Fairy Winner

Chapter 1479: Reunion

"A senseless move."

Uneasy and no panic, he slid back several feet with his severed arm. The fire on Chongyang River once again overflowed from the wound, like countless golden threads.

It is necessary to repeat the old tricks.

Only soon, he was stunned. The broken arm did not move, and there was no real fire flowing out, and it could not meet his shoulders.

How is this going?

After the body of real fire is formed, any part of the body can be mobilized with the real fire of Chongyang, as you want, even if it is disconnected, even if the head is dropped, as long as it recovers in a flash, it will not be a big problem. The most terrifying place of the real fire body.

But at this time, he kept running the real fire, and once again increased his strength, the severed limb still did not move.

Upon closer inspection, the wound seemed to be covered by an invisible membrane. No matter how hard it was used, the real fire of Chongyang could not be transmitted, and the path was completely sealed. No wonder it could not respond to the transfer of real fire.

"What did you do?"

He stared at Zhou Shu with an awe-inspiring expression. Although it was chilly, he couldn't hide the traces of emperor in his heart.

If he can't recover quickly, he won't make any sense if he continues to fight. He will undoubtedly lose. If it takes a long time, it will affect the function of the arm, and even lose an arm completely. How can he not panic.

Zhou Shu did not answer and continued to attack.

I'm totally uneasy, but one hand is missing.

He had missed an opportunity before because he was puzzled, and he would never miss it again.

What's more, he doesn't have much time, just like Totally Uneasy. This battle consumes him and Caiying surprisingly. Regardless of whether Shu Zhili or others, he and Caiying have experienced the most battles. Once, after World War I, I was afraid that it would take a long time to recover, and Caiying would probably have to fall asleep for a long time. Moreover, he didn't know how long he could be trapped by the broken limb, whether there would be any accidents or even future troubles.

After all, he has just learned to use it.

Only a quick fight can be made without giving the whole uneasy a chance.

Caiying and Zhou Shu have the same mind, naturally understand Zhou Shu's thoughts, and cooperate with Zhou Shu to do everything.

The sword shadow came after another, and the sword intent was abrupt, rolling like a wave, surrounding the restlessness, and every blow was like the last blow.

Suddenly dangerous.

Being totally uneasy is very laborious. While manipulating the Flowing Fire Profound Disk, while resisting Zhou Shu’s offensive, he is also distracted and worried about his severed limbs. If he persists for less than ten breaths, he feels exhausted. It does not mean that he can't stand the consumption Now, it is not a big problem to stick to his eightfold cultivation base of crossing the tribulation realm, but because he has too many concerns, he has lost his fighting spirit.

At this level, one should have fewer battles and more support. If there are not enough benefits, will crossing the tribulation realm waste energy and time?

Once the fighting spirit is lost at this time, there is no need to fight.

Moreover, the two did not have any deep hatred.

"Stop it."

Uneasy slid a few feet away, his face twisted, and he said with some struggle, "This battle...I lost."

Zhou Shu immediately retracted his sword and smiled, "The elders are so refreshing."

If he is totally uneasy and just says to give up, he will think about it for a while, but if he admits defeat, he can give up.

He retracted the Xuanpan in uneasy situation, the pillar of fire soon annihilated, and the sea of ​​flames disappeared.

Within thousands of miles, it was clear again.

The strange thing is that the mountains are still lush and green, and there is no trace of being covered by such a sea of ​​fire. The Chongyang Flowing Fire Array is indeed wonderful.

"So, Sect Master Zhou..."

Seeing the eager gaze of Quan restless, Zhou Shu slowly nodded, "Elder, you can now take your arm back, offended."

Uneasy hurriedly urged the real fire, as expected, without the obstacle of the unknown force, the severed limb quickly spewed out real fire, and countless small real fires quickly formed meridian blood vessels, connected to each other, and within a few breaths, they were as good as before.

He shook his arms, his heart loosened, and he felt like he was left behind.

He is already an eight-fold monk, and if he loses his arm, it will be impossible to advance to the rank.

Zhou Shu arched his hands and smiled faintly, "The full length is old and it has been accepted."

"Zhou Zong's cultivation is superb, and even my Flowing Fire Formation has nothing to do with it. I have to obey it, but..."

Nodding uneasy, smiling like a spring breeze, only a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Sect Master Zhou, can you tell me the power that seals my arm? Haha."

Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, then smiled, "It's okay to tell, but the whole length is old. That was what I realized at the beginning, I really don't know how to say it clearly."

"Just realized it?"

He smiled uncomfortably, "Sect Master Zhou is so intelligent and enlightened in the battle, it is really rare, I admire it! Alas, I just thought that the lord got it in the Qilin Temple."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Haha, I haven't entered the Kylin Temple, how can I get anything? Full length always thinks too much."

Uneasy then laughed, and said, "Yes, I think too much, but seeing a young hero like the Sect Master, it is inevitable that you have to think more, and I hope the Sect Master will not be offended."

"Where, no matter what."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and didn't care.

The two laughed at each other, and the previous hostility was completely invisible~www.ltnovel.com~ It was not that the two were fickle, but that most of the monks who crossed the Tribulation Realm were like this. It is not good for the sect, the two have just competed with all their strength, but in a flash they are like friends.

He arched his hands uncomfortably and said in a slow voice, "Sect Master Zhou, this is the end of today's affairs. The green hills will not change to the long green waters. We will see you again soon. At that time I will ask the lord for advice and see what the lord has realized. How strong is the power, I hope that the lord will not miss the appointment."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded calmly, "I will see you again in the future. I believe that the next time I meet, it will be much easier than this time."

This is regarded as the official start of the war.

But he was not worried at all.

He has learned the methods of total anxiety, even if it is a tie now, but the total anxiety will not increase much after cultivating for decades or more, while Zhou Shu is different. He just used a little Qilin. Power, you have won the opportunity for yourself. When you fully grasp the power of the unicorn, the victory or defeat is basically a matter of one or two breaths.

The power that seals the arm is the power of the unicorn.

Zhou Shu is not proficient in using it, so he can only barely attach it to the sword, and rely on Shu Zhili's protection to be able to cast it completely, but it is that little strength that determines the outcome of this competition.

The power of the unicorn is exactly the nemesis of the real fire of Chongyang.

The real fire of Chongyang Ninth Dynasty originates from the fire unicorn beast, and the power of the unicorn is the upper power of the fire unicorn beast. What's more, it is the power of the unicorn brought by the blood of the real unicorn. In essence, it completely surpasses the real fire of the Chongyang Ninth Festival. It is not an equal order.

Sealing the wound on his arm with the power of a unicorn, he directly faced the completely restless body of real fire. The body of real fire was restrained and could not function well, nor could it break through the restrictions, so he could only admit defeat. )!!

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