Fairy Winner

Chapter 1466: Pierce the mind

Zhou Shu looked at the red heart, shook his head unconsciously, and sighed secretly.

I want to work hard to change, but I can't find a suitable person. I can only watch my offspring die from generation to generation, and there is no one. I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years. It is sad to think about it.

Speaking of it, the real Chongyang person can be described as painstakingly lonely, but doing so will not take care of both sides, and it is not very good for himself and future generations.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said, "Senior, you did something wrong."

"make a mistake?"

Red Heart glanced at Zhou Shu, "Where did it go wrong?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Senior, if you ascend into the fairy world with the blood of a unicorn, your life in the fairy world may not be very sad, and your status may be high. Seniors have talents and hard work, and they can even win the heaven of the mysterious yellow world. Location, wouldn’t it be better to take care of future generations at that time?"

"It's your human immortal cultivator who wants to be transparent..."

He was shocked and sighed softly, "But how could I be willing to leave like this at the time? I am the only power of the fire unicorn clan. If I don't take care of my children and grandchildren, who can take care of..."

"Senior licked the calf with deep affection, it was the junior's gaffe."

Zhou Shu nodded and did not continue the topic.

Real Chongyang made such a choice. His reason is that he, an outsider, is not qualified to judge. He just changed him and would never do it. If he left, he would leave. There is no need to worry about it anymore. Focus on yourself. .

But he also knew that even if the Heyin faction did not have its own, it could survive very well, and the fire unicorn might not.

The normal sect of the immortal cultivator is different from that of the demons and beasts that cannot transform.

After a pause, he doubted, "Senior, I have a question. How did the Chongyang Palace disciples get here before?"

"After getting my permission, the fire unicorn will bring them in, just like you."

The red heart said slowly, "The bones of the fire unicorns have the same effect, but they must be with spirits. Intact bones or top beads can be used." A beam of light flew out and pointed to the two lying people." Do you want to ask them? They have the top bead on their body, so they entered here, but now, the top bead has been absorbed by the blood of the unicorn."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu nodded, staring at the two people not far away, seemingly thoughtful.

Zhu Xiaorou probably came in unintentionally, and Zhu Ningshan was mostly sucked in by the gate when he was looking for it, but what is suspicious is why they have the top beads of the fire unicorn beasts. They are by no means ordinary materials. They are afraid of the Chongyang Palace. There are not many of them, and Zhou Shu knows every inch of Zhu Xiaorou's body very well. She definitely didn't have this top bead before, that is to say, she got it later.

Red Heart said slowly, "You don't have to worry too much. They have been in a coma for less than 20 years, and they can still be saved, but if it exceeds a hundred years, it won't work."

Zhou Shu turned around, showing a bit dignified, "How to save?"

"Their bodies can't bear the blood of the unicorn, and the blood of the unicorn quickly retreated, but the remaining unicorn aura imprisoned their spirits, making them unable to wake up," Red Heart paused, "I forcibly infused them. The blood of the unicorn, I haven't seen the cultivator for too long, so I don't want to miss a little opportunity... You can blame me, as long as you are willing to accept the blood of the unicorn, you can do anything to me."

"Don't mention this for now."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You used to give the Qilin blood to the cultivators to help them help the fire unicorn clan, but now the fire unicorn clan has completely disappeared except for you, even the fire unicorn beasts are gone. , You are still doing this, but for what?"

The red heart stagnated, and did not speak for a while.

This is a very important place, he has been covering up, but he does not want to be asked by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Actually, I can guess and understand the predecessor's thoughts."

Red Heart was startled, "Can you understand?"

"Yes," Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Senior probably wanted me to absorb the blood of the unicorn, and when I was ascended to the immortal world, I would find a way to take back the blood of the unicorn and make up for it. The previous mistakes, with the blood of the unicorn, seniors can also fight for more resources and a better position in the fairy world.


The red heart shook a few times, "How do you...you...how do you know?" He was shocked.

Yes, after the fire unicorn clan of the Profound Yellow Realm was completely destroyed, he wanted to help the tribe and couldn’t help. The only thing he could do was to take back the blood of the unicorn and get a better foothold in the immortal realm, but he couldn’t be in the lower realm and couldn’t do this. Point, I hope others can bring it.

He never expected that Zhou Shu would directly tell his worries.

In front of him, Zhou Shu looked like a cultivator crossing the Tribulation Realm. His wisdom and knowledge were simply stronger than his power.


Zhou Shuqing sighed, "In the Profound Yellow Realm, the power is light and gentle. He thinks that he has a high level of cultivation. Nothing can be appreciated. If you want to give up, you can give up. You don't have to bring important magic weapons and blood. Go, I thought that in the fairy world, as a mighty one, you can still call for the wind and rain, and you can do anything you want, but wherever you think, the fairy world and the mysterious yellow world are completely different, without sufficient strength, you can't find the place to stand~www.ltnovel.com ~But it's too late to regret at this time."

"How can you know, how can you see so clearly?"

Red Heart was really stunned. A cultivator who crossed the Tribulation Realm in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, seemed to have experienced countless things, even the things in the Realm Realm could be so thorough.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly and did not answer.

His experience is very different from other immortal cultivators, and he knows more about it. Later, he learned about the human emperor and the refining of the demon pot, which also made him understand the difference between the immortal world and the mysterious yellow world, so that he could say this.

He looked at the red heart and slowly said, "I know what seniors think, but it does not mean that I will reject seniors. If seniors can send the information of Qilin's blood, I might consider doing this a favor and help seniors bring Qilin's blood with them. Go to the fairy world and exchange it with seniors."

"Are you willing to help me?"

Red Heart was surprised, "Really?"

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "It depends on whether the senior is sincere. If it is covered up, even if it is a little bit of concealment... I can find out in the future. I can guarantee that you will be the one who will suffer. It must be honest."

To get the blood of the unicorn, the blood of the guardian sacred beast, he will be more handy when facing foreign invasions in the future, and he will be able to better protect the people he wants to protect. It is definitely his best opportunity to question now.

However, although Qilin's blood is very good, it is not Zhou Shu's most important reliance, he has the way of comfort.

In his eyes, after ascending to an immortal, he can rely on Shu Zhi Dao the most, which is also the basis for reaching the peak, while Qilin’s blood will lose most of its value. Going out to obtain a friendship in the fairy world is not a different thing. A good thing.

The premise is that the friendship is worth paying for.

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