Fairy Winner

Chapter 1480: Yuanye

"Finally home."

Looking at Lingyu City not far away, Zhu Xiaorou was quite emotional, "Compared with the Chongyang Palace, this place is more like my home."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Stay here from now on, don't go to Chongyang Palace again."


Zhu Xiaorou turned around to look at Zhou Shu, and said docilely, "I will listen to the son from now on, and don't go anywhere."

"Xiao Rou, you go to Pagoda Peak to rest first, and I will find you later."

The two fell into the city, and Zhou Shu went to Heyin faction.

"Master Shu!"

In the hall, Hao Ruoyan was working at his desk, but when he raised his head inadvertently, he saw Zhou Shu in front of him. He was surprised and looked over, "When did you come back?"

"just now."

Zhou Shu looked at her and said softly, "Ruoyan, the lot of things like the Heyin School have fallen on you, it's really hard for you."

"It's not hard, but it's actually quite interesting," Hao Ruoyan shook his head repeatedly and smiled. "Ruoyan may like these tasks, and she doesn't get tired every day. If you change someone else to do it, Ruoyan is still worried. "

Zhou Shu frowned, "Stupid, look at you, you are too busy to practice, and the cultivation base hasn't grown for so long."

"This..." Hao Ruoyan sighed lightly, "If the qualifications of smoking are there, others may be able to improve one level in 50 years, and if the smoking takes hundreds of years, it may not be possible. It is better to save time and help Shu Teacher, it’s better to do something else..."

She raised her head to look at Zhou Shu, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "And being able to reach the God of Transformation, Ruo Yan is already very content, really, very content."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and said seriously, "Ruoyan, I will not treat you badly," as he said, he took out a jade bottle and handed it to her, "Take it."

Hao Ruoyan stretched out his hand and gently blocked, shook his head and said, "Master Shu, Ruoyan's spirit can no longer be promoted. If it is given to others, it is wasteful if it is too much."

"Who said this is soul fluid?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Look, try taking a little, not too much, just one bite at a time."

Hao Ruoyan nodded, opened the jade bottle, and was slightly surprised, "Black, what is this, aura is really abundant..."

According to Zhou Shu's instructions, she took a sip, and a cool and fragrant air went straight into the dantian, and soon turned into a warm current, spreading along the air veins, and the whole body was warm, and everything was uncomfortable. The cultivation base is also improving rapidly.

"Ah, ah!"

Hao Ruoyan was stunned and looked at Zhou Shu with surprise in her eyes, "This...At this moment, Ruoyan seems to have been practicing for several years! No, I'm afraid I won't get so many cultivation bases in a few years, Ruoyan Cultivation is very slow."

"now it's right."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "This is my newly acquired elemental liquid, which is similar to the soul liquid. Its function is to improve the cultivation base. This bottle of elemental liquid should allow you to reach the middle stage of the **** transformation."


Hao Ruoyan clutched the jade bottle for a long time, then hesitated, "Such a good thing, Master Shu... don't you use it yourself?"

"I have it."

Zhou Shu caressed her blue silk, only feeling smooth and soft, and said in a warm voice, "What is given to you is yours. You have worked hard for me for the lotus school. I must make up for you. Don't worry, even if you practice slowly, there is I’m here, you won’t be worse than others."

"Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan was shocked and leaned in unconsciously...

That Yuan Ye was obtained from the Demon Refining Pot.

On the way back, Zhou Shu severely beat the demon refining pot to let it know who its owner was.

It also made the Demon Refining Pot understand a simple truth. Before the recovery, if you don't follow Zhou Shu's wishes, there will never be any good fruit.

Every time when refining various spirit objects and monsters, a small part of them is transformed into the essence liquid, and the refining pot leaves them, which has its own use. After the refining world is restored, the creatures inside need the essence liquid to grow quickly , In order to quickly increase the vitality of the demon refining world, that is, the strength of the demon refining pot - but after Zhou Shu said it through, the demon refining pot knew that it could not stay, so he offered it.

The amount of this batch of Yuanye was small and Zhou Shu didn't need it, so he handed it to Hao Ruoyan.

Of course it can't be revealed, the elemental liquid is no better than the soul liquid. If this divine object of upgrading cultivation is known to outsiders, it is afraid that any sect will covet it.

A few hours later.

"Ruoyan, I have a jade slip here."

Zhou Shu took out a piece of jade slip, and said quite solemnly, "You find some people to reproduce the contents of the jade slip and make it into the same jade slip, at least ten thousand pieces, and then distribute it out to make Lingyucheng Everyone here sees it."

"it is good."

Hao Ruoyan, with a blushing face, took the jade slip, seemingly thoughtful, "Ruoyan will do it right away."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly. He liked Hao Ruoyan's point. He didn't ask much, didn't procrastinate. "Ruoyan, 10,000 copies are just preliminary. Yu will keep doing it briefly. My goal is to let all the immortals in Dongsheng Prefecture. Everyone sees it, can it be done?"


Hao Ruoyan promised earnestly, "Master Shu doesn’t know yet, our Heyin Sect is now the third largest sect in Dongsheng Prefecture~www.ltnovel.com~ only inferior to Tianjianmen and Cihangzong, with many affiliated forces. It’s not difficult to pass news in most of Dongsheng Prefecture, but time may be slower."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The time is not in a hurry, just let others know."

Hao Ruoyan flipped through the jade slip, and said suspiciously, "But Master Shu...There are only some weird patterns in it, and nothing else."

"That's it, just reproduce it as it is."

Zhou Shu nodded, with a little disappointment in his heart. The lines in this jade slip are the weird words on his Taoist pagoda. Only those who have a good relationship with Shu Zhidao can see it. Hao Ruoyan can't see it now, indicating that she is not. That kind of people.

"Oh, Ruoyan understands."

Hao Ruoyan put away the jade slips and said slowly, "After that, Master Shu will not only send jade slips, right?"


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "This is not so simple. After the jade slip is sent out, a message must be announced. On the contrary, people who can understand the jade slip, or those who claim to understand it, can come to me. Send it, and I will give him unexpected rewards, including but not limited to the best magic weapon, soul fluid, etc."


Hao Ruoyan nodded, "Is the reward really generous... What if it is understood by the monks from other states?"

"Of course you can come, as long as he is willing to come," Zhou Shu said slowly, "but...I'm afraid I can't find someone who can understand, alas."

A person like Xue Nu is so easy to find. I don’t know what I can get by casting a wide net. Many and a half of them are small dried shrimps. However, he must also do this, although it will consume a lot of energy and Resources, but as long as you find someone who is truly destined for Shu Zhidao, it is worth it. ) Download the free reader!!

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