Fairy Winner

Chapter 1503: Fellow

Mandrill was extremely fast, but Zhou Shu was even faster, chasing fiercely all the way, getting closer and closer, just about to catch up.

The Mandrill had noticed it, and while running away, he whispered in a low voice, like a woman crying, sometimes speaking out, begging Zhou Shu to let it go.

But how could Zhou Shu let it go, the killing intent in his eyes became stronger, the more cunning, the more **** it.

The Mandrill suddenly folded, changed directions, and ran towards a hill not far away.

Zhou Shu chased after him, but the ghost bird behind him let out a roar and stopped in the air.

Ghost Sparrow is not the one who gives up so easily, there is only one possibility that can stop it. The place the Ghost Sparrow will go is extremely dangerous, even the Ghost Sparrow dare not enter.

Zhou Shu came to understand right away, but he didn't stop. He wouldn't let the ghosts escape. Besides, if the ghosts dared to go, he should go too, just be careful.

After a while, the ghost suddenly stopped, turned around, and smiled at Zhou Shujie, very strange.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit Zhou Shu inexplicably behind him, pushing Zhou Shu forward.

"Insidious means."

Zhou Shu showed disdain.

He doesn’t know what Mandrill’s thoughts are. The place where Mandrill stands must be the boundary of the danger range. As long as he crosses over, there will be danger. So Mandrill stands there and doesn’t go in. Then he secretly uses a trick to hit Zhou Shu. Being caught off guard, Zhou Shu was unable to retreat and entered a dangerous situation.

But Zhou Shu had already thought that he was naturally prepared for it, and Shu Zhili suddenly fell, and his figure stopped immediately.

There was nowhere to dispatch the huge power, and his figure sank into the ground abruptly, reaching a depth of several feet.


The Mandrill was a little dumbfounded. He thought he could lead Zhou Shu astray, but unexpectedly Zhou Shu could rein in the cliff. However, in the moment of sluggishness, he immediately discovered that something was wrong. Qilin fire was coming from all directions, but there was no one ahead.

In his own way, he is also to be treated.


In desperation, the ghost screamed and had to avoid the unicorn fire, and ran forward several feet.

There was a sudden shock, and the ground gradually rose, revealing a mountain-like monster.

The strange beast was shaped like a giant tortoise, more than a hundred feet long, and the whole body was as white as jade, with a mess of green hair on top of his head, which seemed familiar.


Although it was much smaller and different in color than the one in the one hundred thousand mountains, it was undoubtedly the mountain, and the bloodline in front of him was thicker, at least eight points pure, stronger, and the eighth-order perfect.

The mountain raised its head, and the mighty dragon power followed, seemingly unintentional, but like a violent wind sweeping the earth, instantly emptied everything.

Shocked by Longwei, the ghost was there, his mind was blank, he didn't know how to move, and he didn't even dare to tremble.

The strange beasts like ghosts are most afraid of all kinds of sacred beasts. The strange beasts with the blood of the sacred beasts dare not provoke them. They think it is the most dangerous here, so they will attract Zhou Shu. It became overcast, and now that Longwei came out, he was instantly stupid.

Zhou Shu also felt Longwei and was shocked, but soon calmed down.

He had seen a lot of Longwei, this mountain was definitely not bad, but it was not enough to shock him.

What he cares more about is the realm of the mountain. The eighth-level consummation is equivalent to the nine-fold consummation of the cultivator. As long as he has passed the tenth level of the calamity, he will immediately be promoted to the ninth level and achieve the highest monster.

It was the first time he saw a strange beast in such a realm.

I am afraid that there is no opponent in the world of cultivating immortals, and of course Zhou Shu can't match it.

The mountain that didn't even open his eyes clearly confirmed the ghost mandrill's position, opened a big mouth, and his long tongue flew out suddenly and rolled towards the mandrill.

The ghost is still motionless, just waiting to die.

At the moment when the long tongue was rolled into the Mandrill, Zhou Shu suddenly shot and pulled the Mandrill over.


It seemed that Zhou Shu's existence was only felt, Shan turned to Zhou Shu, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were very vicissitudes of life, it seemed that countless years were hidden inside, "Humans? Why do you want to **** my prey."

He actually spoke, and the speech was very clear, but it took a long time to say a word, which seemed to take a lot of effort.

Zhou Shu arched his hand and said slowly, "After finally chasing for so long, I can't let it die in your hands. I'm sorry, he is mine."

He was also surprised that Shan could speak out.

The world is born with a strange beast that is born to know what people say, but it will never be a mountain. In the dragon race, the mountain’s intelligence is not high, and it is impossible to transform, but this one can speak. It is a little weird to be able to recognize him as a human being. If it is said that it is self-realizing, it is really impossible. Then, he has been in contact with humans before and learned human language from other human cultivators.

"You are bold."

Shan paused for a while before uttering the second sentence.

Zhou Shu considered it for a while, and said slowly, "I don't know if your friend lives in seclusion here, I really offend you a little bit."

The body of the mountain suddenly trembled, and the surrounding ground suddenly cracked, and the cracks stretched for more than ten miles~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly stagnant, and the mountain just moved slightly, and the earth cracked the sky. This The general strength is really incalculable. If you use your full force, it will be difficult for you to resist. The alien beast that has survived the Nine-fold Heavenly Tribulation is essentially different from the one that has only survived the Eightfold. It is more than doubled.

I just don't know how I angered it.

"Friends, after so long, I finally heard these two words again."

Shan spoke again, a heavy and clear voice, but it seemed that there was no anger in it, but there was a bit of rare joy.

It seems that it likes to hear such a name, and instead of offending it, it has earned some good impressions.

Zhou Shu struck the iron while it was hot, "There is no distinction between respect and inferiority in the cultivation of Taoism, regardless of race. Daoists also do the cultivation, and naturally they are Taoists."

The mountain stared at Zhou Shu, and there seemed to be waves in his old eyes, "He said the same."

It might take a hundred breaths to say a word, but Zhou Shu always maintained respect and said solemnly, "I don't know that it is the senior who can be destined to make friends with Daoists?"

"It's been too long, I don't remember."

Shan shook his head, thinking for a long time before speaking.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said slowly, "Well, if you can make friends with Daoists, you must be a great senior, and respect him very much, just as you respect Daoists."

"There should be more..."

The mountain was halfway through, but suddenly moved.

That movement was a hundred times faster than talking.

The body was like a mountain, but it moved like a rabbit, and it fell in front of Zhou Shu in an instant, no more than a few feet apart, with a pair of eyes staring directly at Zhou Shu, and at the same time, the powerful Longwei unabashedly released to the surrounding ground. A layer was cut off immediately.

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly stagnant, but he was not panicked, he folded his hands and smiled, "Daoist, what are you trying to say?"

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