Fairy Winner

Chapter 1498: Guixu

"Benefactor, this... is something wrong."

The people looked at Zhou Shu, always feeling uneasy, Zhou Shu actually took the sea **** they feared.

Zhou Shu smiled, "There is nothing wrong with it, rest assured, I will not harm it."

This little snake is the closest animal he has ever seen to a real dragon. Unfortunately, he has already missed the opportunity to conquer. He doesn’t have much thoughts about staying now. He just thinks it’s not good to stay here. Maybe I will cultivate it, and the right will become a bond.

Do whatever you want.


The people nodded unconsciously. Although they were still a little worried, they quickly dissipated.

The Green File Shark thought of something, and suddenly said, "Oops, the whirlpool is about to run away again, hurry up!"

The three immediately swam to the depths of the stone forest.

Among the thick stone pillars, a sapphire-like vortex gleamed unceasingly, blooming with a gorgeous luster, especially conspicuous in the deep sea. There is no doubt that this is the entrance to the secret realm.

The whirlpool swayed from side to side, shaking the surrounding sea water up and down, undercurrents surging, and the two sharks were a little unsteady.

"I went, thank you both."

Zhou Shu didn't think much, nodded slightly, and swept towards the whirlpool.

"Be careful, benefactor, that's powerful, don't be bombed..."

The shark seemed to have suffered, and he hurriedly reminded him, but saw that Zhou Shu had reached the front of the vortex, the vortex suddenly shook, showing a hollow, and sucking Zhou Shu in.


The sharks were all stunned. They didn't know that most of the secret realms in the Profound Yellow Realm were left by human power, and only human cultivators could enter, and the monster race or other races would be excluded. Can't get in.

After a short journey, Zhou Shu appeared in an extremely large space.

It was like the internal hall of a building, surrounded by walls, dark and without a trace of light, there was a door in front of it, the door was open, revealing several steps of stairs, and the secret realm exit, just behind him, was within reach.

This kind of secret realm was obviously built by the ancient power, there was no deliberately making things difficult, and there was no dead place when entering the door. It was considered a very friendly secret realm.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the divine consciousness and so on are not restricted, and you can clearly observe everything in the hall, but you just want to go through the gate, but can't do it.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shu released his spiritual consciousness toward the wall, wanting to see what was outside the wall and whether there was another way out.

The divine sense just hit the wall and immediately bounced back, leaving no trace. Some unwilling Zhou Shu continued to release the divine sense. The result was the same. Since I can't perceive it, then break it and try? The wall seems to be of ordinary material, and it may also look like a third or fourth order.

A wave of vitality came out and rolled towards the wall. Although Zhou Shu didn't try his best, with his current strength, even the wall made of Tier 7 materials could be broken.

But the result was unexpected, the wall did not move, Yuan Li returned in the same way, shaking Zhou Shu slightly, hesitated for a while, and then the sword intent, Shu Zhili, the strength of the unfamiliar unicorn, etc., after trying them one by one , The wall is still silent.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and gave up this plan.

What is certain is that although this wall is ordinary, the power inside is by no means ordinary. The essence uses rules that Zhou Shu can't understand and cannot be broken by Zhou Shu at all.

After all, it is Guixu, which is very unusual.

Only walking along the stairs, can not have too many other ideas.

Walk into the gate and move forward.

The stairs are straight, without turns, and there are no decorative lines or anything around the stairs. They are like an iron curtain and dull.

After a hundred breaths, another door appeared in front of him.

The door is engraved with two characters, "Zhongtian".

As we all know, Zhongtian is the first day, and it is also the first obstacle to the fairy world and the mysterious yellow world. Why does it appear in the secret world? Could it be that Guixu is really a secret realm of ascending to immortals, as long as ten days pass, one can ascend to immortals?

If Zhou Shu realized something, he had a lot of expectations in his heart, and strode in.

After crossing the tribulation realm, in order to hurry, he often went in and out of Zhongtian, and he would not worry about anything.

As soon as I entered the gate, light came immediately, suddenly enlightened, and there was a vast plain in front of me, afraid that it would not be hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Zhou Shu let go of his consciousness, everything around him was in his eyes, and he felt smooth.

It is very rare, this is a secret realm that does not limit the consciousness and ability, that is to say, it is cool to be able to fully display one's strength.

Unexpectedly, there are all kinds of strange beasts and monsters living in the plains, most of them are Zhou Shu never seen, but the highest is only the sixth rank, of course, there are also strange flowers and plants, and general secrets. There is no difference, but there are more good things, which makes Zhou Shu less worried, but he also knows that according to the words of the door, this is only the first level of the secret realm, and it is not surprising that there is not much danger.

Cruising around, Zhou Shuruo felt.

To search for the treasures here, I am afraid that it will last for decades. Zhou Shu has no time and no need to do so. He only looks for something that is of great use to him, such as spiritual objects of the same rank and high aura, with four Elephants and dragons and other animals with the blood of divine animals

It took about a month to clean up like this, and the harvest was quite fruitful, and the cultivation base was also increasing day by day.

He didn't plan to cross the catastrophe here, so he didn't use the Demon Refining Pot to increase his cultivation level before the suppression of the fourth layer. He didn't start with most of the things that were not enough years old.

It is worth mentioning that he gave the little snake a lot of good food, and the relationship has improved a bit. When his divine consciousness enters the bag of the universe, the little snake will not directly rush to shout and kill, and the little snake He didn't destroy the mountains and rivers in the Universe Bag anymore, but he would still stare at him fiercely with those big eyes, and threaten him with Longwei.

Zhou Shu ignored.

After searching for a month, he also found the entrance to the next floor, Xiantian.

That is a big mountain.

It is vast and deep, endless, and such mountains are rarely seen in the world of immortality.

Let go of the divine sense and swept them one by one, and it was roughly the same as Zhongtian, but there were seventh-order monsters here, and the number was very small. What's more, there are veins of water and fire in the mountains, and there are also a lot of different fires and spiritual springs.

Here, the harvest is undoubtedly more than the first layer of Zhongtian.

With Zhou Shu’s current strength, he doesn’t need to be too scrupulous and just concentrate on collecting, but he also found that unlike Zhongtian’s smooth journey, Xiantian has many traps and some monsters such as evil spirit beasts. Zhou Shu also took a little thought.

It's just a little bit.

Two months later, I turned around and saw that there was not much place to stop in the vast Xiantian secret realm. He smiled and left straight away.

On the third day, from the sky.

The terrain is different again, dense jungles, swamps, deep pools, all over the sky are full of poisonous insects, visible.

In the dark, one could vaguely see the stinging eighth-order monster.

The degree of difficulty is obviously much higher than the previous two days, but Zhou Shu is not afraid of it.

For those who aim to become immortal, it is only the third day, how can they shrink back.

:Thank you for the support of the wine devil, nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted (Battlefield Literature)

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