Fairy Winner

Chapter 1499: Yuxi

After crossing several beaches of swamps full of rancid smells, Zhou Shu found his goal.

It was a rhino that was only one foot long, with stubby limbs, a curved tail, and a three-inch small horn. It was drinking with its head leisurely.

It's not an ordinary rhino, this is a jade rhino, no, it is a blood jade now.

The jade rhinoceros was originally black and was called iron jade rhinoceros. After several evolutions, it finally became a blood jade rhinoceros that was as red as blood.

Blood Jade Rhinoceros is a Tier 8 monster, that is to say, it has survived the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation. This situation is extremely rare. Almost all Tier 8 monsters are alien beasts, and there is no ordinary bloodline of the sacred beasts. The monster beast, wanting to rise to the eighth rank with its own efforts, is tantamount to ascending to the sky, but this jade rhinoceros has done it. It is hard to imagine how hard it has suffered without much wisdom.

If it can survive two more tribulations and successfully rise to the ninth rank, perhaps it can make the jade rhinoceros clan become a divine beast and holy beast. Except for a small part of innate, most divine beasts and holy beasts come from this way. Zhou Shu would not give it another opportunity like this.

The eighth order is its end.

The blood jade rhinoceros is definitely a treasure to the cultivator.

Its physique is extremely powerful, the ultimate among monsters. Its essence and blood can help immortal practitioners condense into a blood jade body. It is a special physique no less than that of the body that crosses the calamity, and the requirements are not high. Pill realm can be used, think about it, a cultivator can have the body of crossing catastrophe in the golden pill realm, what a terrible existence is that.

The blood jade rhinoceros hadn't appeared for tens of thousands of years. How could Zhou Shu miss it when he discovered it in the secret realm this time?

What Zhou Shu can do is to give it a good home.

As if aware of Zhou Shuyuan’s coveting from a hundred miles away, the blood jade rhinoceros suddenly raised its head and stared at Zhou Shu. The power of the king naturally radiated out. The monsters and monsters surrounding hundreds of miles suddenly suddenly Watching the wind and escaping, the sound of trampling and screaming continued to come.

After a while, in the huge jungle, it seemed that there were only Zhou Shu and this blood jade rhinoceros.

It seemed that the ancient horn was sounded, and tragic and desolate voices came from all directions, and Xue Yuxi kicked his legs fiercely and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

The ground doesn't break open, and the dense jungle and slimy mud don't affect it at all. No wonder, in front of such speed and strength, there is almost nothing to stop.

Baili is very far away, but after a few more glances, Xue Yuxi seems to have arrived.

Zhou Shu let out a low growl, and did not show any weakness, and greeted him without retreating. He actually wanted to go head-to-head with Xue Yuxi.

It's just a head-to-head, there is nothing to say, stubborn together, no need to worry, not to mention that Zhou Shu's physique is also the best in the world, is it not as good as this blood jade rhinoceros?


Zhou Shu and Xue Yuxi ran into each other without fancy!

They separated quickly and clashed again, which lasted dozens of times!

Every time, the ground vibrates back and forth. After dozens of hits, within a hundred miles, there is no flat place to be found. The ground sinks in a large section, the vegetation is lifted up, and the sky is full of mist and mud. The dust is intertwined, and the picture is completely unclear.

The smoke and dust quickly dissipated.

One person, one rhinoceros, several miles away, staring at each other, with stubbornness and appreciation in his eyes.

The rhino felt that he had found a suitable opponent, his fighting spirit became more and more high, his eyes slammed, his red body was shining, just like burning charcoal, the surrounding area was suddenly hot, and the vegetation was scorched and dried up. It seemed to be Burn your own life.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, bursts of golden light radiated from his body, his precious appearance was solemn, and he lifted the weight lightly, just like a big Buddha.

Even if the Fudo Ming Wang's body was practiced to the extreme, it might not have such an effect. At this time, Zhou Shu combined many kinds of Zen body training techniques together, and combined with Shu Zhili, he has already exerted his physical strength to the limit. .

Bang! Bang! Bang!

No words, no other actions, one person and one rhino, bumping into each other again.

Three times in a row!

"So refreshing!"

Zhou Shu wiped away the blood left at the corner of his mouth, resisted the severe pain in his whole body, and let out a long scream.

Long Xiao is born from the heart, can meet the right opponent, can stimulate the limit of the body, and further strength, how can he be unhappy?

Xue Yuxi also made a long hiss.

Only after its body twitched a few times, its eyes closed suddenly, and it fell heavily, and its breath was gone.

That collision had exhausted all its strength, and finally lost.

As soon as it fell, it sank suddenly, and the ground couldn't bear its weight, so it sank.

"How can such a good opponent be committed to the dust?"

Zhou Shu strode forward, stretched out his palm and grabbed it, trying to lift the blood jade rhinoceros.

The blood jade rhinoceros seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of catties, and Zhou Shu was also injured, so he could not lift it up, but fell with the blood jade rhinoceros.

"Something abnormal?!"

Zhou Shu quickly understood, but he relied on his self-cultivation, did not fear, and did not let go, and fell with Xue Yuxi.

Within a few breaths, the falling trend stopped, and both he and Xue Yuxi fell to the bottom.

Looking at it, it is a deep hole~www.ltnovel.com~ The bottom is on the ground, but there is no way out around it, and the top seems to be covered by mud and rocks.


Zhou Shu bowed respectfully. He regarded the blood jade rhinoceros as an opponent, not a monster to hunt.

Putting away the blood jade rhinoceros, and then took out the long sword, Zhou Shu groaned, and the people followed the sword and flew up.

Under the sword light, the mud and rocks could not be resisted at all, and they scattered down one after another. It seemed that within a few breaths, they could fly out of this deep hole.

However, he flew out for dozens of breaths, and there were still countless mud and dust above his head, and he couldn't see the sky.

"What's the matter, it fell off after a few breaths, how could it be so deep?"

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly condensed, and he immediately increased his strength, and Caiying in the sword also felt something was wrong. When he activated it at the same time as Zhou Shu, the speed suddenly increased several times.

Together, the two rushed upward.

But after at least a few breaths, there is still a continuous mud and rock on the top of the head, and the mud and rock walls around him, and the bottom is still solid mud.

It's as if I haven't moved at all.

Zhou Shu stopped and he understood that what he had fallen into was not an ordinary hole, but a formation, a very strange formation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he defeated the blood jade rhinoceros, he fell into a formation. It seems that the layout of this secret realm is really clever. If you want to get something good, you must face danger at all times and not give a chance to rest.

He also knew that there was a strange formation in the secret realm of Guixu.

In the sword mound of the secret realm of sword formation, he had seen the words left by the ancient power, "The green hook, occasionally obtained, transforms the gods into the ruins, never goes disadvantageous, then strays into the strange formation, the sword destroys people Save, pity."

Could it be that this hole is the strange formation that Da Neng has encountered?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu moved slightly in his heart and put away the Qingjian first.

He is not afraid of himself, but the sword is not the same, so he must take precautions.

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