Fairy Winner

Chapter 1496: Little snake

"Benefactor, it's dangerous!"

The shark exclaimed, and quickly swam into the stone forest.

Zhou Shu entered the stone forest, only to feel the turbulence, the undercurrents hit him like a hammer of tens of thousands of kilograms, even he was a bit unbearable, but he immediately calculated and deduced, analyzed the directions and strengths of many undercurrents, and after the analysis was completed , Began to run Shu's power, using the method of borrowing in Shu's Tao, those undercurrents no longer hinder him, but become a boost.

In the middle of the stone forest, a green shark was constantly swimming in the ocean current, with an anxious expression, as if he was avoiding something, but he could not see clearly.

After letting go of the divine sense, there was a blue strange snake about three feet long behind the shark, who was chasing the blue shark, seeing that it was about to catch up, but stopped again, and waited for the shark to run away. After catching up, it's like a cat playing with mice.

Zhou Shu swam quickly along the ocean current, and after a while, he fell in front of the shark.

The green file shark obviously knew Zhou Shu and said in shock, "Benefactor, go quickly, it's dangerous!"

"You go away."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and pushed the blue filefish man behind him, facing the blue strange snake.

The strange snake seemed to have a premonition. He stopped in the water, his eyes flashed with a little golden light, staring at Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu was startled slightly. The water was rushing like a waterfall. This little snake was no more than three feet long, but it was as stable as Mount Tai in the water. It didn't even move its scales, which was a bit strange.

On closer inspection, it does not seem to look like a snake.

The body is short and stubby, with four legs under the abdomen. It seems that it has not been fully developed, but the five claws are clearly visible. The first has double horns, only protruding inches, but it is as brilliant as gold, with a strange luster, and the body is covered with fine pieces. The pattern of each piece is different.

It stared at Zhou Shu, his big eyes chuckle, and they were a little cute.


Before taking a closer look, the little snake suddenly opened its mouth and roared like a cow.

The surrounding ocean currents surging more quickly, and among the countless vortexes, there are many arm-thick currents that rush towards Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and a shield of vitality was erected in front of him.

Puff puff.

After a continual sound, the water rushed in front of Zhou Shu in the blink of an eye, and hit Zhou Shu directly. The Yuanli shield had no effect on the water flow.

Zhou Shu's figure quaked slightly, and he stepped back several feet, without standing still.

The water flow is by no means ordinary sea water. The power contained in it is very pure, and its essence is even more powerful. It is hidden in the same room as Shu Zhi Li. Although it has Shu Zhi power to protect the body, it is still not beaten by the water. Stay back.

What on earth is this snake, has such great power?

Before he could think about it, the snake moved again and stirred a few times in the sea. The currents and vortices around for several miles suddenly changed their appearance.

The ocean currents kept changing directions, and the vortex became larger and larger, and the suction power increased several times. Before Zhou Shu had time to dodge, he was sucked by the vortex and was about to be torn by the vortex. broken.

With a wave of his arm, Zhou Shu pushed the Green Filefish Man far away.

Because all the ocean currents have changed, the previous calculations are also invalid. Zhou Shu also turbulent in the ocean currents, and had to use a lot of force to resist the surrounding ocean currents, maintain balance, and avoid being washed out of the stone forest by the ocean currents.

It can change the ocean current, this little snake's water control ability is really amazing.

After changing to Xiaogun, in such a turbulent ocean current, I was afraid that I could not do anything.


Seeing that Zhou Shu hadn't been crushed yet, and could even save people, Xiao Snake was very angry, and her tiny horns suddenly flashed.

Like a searchlight, there were two long and narrow rays of light coming out of the club, but the rays were not simple lights, but sharp like knives. Wherever they went, the sea was busy splitting apart, and it was shining on Zhou Shu in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu's figure trembled.

There is no doubt that the light also carries the essence of power, not only the scope is large, but also pervasive, it is a bit difficult to resist with Shuzhi force.

The little snake is small and cute, but it is very powerful. It is a bit stronger than most seventh-order monsters that Zhou Shu has encountered. What is strange about Zhou Shu is that it uses power similar to that of a dragon. But the higher order is not the power of the dragon, it is somewhere in between.

If it were the real power of the dragon, Zhou Shu would deal with it with all his strength now, but he obviously didn't use it.

Zhou Shu had never seen such a strange beast, and it was rarely recorded in the ancient books.

But what is certain is that this little guy is definitely inseparable from the dragon. Most of them have the blood of the dragon, and they are quite pure.

"Oh! Ooh!"

Still unable to defeat Zhou Shu, the little snake became anxious and couldn't help twisting his body, emitting circles of blue brilliance, converging on that corner, and the two rays of light from the society to Zhou Shu became stronger.

Zhou Shu also put more effort to completely block the light, with ease.

After a while, the little snake became more anxious, his body twisted faster, and the ocean current was surging like a violent water dragon, constantly stirring towards Zhou Shu.

In the stone forest, the sea tide is surging, and the sound is like a thunderstorm, constantly, this kind of water pressure, even the two sharks who are used to seeing various ocean currents are shocked to see and dare not move.

However, Zhou Shu was calm and calm.

The battle is not fierce~www.ltnovel.com~ The calculation and deduction have been going on all the time. I have a fairly clear understanding of the little snake. It seems that the little snake does not have too many attack methods. It should be due to incomplete development. The claws and horns can be seen, and Zhou Shu has a great deal to do with it.

However, Zhou Shu didn't want to put it to death. If such a small beast can be domesticated and be a companion to Xiao Gun, it would be very good.

He just waited, waiting for the little snake to be exhausted before taking action.

After about a few hundred breaths, the brilliance on the little snake's horn gradually became dim, and it seemed that he didn't have much strength.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, the opportunity is coming soon, but this snake is so small, it is rare to be able to last for so long.


The little snake wailed, and the light on its horns dimmed, like a stone.

Zhou Shu wouldn't miss the opportunity. With a shake of his arms, he bounced off the surrounding ocean current, Shu Zhili turned into a big hand, and grabbed the little snake.

The little snake had just exhausted, no matter how fast it was, it would be difficult to escape.

Sure enough, a lot of fear flashed in Xiao Snake's eyes, and his body bent backwards subconsciously, trying to avoid it, but he was too weak to escape, and the speed of escape was very slow.

The corner of Zhou Shu's mouth was slightly tilted, and his figure moved with the force, and he was in front of Xiao Snake in the blink of an eye.

When the snake was about to be captured, the sudden change occurred!

The horns of the little snake separated suddenly, and a gap was cracked in the middle, and a bright inner alchemy jumped out.

The power on the inner alchemy is extraordinary, even if it is not the real dragon power, it is not far away.


The little snake roared softly, and with a sly turn of his eyes, the inner alchemy suddenly flew up and smashed towards Zhou Shu!

The distance was so close that even Zhou Shu couldn't prepare for it, and he didn't even think that this little snake had such a wit, it was not like a monster. (Battlefield Literature)

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