Fairy Winner

Chapter 1475: Sharp edge

Twenty-five breaths passed.

This may be the longest twenty-five breaths that Zhou Shu has spent. In the face of the continuous fire pillar attacks, he can only escape in a flash. He has used it for hundreds of times. With Zhou Shu’s body, he can’t help it. Cold sweat.

But it's almost there.

He has calculated many useful things, such as the power of the Double Ninth Real Fire Pillar, the possible gaps and so on.

That power, although extremely powerful, can resist both Shu Zhili and the unskilled Qilin power.

However, there will be a certain amount of consumption. Compared with Shu Zhili, the consumption of Qilin's power will be less, but even if it is only a little less, Zhou Shu is very distressed.

The blood of the unicorn has just been integrated, and the power of the unicorn he can use is not much, and he needs a lot of the power of the unicorn to refine himself and make himself more adaptable to the blood of the unicorn. During this period, even if a little unicorn power is wasted, it will be delayed. Zhou Shu's time to completely control Qilin's blood is not worth it.

Still use Shu's strength.

How to use, be careful, not deliberately confrontation, but ask for an opportunity.

Through many confrontations, Zhou Shu has discovered that Flowing Fire is inextricably linked to the plate in the hands of Total Uneasy. The magic weapon of that plate is the hub that controls the Flowing Fire Array and the Real Fire Body. Just find the flaws. Destroying that magic weapon or cutting off the connection can change the situation and win.

But now he still can't see the specific situation of that plate.

Because the limit of the sea of ​​fire is too great, the divine sense cannot leave too far, and as soon as his divine sense approaches the plate, it will be dissipated by the huge double-nine real fire, and more than half of it will not exist, unable to return enough information, even with the divine sense, The result was not much better.

Wait a while.

"How long can you hold on?"

Uneasy and shook his head lightly, a hint of intolerance flashed in his eyes, "You have exceeded your limit several times, and the origin should have suffered a lot of damage. As for the body, most of it is already broken. If you continue, you will soon Burst and die."

"Isn't that as you wished?"

Zhou Shu stood steady and looked calm.

Uneasy and slowly said, "You and I have no deep hatred, how can I rush to kill, it's just that you are making senseless struggles yourself, if you concede as soon as possible, I will let you go."

"Are there any requirements?"

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Then Elder Yun set up an ambush here, but for what?"

"Chongyang Palace is not a place for you to come and go."

He said in a uneasy voice, but after looking at Zhou Shu, he shook his head again, "I thought...if you can show more abilities, I might have other ideas, but now, that's all. That's it, admit defeat."

Looking at his expression, he looked a little disappointed, and Zhou Shu could figure out the reason.

It was all uneasy and still suspected that Zhou Shu entered the Kylin Temple. He wanted to confirm it. If it was true, he even wanted to **** what Zhou Shu got from the Kylin Temple. However, Zhou Shu’s ability now made him feel that Zhou Shu But this is also the case, it is impossible to enter the Kylin Temple, as for things, it is naturally gone.

"That's it."

Zhou Shuruo nodded with enlightenment, but his eyes sharpened quickly, "Unfortunately, you and I are still in the balance."

All uneasy snorted, and said disdainfully, "You are stubborn, so you can do it."

The plate shrouded in the flames vibrated slightly, and nearly a hundred pillars of fire poured in one after another, up and down, left and right, and even the locations where Zhou Shu wanted to escape in an instant were all sealed.

When Zhou Shu was calculating him, he was also calculating Zhou Shu's flaws. Since he found out, he would never show mercy.

But this time, Zhou Shu didn't think of escaping again.

A colorless and transparent tower suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Shu, with a few flashes of light, soft but powerful, blocking all the fire pillars that rushed out, and none of them could touch Zhou Shu.


Uneasy exclaimed softly, staring at Zhou Shu, a trace of abnormal blush suddenly appeared on his pale face, and the excitement was more than shocked, "You, actually condensed the Tao Tower?"

Zhou Shu didn't answer, taking advantage of the moment of anxiety and surprise, he suddenly shot.

Above the tower, a sharp blade suddenly stretched out, tracing a straight line in the sea of ​​flames, and rushing towards the whole uneasy.

The use of Shu Zhili's tactics comes from the Shuxin Sutra created by Zhou Shu, which converges the extremely solid Shu Zhili into a sharp blade, breaking everything.

At this moment, Zhou Shu planned to destroy the disc-shaped magic weapon with one blow.

"Very well, well hidden."

He calmed down in a moment of uneasiness. With a slight rotation of the magic weapon in his hand, nearly a hundred pillars of fire immediately turned around and twisted each other, forming many layers of twisted fire walls in front of the sharp blades. The walls were twisted and twisted, and there were many small whirlpools.

Making such a defensive wall obviously has the essentials of true fire power, which can not only gather one's own heat, but also dissipate the opposite attack.

Zhou Shu understood this reason, and the light on the Taoist tower was more glorious, and Shu Zhi's sharp blade moved forward without any intention of stopping or turning.

Just head to head.

It's not that Zhou Shu is stubborn, but that this method has no other changes, only a sudden advance.

Shu Zhi Dao is all-inclusive, as is Shu Xin Jing. Peace is more than advancing, and defense is stronger than offense. However, if you are peaceful, you will lose your spirit. Zhou Shu can grasp the degree and retract freely, but the disciples who practice Shu Xin Jing It may not be possible. If things go on like this, it will not be beneficial to Shu Zhidao~www.ltnovel.com~ So Zhou Shu created this method to help his disciples increase their vigor.

Bang, bang!

There was a loud noise, and Shu Zhili went straight forward, breaking through several walls of fire one after another.

The whole uneasy changed tricks very quickly, the scattered fire pillars immediately recovered, and the fire wall was erected again in the back, and it only took a tenth of an instant.

This operation was completely arbitrary, even Zhou Shu could not sigh.

However, Zhou Shu didn't care. Once Shu's sharp blade strikes, if it is not crushed, he will never look back.

The walls of fire continued to consume Shu's sharp blade, making it smaller and smaller. From the beginning, it became less than a foot.

But at this time, the blade was only a few feet away from complete anxiety.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, the remaining ruler blade is the real essence, the distance is so close, the victory is in hand.

"Good ability, such power, I have never seen it before."

He was totally restless and motionless, staring at the sharp blade close at hand, with a calm expression, the fire pillar behind also stopped pursuing and stopped.

Zhou Shu showed a hint of surprise, that Shu's sharp blade and the body of the tribulation can't stand it, even if the eighth layer would be severely injured, what is he going to do?

Seeing the sharp blade flying in front of him, the disc-shaped magic weapon suddenly flew up and stood in front of him.

At this time, Zhou Shufang saw the face of the plate. The bottom of the plate was pure white, and the material was like porcelain like jade. The red heart in the center was very conspicuous, appearing occasionally, like a beating heart, and there were many bright red lines floating on the plate. Ups and downs.

There was a muffled sound.

The sharp blade hits the bottom of the plate directly, just above the heart in the middle.

"It's just to my liking to use a disk to block it. Should it be broken now?"

Zhou Shu was overjoyed in his heart. No matter how he looked at it, the magic weapon was very fragile, and it was unlikely that he could resist Shu Zhi's power.

(Ps: Thank you for your continuous support of ng1111, thank you~~)

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