Fairy Winner

Chapter 1477: Sword

Caiying has been cultivating for so long, so it's time to give it a try.

As soon as the Azure Nightmare Sword came out, the situation suddenly reversed.

Although Caiying's strength is far less than that of Total Uneasy, she has the Blue Nightmare Sword body, this ancient flying sword, even if it is the real fire of the Double Ninth Festival, can not be hurt, and can move freely in the sea of ​​fire, and she is fully uneasy to deal with Zhou Shu. One trades and the other grows, and Caiying got Zhou Shu's instructions to only attack the line of fire on the Flowing Fire Profound Disk. For a while, he was totally uneasy and a little confused.

Only soon, he recovered calmly.

"Did you get it from the Xiahou family?"

He held the plate with his left hand, and put out a round of real fire shield with his right hand, protecting the profound plate, and slowly said, "Unexpectedly, they would give you this treasure. It seems that I have to reassess your strength and value. "

Zhou Shu didn't respond. He fisted out of the mountain and shook his foot on the ground, causing the pillar of fire beside him to roll over.

The pillar of fire was also clever. Seeing that it was unable to resist or rush into the defense, it changed its attack into a entanglement, turning into a fire snake, looking at the gap, wrapping around Zhou Shu’s limbs and waist, and then wrapped it in a thick layer. Layers make Zhou Shu difficult to move.

Zhou Shu stopped drinking and used the various changes of the Vigorous Yama Sutra. For example, the Vigorous Yama possessed his body, his body became more and more swollen, the pillars of fire broke off one after another, and fell to the ground.

But Huozhu changed tricks very quickly, failing to do anything but making a living.

Several fire pillars unite, linking end to end, flowing non-stop, supplemented by vibration, and forming dozens of huge fire vortexes in a flash.

The vortex stirred the wind and clouds, and the suction was extremely strong. At this time, Zhou Shu was huge and affected by the sea of ​​fire. He was immediately swayed by the fire vortex. It was really not easy to get close to complete restlessness. For a time, it became a stalemate.

Caiying over there is attacking the Flowing Fire Profound Disk with all his heart, trying to influence Quan Unan's control of the Fire Pillar.

Although persistent, but not rigid, her sword intent is ever-changing, and she is very similar to Zhou Shu, close to Zhu is red, and close to ink is black.

I saw a flash of light, and a bit of rice-sized sword intent flew out from the tip of the sword and went straight to the center of the fire shield.

It is the second form of the Treading Sea Sword Art, a drop in the ocean.

And the goal is the weakness she has finally seen.

"Good, good."

Uneasy, his brows tightened. He knew that there was a sword spirit in that sword, but he didn't know that the sword spirit could still use such a sword technique.

Although the sword intent is only a small point, the power is surprisingly large. It is obviously to compress many sword intents into one point. The ten thousand arrows are combined into one arrow, which is specially issued for breaking armor. The power is unmatched. This kind of sword intent changes. It was that most sword repairs could not be used, and this sword spirit was easily cast out, and it was aimed at the emptiness of the fire shield.

Uneasy and concentrating, his right hand circled and round, and another fire shield stood in front of him.


The fire shield cracked, and the sword intent disappeared invisible.

"What else do you have?"

He gave a low cry of anxiety, but he didn't know whether it was to Caiying or Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu also secretly admired, completely restless and multitasking, and handled everything perfectly in a short period of time.

This level of effort, I am afraid that it can be compared with his previous deductions. As expected, the spirit of the great monk who crosses the catastrophe is not inferior to a computer. He has anticipation and plans for various situations, and can basically deal with various changes. Calmly.

It’s just that these cultivators often don’t start to know the deeper effects of Divine Soul until they cross the Tribulation Realm, and begin to simulate various changes, that is, calculations and deductions. Zhou Shu has just started to cultivate immortals. The starting point is completely different. First, step by step, now Zhou Shu is many times more than they don't know.

"Caiying, use that."

"My palace knows."

The Blue Nightmare Sword suddenly bullied it close, and it couldn't help turning around the fire shield, flying like a speed, turning hundreds of times in an instant, forming a vortex.

The sword intent in the sword, as well as the sword intent that captured itself, gathered without reservation, and gathered in that vortex.

Feeling uncomfortable, a few arrows of real fire flew out of the palm of his hand, wrapped around the sword, trying to stop or slow down.

Just when the rocket touched the sword intent, it was cut into two pieces and scattered without a trace.

"The Eye of the Ruins!"

As if he heard a squeaky sound, the vortex suddenly sank, as did the black hole, dragging everything around the vortex into it.

Unsuspectingly, the fire shield was suddenly missing a large piece, which was swept in by the vortex, and the rest was constantly sinking into the vortex, even feeling uneasy and unstoppable.

"The changes are so complicated, can the sword spirit be used?"

Uneasy cursed.

Although he didn't know what the tactic was, he also knew that it had a lot of changes and it was a very high-end tactic. If Zhou Shu used it, he wouldn't be surprised, but a relatively simple sword spirit could understand such a complicated sword. Tactic?

His suspicion is reasonable.

In the Profound Yellow Realm, sword spirits cannot be transformed into human beings and can only be sensed by sword intent. Many tactics cannot be understood at all. After all, most tactics need to pass through the sea of ​​human energy, and they also need to arouse the surrounding aura. Judging the strength of the environment and so on. Simply put, it means that some steps are needed to construct the various changes of the tactics and complete the tactics. Although the sword spirit of the sword spirit may be stronger than the human, but in the changeable tactics , They are inherently weak.

Only he did not know that the sword spirit he encountered was not an ordinary sword spirit.

Zhou Shu deduced for her, many of the techniques have been simplified, and some steps are skipped, not to mention, the places that Caiying can’t understand ~www.ltnovel.com~ are also simulated by Zhou Shu with sword intent, so we rely solely on swords. It means that Caiying can issue many complicated sword arts.

Treading the Sea Sword Art is also among them, seven kinds of changes, Caiying understands five kinds.

There is another condition, that is, the Blue Nightmare sword, who is familiar with many sword arts, has also helped a lot.

The Eye of the Ruins, she may not have changed as much as Zhou Shu, but her sword intent is more refined, and her realm is higher. With the assistance of the Blue Nightmare Sword, her power is actually higher than Zhou Shu.

One sword completely destroyed the shield of true fire, a great success.

Caiying looked over in surprise and screamed, "Haha, this palace is really amazing!"

Zhou Shu hurriedly urged, "Quickly, destroy the line of fire!"

"Ah, I forgot about it!"

Caiying exclaimed, hurriedly through the fire shield, cut out with a sword, trying to cut the line of fire on the profound disk.

Only at this time, all uneasy was already prepared.

With a shake of his left hand, dozens of fire pillars came back quickly, and they gathered together in an instant, like a long spear, struck towards the Qingyan sword.

Caiying didn't have time to dodge, and hit the spot.

The spear of true fire condensed as it was, and with a snap, it knocked the Blue Nightmare Sword out, and then protected it on the Flowing Fire Profound Disk, hovering back and forth, no longer allowed to come close.

Opportunities come and go quickly, Caiying just complains.

"It's my fault..."

"No need to apologize, his response is fast enough, but you have done well."

Zhou Shu saw it clearly. Although the real fire that was completely disturbed was endless, the pillars of fire that he could control were limited. After more than a dozen pillars of fire were transferred to guard, there were naturally less on his side, and he couldn't restrain him.

After a few punches, Zhou Shu rushed to the vortex of the fire column and strode towards the restlessness. ) Download the free reader!!

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