Fairy Winner

Chapter 1497: Poseidon

The brilliance of the inner alchemy was splashing, extremely dazzling, and the light completely enveloped Zhou Shu.

The sharks outside were shocked when they saw it, and they didn't care much about it, so they rushed into the stone forest.

And Zhou Shu was calm, even if the little snake was smart and scheming, would he not be a defensive person? As early as the moment the little snake squirted the inner alchemy, he was ready.

I didn't panic, instead I had time to ponder this inner alchemy.

It is by no means an ordinary monster inner alchemy. It is solid and has a mirror-like appearance. If you look closely, you can still see the curling moiré on the inner alchemy. Artwork.

The power bred in its brilliance is also more refined than that used by the little snake before. If it was said that it had eight points like the power of a dragon before, it has nine points now.

"This is not much different from the rumored Flood Dragon Inner Pearl... It can condense the Dragon Ball, this little snake..."

Zhou Shu's heart trembles slightly. From this inner alchemy, it can be seen that the little snake is only a close relative of the dragon. It is higher than those near the Longhai clan. They all call themselves noble celestials, then this little snake is true. Emperor.

He looked at Nai Dan, and the little snake looked at him straightforwardly, his eyes staring.

A huge dragon's might suddenly emerged, like a violent wind sweeping the earth, approaching Zhou Shu, and the surrounding sea was completely blown away.

Most of the seawater in the stone forest cleared out, revealing a large open space. The shark who was swimming towards Zhou Shu stopped immediately, his eyes straightened, and he walked around there, not knowing what he was going to do.

"There is actually Long Wei."

Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant. Although that Longwei was not powerful, it was pure, much purer than the Longwei of Bijiao scale axe and Xuan'an. This also confirmed Zhou Shu's guess. The little snake must be the descendant of the dragon.

At this time, Xiao Snake had done his best, staring at Zhou Shu with big eyes, with a lot of anticipation, wanting to watch Zhou Shu collapse.

I froze very quickly, blinking a few times, thinking I was wrong.

A long sword floated horizontally, and three consecutive swords cut off the connection between himself and the inner alchemy. Zhou Shu held the inner alchemy in his hand and looked at it left and right, quite satisfied.


The little snake roared, but the momentum was far worse than before, weak, but like a sheep barking.

The body is also soft and lying like noodles, and I want to rush to take it back, but I am powerless, twisting there, a bit funny.

Zhou Shu took the inner alchemy and smiled and said, "Do you want it?"

The little snake stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes groaned around, and followed in a daze, "Do you want?"


Zhou Shu felt stagnant. The little snake couldn't speak to humans, and he had never dealt with humans, but he was able to follow humans. Such a spirituality is really unheard of.


The little snake continued to talk to Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu took the inner alchemy and stretched it towards it. The little snake rushed over to take it back, but Zhou Shu quickly took it back. The little snake rushed to the air, twisted there a few times, and screamed very depressed. A few times, but helpless, only stared at Zhou Shu with big eyes, venting his dissatisfaction.

"You said why you want to take out such a precious thing. If it belongs to me, you can't take it back."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, playing with the inner alchemy in his hand, and perceiving the power in it, he became more and more sure that this little snake must be a descendant of a dragon. Unlike a beast like Xiao Gun who needs to transform into a dragon, this little snake is basically already Even a dragon can use the power of a dragon, but it's not a real dragon.

"You said why you want to take out such a precious thing. If it belongs to me, you can't take it back."

Little Snake blinked, repeating Zhou Shu's words again, giving a sharp glance, no typos, and even the tone of voice.

Zhou Shu also shook his head secretly. It is hard to imagine that this is a strange beast who has just come into contact with human language. At the beginning, it was difficult for Xiaogun to learn to speak, but he saw it in his eyes. And this little snake is effortless to learn, just I don't understand the meaning, but with its spirituality, it is certainly not a problem.

Worthy of being a descendant of a beast.

Knowing about the origin of the little snake, Zhou Shu didn't have the idea of ​​accepting it as a partner. Such a strange beast would be extremely difficult to conquer unless it followed itself when it was born. Once it became a real dragon, the dragon will naturally show itself. , Will never be resigned.

At this time, the two sharks awoke from Longweili and hurried over.

They looked at the little snake with awe in their eyes.

It seemed that he was scared by the dragon, but in Zhou Shu's eyes, it was not necessarily so. He said slowly, "Have you seen it before?"

The two shook their heads and nodded, "I saw it for the first time, but I've heard of it."

Zhou Shu seemed to have some enlightenment, "Let's listen."

The two glanced at the little snake, then quickly moved their gazes away, and said in a low voice, "He is the **** of the sea, the **** of the sea. There is a legend in our clan. The sea **** is shaped like a dragon with two horns and five claws. The horns are made of golden yellow. Manipulating the sea, without wind and waves, doing everything, is the **** in the sea, and must not be offended."

"I saw it in the stone forest before. Although it is much smaller than the legendary one, I also know that this is the sea god. I salute it immediately, but it does what I say and chases me. I can only Ran."

"Poseidon, it's not bad, it can control the seawater, not what is Poseidon~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shusuan said slowly, "When did the legend go down? "

The shark glanced at each other and whispered, "When the tribute was still being paid, there was this legend about 10,000 or 20,000 years ago."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "In other words, there were also sharks who saw something similar ten to twenty thousand years ago, but it was much larger than this."

There was a lively talk here, and the little snake also followed, and said a word, no mistake at all, and even the expression tone was exactly the same. The Shark and Zhou Shu looked at each other in surprise.

The shark was about to kneel down and shouted, Lord Seagod.

Zhou Shu took out the Qiankun bag, put Xiaogun into a spirit beast egg first, then pointed the mouth of the bag at the little snake, made a gesture of going in, and shook the inner alchemy in his hand, and said solemnly, "Go in. , I will return the things to you."

The little snake hesitated for a while, seeming to be guessing the meaning of Zhou Shu's words. He did not repeat that sentence. Zhou Shu saw that it was clever and said it again. The little snake twisted for a while, penetrated like an arrow, and fell. Into the bag of the universe.

Zhou Shu probed into the divine sense, the little snake fell in the river, and couldn't help but whispered to him, "Oh, oh..."

Zhou Shu smiled and put the inner alchemy into the Universe's bag. The little snake leaped over and held the inner alchemy in his arms. The little paw moved around, very excited. After playing for a while, he took the inner alchemy. Take it back into the body.

As soon as he retracted his body, Longwei radiated out immediately, and the little snake immediately had energy, and yelled at Zhou Shu, "Woo!", and rushed over immediately.

But it has already entered the Universe Bag, which means it has entered a formation that can't get out. Zhou Shu can also deal with it at will.

First evacuate all the sea water, then put some strange fire to roast.

In a short while, it quieted down, completely out of strength, just lying in the stream less than a foot, whispering. (Battlefield Literature)

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