorn. , While maintaining the divine consciousness of the Chongyang real person to survive, it is possible for the Fire Qi Beast clan to continue.

The Chongyang real person, through the fire unicorn, passed the news of finding the inheritor to the palace owner of the Chongyang Palace at that time, allowing them to secretly find suitable disciples.

The palace lord who received the news at first was extremely pleased and continued to bring outstanding disciples to the Chongyang real person, even at the expense of going there in person, but the result was very disappointing to them. No one was able to come out and all fell.

This has been the case for tens of thousands of years.

The inheritance of the Chongyang real person is not so good. There is no one who can accept the blood of a unicorn.

Five thousand years ago, the palace lord at the time gave an order not to send qualified disciples to the Kylin Palace. This was because it weakened the strength of the Chongyang Palace and made it impossible for the Chongyang Palace to compete with other major sects. The matter was sealed up and no one was allowed to mention it again.

However, a generation of Fire Qi beasts has lost a lot of abilities, and can no longer communicate well with immortal cultivators and pass information.

The Chongyang real person who only has divine mind can not leave the ancestral land, there is no way to change this situation, and can only watch.

So the later palace lord hardly knew that this happened.

The wait is long, the vicissitudes of life, the Xuanhuang world has undergone several changes, and it is difficult to rise to the eighth rank of the fire unicorns. They are rapidly declining, their qualifications are getting worse and worse, and the number is getting less and less, and more than 700 years ago, The last Fire Qi beast also died.

Without the Fire Qi Beast, the Chongyang real person's spirituality completely cut off the connection with the Chongyang Palace.

The wish became a bubble.

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