Fairy Winner

Chapter 1476: Xuanpan

Staring at the flying blade, he still didn't move without feeling uneasy. The magic weapon in his hand suddenly lit up.

Among the rays of light, the red heart in the center is particularly conspicuous, dripping bright red.


With a soft sound, without seeing the expected fragmentation, the sharp blade penetrated directly into the red heart and disappeared for a moment.

Zhou Shu's complexion was stagnant, and he felt that Shu Zhili disappeared completely in the red heart quickly, and was consumed by the extremely vigorous Double Ninth Real Fire.

In this magic weapon, there is also Chongyang real fire?

I was totally uneasy and my figure trembled slightly. I took two steps back, frowning and looking in pain, but I quickly recovered, with a trace of disdain from the corners of his mouth, "Is this a hidden killer? It's a pity, it's not for me. Little use."

Zhou Shu looked at the magic weapon and suddenly said, "My life magic weapon?"

"Hey, it's quite knowledgeable."

Uneasy raised the magic weapon, sneered, "The magic weapon of life, the Flowing Fire Profound Disk, it has the body of real fire just like me!"

The magic weapon Liuhuo Xuanpan didn't seem to be Tier 6, and the material was not too strong. It couldn't resist Shu Zhili no matter how you looked at it. The only possibility was that it was a magic weapon of life, and it was one body with Quan Unan.

The damage it suffers will be fed back to the whole uneasy body, and the whole uneasy will bear it.

It is impossible to refine the body with a magic weapon. Although it is not a real fire body, it does not make any difference.

Bang, bang, a few soft sounds.

The floating pillar of fire became active again and swarmed towards Zhou Shu.

At this time, Zhou Shu could see clearly that the filigree lines of fire on the Flowing Fire Profound Disk also moved. It was obvious that it was this Profound Disk that was manipulating these fire pillars.

He fled away in a flash, as if he had realized something.

The Chongyang Flowing Fire Array left by the Chongyang real person can be manipulated by a small mysterious disc after improvements in later generations. Just by igniting the line of fire, you can gather the Chongyang real fire and drive the fire column to attack or defend. The power of the array is played to its extreme.

He expected it to be correct, as long as he destroys the profound disk, he can break the big formation.

The Flowing Fire Profound Disk is a very rare magic weapon for array control. This magic weapon has high requirements on materials, not for strength, but for precision and adaptability to various auras. Those that can meet these conditions are often not Those sturdy high-level materials are some special materials, such as bipolar jade, yin-yang wood, etc. (of course, except for the ninth-level materials, the ninth-level materials can meet all the requirements of the refiner), so most arrays Magic weapons are very fragile, and they are the core of the formation, so they are often the weakness of the formation mage. To deal with such monks, destroying the control magic weapons is the way to victory.

But the problem is that the current total anxiety is different from the average monk, he actually cultivated the Flowing Fire Profound Disk into a magic weapon of his life.

The magic weapon of life is one with the master's mind, making Yu more free, and more importantly, it makes up for the lack of defense of the profound disk. As long as the master is strong enough, the magic weapon is difficult to be destroyed, and the formation can naturally exist for a long time.

The body of true fire, the great array of flowing fire, and the magical treasure of life, flowing fire profound disc, combine the two almost perfectly, and there are almost no shortcomings found.

"How long can you dodge?"

He smiled faintly, uneasy, and with the vibration of the profound disc in his hand, the line of fire in the disc couldn't help flying towards Zhou Shu, the speed was so fast, there was no sense of lag.

In this Flowing Fire Array, his strength has been greatly improved, more than 50%, I am afraid it will be more than doubled.

It was a plan he had planned beforehand to set up the formation and wait for Zhou Shu to enter the urn, but he didn't expect Zhou Shu to avoid it, but he didn't expect Zhou Shu to come back.

"With your spiritual knowledge, it is possible to bypass me and enter the Kylin Temple. You have been to the Kylin Temple, right?"

He attacked Zhou Shu and interrogated him with a smug look on his face, as if Zhou Shu's life was already in his hands and could be crushed at any time.

Zhou Shu didn't answer, he just flees from time to time, dodging attacks again and again.

If you can't grasp the opponent's weakness, you can only use force against force.

"Don't say it is the default."

Quan's uneasy expression became colder, and he said in a deep voice, "How did you save Zhu Ningshan and Zhu Xiaorou, what did you get in the Qilin Temple, what secrets there are in the inner hall, tell me all, I let you go."

"The elders can really fantasize."

Zhou Shu glanced at him with a trace of contempt in his eyes. After several consecutive moments, he slid away several miles away.

Only that pillar of fire was not slow in the slightest. It almost dodges and traces it right away. At this speed, it is completely impossible for the body to reach.

"Want to escape?"

I was totally uneasy and just sneered, "Tell you, you can't escape even if you want to escape. These thousands of miles are all covered by a huge array, and my real fire can reach any corner at will, without a breath of time, can you? And when you are inside, you will continue to be scorched by the real fire. Whether you are in divine consciousness or vitality, or your Tao power, all will slowly weaken!"

Before the words fell, nearly a hundred pillars of fire were twisted together to form a long whip and rolled over.

The real fire hits the body, the whole body is hot, Zhou Shu's complexion is stagnant, and he stands still~www.ltnovel.com~ Dao pagoda is born with his heart, and is firmly protected.


Uneasy and shook his head slightly, the contemptuous color was so unconcealed.

The fire was like a tide, surging upwards, immediately burying Zhou Shu in it, endless real fire on the Double Ninth, surrounding the Dao Pagoda, constantly consuming.

Zhou Shu snorted coldly, and the Taoist tower shrank suddenly, and gradually clung to the body, turning into a half-inch thick armor, dense and dense like fish scales.


It is also the magic formula in the Shu Xin Jing, born out of many defensive shields, but based on Shu's power, the defense is stronger, and it does not affect its own movements in the slightest.

With the armor and body, Zhou Shu suddenly became taller, and his body was also covered in black.

Vigorously Yama Sutra.

The ancient body refining technique found in the Aolai Kingdom is also a thing of Zen. This sutra is extremely violent. When it comes to power, I am afraid that there are few physical refining techniques that can be compared. Although the defense is close to nothing, there are Why don't you care about defense for the tower guard?

Zhou Shu turned into a vigorous Yama, as vigorous as an ape, pushed aside the heavy pillars of fire, and strode towards complete restlessness.

"A lot of skills."

His entire uneasy complexion was slightly condensed, the profound disc in his hand vibrated faster, the sea of ​​flames skyrocketed, and the speed and strength of the pillar of fire increased a lot, almost crazy.

Soon, Zhou Shu and Huo Zhu were entangled with each other, and it was intractable.

Uneasy sneered, "These pillars of fire are enough to stop you, and you want to deal with me? Why are you fighting against me, will you not be a clone?"


Zhou Shu in the pillar of fire lightly nodded and waved his hand, a cyan light flew out and fell outside the pillar of fire.

It was a long and slender sword, without any lines. It looked very old and ordinary, but it was all restless and stagnated, staring at the sword for a long while. )!!

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