Fairy Winner

Chapter 1481: Search

After an order was given, after a short while, many elder disciples filed in.

Many of these elders were higher than Hao Ruoyan's cultivation level, but in the face of Hao Ruoyan, they all respected and obeyed earnestly, and soon took their orders.

Seeing Hao Ruoyan doing this, Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction.

With Hao Ruoyan, he basically doesn't have to come forward no matter what the sect affairs are, and there is no need to worry.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Ruoyan, I have one more thing to say, should there be a roster in the sect?"


Hao Ruoyan nodded, "All are in the Lingyan Pavilion, the elders are on the third floor, the inner disciples are on the second floor, and the ordinary disciples are on the first floor. Each disciple elder has a detailed record. The inner disciples and elders still There is a natal soul card..."

Zhou Shu was surprised, "Born Soul Card?"

Hao Ruoyan explained, "Yes, it was made by the method taught by Ji's parents. It is better and clearer than the natal soul lamp. The disciple can quickly find out what danger is in it, and he can also determine a rough location for the sect. Rescue."

"I know."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, only a little surprised in his eyes, "Our sect has done all these things..."

"Of course, as a large sect, the lotus pie, many things are necessary."

Hao Ruoyan smiled, "Master Shu, don't worry, you can be busy with your major affairs, as long as we do these little things."

"It's really worrying to have you here," Zhou Shu followed with a smile. "If there are detailed records, that is to say, what kind of techniques they are good at, and what kind of Tao they are practicing. There should be these."

"Isn't it too specific? The disciples and elders also have privacy, and it's hard for us to ask."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head lightly, "The record is generally like this. For example, Elder Ning Xuanqing only cultivated the Talisman Dao and was able to draw the sixth-order talisman proficiently. Can refine seventh-order pill..."

"Well, this is enough."

Zhou Shu said at ease, "Let's go and see, I need to find some special talents."

Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, and said thoughtfully, "What is the special envoy of Master Shu? In which way is it specializing in kendo, talisman, etc.? If so, then you don’t have to go to Lingyan Pavilion to find it. , Special talents with expertise, Ruoyan remembers."

Zhou Shu was puzzled, "Do you remember? Heyin School has tens of thousands of disciples now."

Hao Ruoyan was a little dissatisfied, and said, "If Master Shu doesn't believe it, just come to the school for Ruoyan. If you make a mistake, Ruoyan will let Master Shu punish him."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Is it punished like just now?"

Hao Ruoyan blushed, "Master Shu, don't tease Ruoyan, now I'm talking about business... Ruoyan is serious."

"Haha, just kidding, you didn't miss it, of course I can rest assured."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Ruoyan, what I'm looking for is such a disciple, in the Nascent Infant Realm, close to him, capable of refining Tier 4 talisman, capable of refining high-grade magic weapons, and not limited in rank, but also requires sword intent. To reach the realm of sword-like transformation, in addition, there are certain requirements for character, and there should not be too many bad deeds."

"Master Shu's requirements are really high."

Hao Ruoyan was slightly surprised, as if enlightened, "Ah, Master Shu, do you want to accept a disciple?"

"You are still smart," Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "I think so."

"Then Ruoyan really has to pick a good one..." She contemplated her eyebrows, and said after a moment, "Yes, there are three that are fully qualified, namely Shen Hechang, Bu Qiran, and Gu Deyuan, and two are Zong One of the deacons in the door has just started and has no position, and there is another disciple named Lei Yuan. He has a poor cultivation base. He has just reached the Golden Core Realm, but he has met all other requirements. He is considered a genius."

Zhou Shu was quite surprised, "Ah, I didn't think there were four."

Hao Ruoyan said with excitement in her eyes and proudly said, "Of course, Master Shu, our Heyin school is full of talents. If we change to another sect, even if Tianjian Cihang can find four, it will be difficult."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "There are indeed not many immortal cultivators who can achieve success in the Talisman Dao and Sword Dao. I thought it would be nice to find one."

"Master Shu, are you looking for them now?"

Hao Ruoyan paused, "If I remember correctly, Lei Yuan has gone to Lingfeng Valley to experience it. I am afraid it will take more than a year to come back. As for the other three, they are in the door and can be found at any time."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, I also want to try their abilities, Ruoyan, please tell me to go down and let them see me as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan agreed.

In a short while, three disciples walked in, looking respectful and quite frightened.

Zhou Shu glanced at them and sighed secretly.

The aptitudes of these three people are really not that good. Calculated by the rank, the highest is only the fourth-level middle-upper, not the sixth-level required by the Shu Xinjing, and what is more troublesome is that they all seem to have the highest aptitude. , It might be difficult to forcibly cultivate to the sixth level. Even if they barely cultivated, it would be difficult for them to cultivate Shuxin Sutra to the level Zhou Shu wanted.

It is very difficult to make up for the shortcomings of the soul, and it is only the fourth-tier qualification, not even the qualification to enter the nine-story tower.

"What is the command of the Sect Master?"

A disciple bowed himself and bowed, very respectful.

Zhou Shu said lightly, "Shen Hechang, Bu Qiran, Gu Deyuan, I am calling you today for your reward."


The three disciples were stunned, some were unclear, so ~www.ltnovel.com~ the disciples were useless and really did not dare to suffer. "

Zhou Shu smiled, "You don't have to worry about it. You have to study multiple disciplines and have good performance. It is really worthy of praise. The Heyin School needs talents like you, and I hope you will continue to work hard."

Raising his hand, several small jade bottles fell in front of them.

Several people glanced at each other, took the jade bottle carefully, took a look, felt the aura inside, and was shocked.

"This... is it the soul fluid?"

"The soul fluid that needs one hundred thousand contribution points, my God, so many?!"

"Am I dreaming?"

Someone pinched his arm.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Yes, it is the soul fluid, which can enhance your spirit. It is not easy for you to practice multiple methods. With the soul fluid, you can go further."

"Thank you Sect Master Zhou, thank you!"

Several disciples couldn't help but salute, they couldn't hide their ecstasy at all, and some danced and danced.

"Go down."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and let them go happily.

Hao Ruoyan frowned slightly, "Master Shu, are they all okay?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "No, the spirit is not enough to meet my requirements."

Hao Ruoyan was puzzled, "Then why do you reward them?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Giving them soul fluid has two effects. One is to hope that they will take this opportunity to break through their own limits, and maybe it will be the same next time, and the other is to use them to pass the message out, as long as they focus on multiple disciplines. , You may get a good reward from me. This matter should not be publicized. It is enough to promote it in a small range."


Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly and smiled slightly, "Ruoyan still has a lot, I want to learn from Master Shu.") Download the free reader!!

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