Fairy Winner

Chapter 1501: Odd array

During this period of time, Zhou Shu's actual distance traveled was even shorter, perhaps only a dozen miles or a few miles, but in this cave, he still walked an inch, which is the same as the result of the tens of thousands of miles before.

This is a good thing.

Obviously, the formation will change with the changes of the cultivators in the formation. When the cultivator learns more about the formation, the formation will become simpler and simpler, and when the cultivator fully understands the true meaning of the formation When the time, that is, when the power of the law is understood, the actual distance that the cultivator walks out will be the same as the true distance of the hole. One inch is one inch. At that time, the formation will break without attack.

Helping the cultivator to make progress step by step, until he understands the essentials, this is the purpose of the ancient power to set up the formation.

It’s just that Zhou Shu at this stage cannot do it, and no one in the Xuanhuang world can do it. The knowledge of the Xuanhuang world is still too little. Only when you go out and enter the fairy world can you understand more ways and know more. law.

If you can't comprehend the truth, the actual distance will never be the same as the true distance, but for Zhou Shu, as long as the formation can be changed, it is enough.

It can be said that Zhou Shu has to get out of this hole again.

The important thing is that after a long time of thinking, he has touched the shrunken fur. Although it is only fur, it is also a great breakthrough. Few people in the world of cultivating immortals have this opportunity, but they can do it if they have the opportunity. Even less, in these tens of thousands of years, Zhou Shu is probably unique.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, I realized the knowledge that belongs to the immortal realm, and I am a step ahead. I may not see the benefits now, but I will naturally see it in the future.

Of course, he also paid the price.

Zhou Shu’s face is blue and purple, which is absolutely abnormal, as if he has been seriously ill for hundreds of years, and his thinking is also very chaotic. The sea of ​​knowledge is completely messed up, I am afraid that the basic language ability is chaotic. , This is because the time spent thinking at the limit is too long, and the knowledge he has gained from thinking is beyond the scope of his possible grasp, and everything becomes too much before it becomes like this. If you can’t straighten out, you won’t be able to get the formation. His benefits, on the contrary, will fall into a dangerous state, and may become an idiot or something.

In fact, if it were other cultivators, they might have become idiots.

But fortunately, Zhou Shu's heart has always been firm as steel, even if his thoughts are numb, he knows what to do.

He immediately sat down, thinking of nothing, letting go of everything, and let the complicated thoughts slowly return, one by one back to where they should be.

After comprehending, he must settle, and his habit helped him.

Time passed quickly, and I don't know whether it was dozens of days or more. In short, seeing Zhou Shu's face gradually rosy, he recovered as before.

Taking a look around, he calmly walked up.

Understand the meaning of the formation, and touched some clues. The formation will no longer deliberately make things difficult for him. He naturally increased his speed. Although it took two hours for the Baizhang deep hole, he smoothly got out of the hole. , See the light again.

Looking back, the deep hole in the ground disappeared in a short time, as if it had never existed.

"This formation shouldn't have been encountered by the sword repairer."

After getting out of the predicament, Zhou Shu thought of the past, "That is to say, there are other strange formations in the secret realm... The effect should be similar, all to help the immortal cultivator understand the power of the law. If this is a space, then sword repair What Mighty encounters should be the law of time. His sword is completely broken and has lost all vitality. Even the material itself is rotten. Generally speaking, only time can have such power, and I don’t know it is over. Tens of thousands or more years, this kind of formation is even more terrifying than the one just now... That's it, I will start thinking about it now... Besides, there should be other laws besides these two laws, such as goodness. Evil laws, such as the high-level five elements, color, life and death, etc."

Thinking of this, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t think about how to avoid these strange formations. On the contrary, he wanted to encounter them. Now that he understood, the purpose of these strange formations was to help the immortal cultivator understand it. If he missed it, he wanted to understand it later. , I'm afraid I will go to the fairy world to look for opportunities.

Try not to miss this opportunity.

But it is definitely impossible to meet all of them. First, the power of various laws is very dangerous. Even Zhou Shu cannot retreat. Second, it is impossible for Zhou Shu to feel every law. , All touched the fur.

In fact, it would be nice to meet a few suitable ones, just hope you have better luck.

Walking to a clearing with a smile, Zhou Shu took out the Qiankun bag.

I haven’t taken care of the little snake for a long time, and I don’t know what to do. Don’t mess up the Qiankun bag, and he has to take out the blood of the blood jade rhinoceros. If this thing is delayed for too long, it may lose part of its effectiveness. That's not a bargain.

The little snake was lying in the river, very honest, except that the mountain-like corpse of the monster beside it ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ had only bones left.

"Your appetite is really not that big, it's much bigger than Xiaogun."

Zhou Shu shook his head, Xiao Snake disdainfully stared at Zhou Shu, "Hmph, hum, hum, I, I am willing."

It can speak words, and it can refute what Zhou Shu is saying.

Zhou Shu is not surprised at all. The snake’s intelligence is quite high, similar to human geniuses, but because he has been wandering outside and no one is teaching him, he doesn’t understand anything. After Zhou Shu and Caiying’s work Pointing, it can communicate with Zhou Shu simply, with a lot of arrogance in his words, as if he was born with it and cannot be changed.

"Eat as you like."

Zhou Shu smiled and put a lot of it in, "You're still sensible, and if you haven't touched the blood jade rhinoceros I want, then the ruts can teach you."

"You can teach...what is it?"

The little snake climbed to the mountain of beasts, muttering silently, as if trying to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

Zhou Shu didn't care about it, and lifted the blood jade rhino from the valley nearby.

The blood jade rhinoceros that was just one foot in weight weighed a million catties, and the whole body was as steel as jade, and it would make a sound of metal when knocked on it, not at all like meat.

Being able to temper the body into this way, I really don’t know how many hardships it has gone through. You have to know that the monster is not able to master the art, and the body is basically tempered by continuous pain... Zhou Shu also has a trace of emotion, but it is only emotion, not Sympathy, the survival of the fittest in this world, if Xue Yuxi used its energy for tempering its body to increase its wisdom, it might have reached a higher realm early, but it was a pity that it had no such thoughts and could only accept death.

It is not easy to draw blood, and Zhou Shu does not intend to let the Demon Refining Pot help.

Use the green sword to slowly open the cracks, look for the veins and blood vessels, and find out the blood of the blood jade rhinoceros.

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