Fairy Winner

Chapter 1502: Demon

After some hard work, three drops of pure blood were taken out by Zhou Shu.

The essence and blood are surrounded by thick blood mist. Although it is only the size of a grain of rice, it weighs more than a thousand catties. It is like the most dazzling gem, with an attractive luster, which makes people want to take it for themselves.

Zhou Shu stared for a while, carefully put it away, and saved it for later use.

Without delay, he penetrated into the jungle and began a journey of searching for strange formations.

He searched earnestly, his divine consciousness was like a grate, and he completely ridden the vast secret realm. Whenever a more powerful monster appeared, he would go forward and fight. It took at least a month to go back and forth like this, but the result was Let him down.

No strange array was found.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, sighed unlucky, and gave up freely.

Indeed, the odd array is like a Romance. There is no trace to be found. Everything depends on luck. If you encounter it, you will encounter it. If you don't have it, you will not have it. Deliberate search is often fruitless, and it will only waste time and energy.

Let it go.

A day later, he stood in front of the stairs of the fourth secret realm.

The two big characters "Gentian" are very conspicuous, but different from the previous ones, there are two gates here, one is the entrance to the next heaven, and the other is the exit, allowing you to leave the secret realm from now on.

Zhou Shu didn't think much, and walked to the entrance.

When he walked to the door, his figure was stagnant, as if an invisible wall blocked him, and at the same time, the ancient and majestic voice appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, echoing endlessly, deafening.

"This is the gate of crossing the tribulation, you cannot enter without crossing the tribulation realm. After entering, every step is a dead place, whether to enter?"


Zhou Shu said indifferently, with a calm complexion, only determined to reveal it unabashedly in his eyes.

But he was also secretly stagnated in his heart, the door of crossing the tribulation, that is to say, the previous triple secret realm was not specially prepared for the cultivator of crossing the tribulation realm. Any cultivator can enter, and the latter is specially prepared for crossing the tribulation realm. , And according to Zhou Shu's view, the first three levels of difficulty are simply not something that ordinary Tribulation Realm can bear, so the difficulty of the secret realm behind can be imagined.

As soon as the voice fell, the invisible wall disappeared immediately, and Zhou Shu walked in without hesitation.

The ladder is not long, and soon reached the fourth heaven.

When the gang wind hit, Zhou Shu's figure was slightly shaken, and he immediately understood.

It turned out that there is a ubiquitous gang wind here, there is a gang wind in it, and the monks who have not crossed the tribulation realm cannot survive for too long.

Looking up, the front is flat, with only a few bare hills. There is no danger, but Zhou Shu suddenly tightens, not only because of these hills that were not destroyed in the wind, but also because he perceives two. A powerful breath is coming towards him, and every sigh is not under the previous blood jade rhinoceros.

The eighth-order strange beast.

The ground cracked abruptly, and a monster resembling a centipede and a scorpion appeared. It swung a pliers the size of a length and rushed towards Zhou Shu. A crack appeared in the air. A golden seven-headed strange bird swooped down. A turquoise flame is constantly emerging from a pointed beak, and in the wind, the speed is like a rocket.

I felt the previous breath, and the next breath was already in sight.

Zhou Shu didn't panic, as he expected it from the stairs, Shu Zhili quickly covered his whole body, his body bent, and he bounced out like a slingshot.

It happened to have escaped the surprise attack of the seven-headed strange bird, and the green sword in his hand fell impartially on the monster's head.

The sound of metal collision spread, and the carapace on the monster's head was cut with a deep white line by the green sword.

Zhou Shu took advantage of the situation to attack, and the sword intent swarmed in along the cracks, only to hear a burst of crackling, the carapace split along the white line, a monster that was more than ten feet long, quickly divided into two halves, pliers and more Foot, they all lay down weakly.

The monster is dead, but Zhou Shu didn't relax at all, his figure retreated tens of feet, staring at the monster, his eyes became sharper.

Bang, bang!

The monster had completely split apart, and suddenly a three-foot-long monster jumped out of its head, grinning at Zhou Shu, making a sharp, piercing sound, which was extremely resentful.

With his figure slightly to the side, a surprise attack by the strange bird escaped. Zhou Shu stared at the strange monkey, his complexion gradually condensed, and he secretly said, "It really is a ghost."

The centipede-like monster is called the Clamping Insect. It is congenital inadequate. It can only be promoted to the seventh level at most. It is impossible to reach the eighth level. The Clamping Insect in front of you has the breath of the eighth level. It is obviously weird. Zhou Shu It is expected that there are other things inside, most of which are strange beasts and ghosts.

Mandrill is one of the most reluctant beasts to encounter, and if you are not careful, you will be caught in its tricks and die. Most people don’t know. Mandrill still There is a special method of parasitizing in the bodies of other monsters and controlling other monsters to seek food and kill for it. When a monster is killed by a human cultivator, it suddenly appears again. The cultivator is often caught off guard. It kills.

Zhou Shu knew this, so he backed away immediately after killing the pincers, without leaving any chance for the ghosts inside ~www.ltnovel.com~Jie Jie! "

Ghost Mandrill screamed, his body jumped up and flew towards Zhou Shu like electricity.

Looking at the direction and strength, the strange bird behind him formed a pincer, giving Zhou Shu a feeling of inevitable avoidance.

Zhou Shu didn't plan to dodge either, his back sword was behind him, his right hand circled around, and his palm instantly turned red, like a burning flame, flashing like the sun, and he grabbed it at the ghost.

Fire Qi Palm, a special magic formula issued with the power of unicorns, carrying unicorn fire, is exactly the nemesis of strange beasts such as ghosts.

In the continuous experience, Zhou Shu has become more and more proficient in using the power of the unicorn. There are already five of the seven tactics that can be used at any time.

"Jie Jie, ah!"

Perceiving the strange fire of the unicorn, the ghost mandrill stopped abruptly, and disappeared for a moment.

That is a ghost trick, a stealth and rapid escape trick.

Mandrill tactics are also circulated in the world of cultivating immortals. They were created by the cultivators based on the body of the mandrill, but they are far inferior to those used by real ghosts.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Zhou Shu had a cold face and strode eagerly. Although he could not see the Mandrill in his sight, he could see clearly with his spiritual consciousness. Although the Mandrill Art was very powerful, he was close to the ninefold in front of Zhou Shu. For a Consummated person, it is still useless.

He chased the ghost mandrill, but the strange bird behind him was tirelessly chasing him.

Zhou Shu didn’t have time to take care of it. The seven-headed strange bird is not ordinary. It is called a ghost bird. It has the blood of a sacred animal and a ghost car. Although not too powerful, it has seven heads and seven lives. If you really want to get entangled, I'm afraid it will be difficult to tell the victory or defeat in less than half an hour, and it is still important to eliminate the ghost.

The ghost is the most hateful. If you let it escape, Zhou Shu will face its traps and tricks from time to time in this secret realm, and it will be miserable.

So it must be killed now to avoid future troubles.

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