Fairy Winner

Chapter 1504: Quyuan

Staring at Zhou Shu for a long time, he seemed to be testing something.

Zhou Shu didn't move, always with a peaceful smile.

Long Wei gradually declined, and Shan Ren slowly lowered his head.


A heavy voice, but also relieved, as if he had let go of some burden.

Zhou Shu glanced at the top of its head and seemed to feel it. It turned out that it was not growing green hair, but a piece of land, but the ground was covered with moss. There was something else vaguely in the moss, but it was covered by the emptiness of the mountain. The divine hood covered it, the divine consciousness could not penetrate, and it was impossible to see clearly.

The Void God Cover is a special protective cover that specifically restrains the detection of gods and spirits. Only those monsters with extremely weak spirits and extremely powerful physical bodies may have them. (Physical cultivation can also be cultivated). There are more than five kinds, and Shan Reed is one of them.

He said carefully, "Is it necessary for me to go up and see?"


The voice is very long, with a lot of loneliness.

"Then offend, Fellow Daoist."

Zhou Shu nodded, stood up, and carefully jumped onto the top of the mountain.

After passing through the imaginary hood, the consciousness immediately became clear, and this piece of land with a radius of five feet was also clearly seen.

Among the moss, there are five stone monuments of the same size. They are full of ancient characters. They cannot be made by a mountain forest. Of course, it cannot be a monument carried by a real beast. It should be the previous one. Left by the cultivators.

Looking at the year of the stone stele, I am afraid it has been more than 30,000 years, but it is very well preserved. In fact, the material of the stone stele is not good. It can be preserved so well because of the deliberate protection of the mountain. It can be placed on the top of the head at any time. Retracted into the shell.

Looking at it piece by piece, Zhou Shu's expression gradually condensed.

The stele was left by a monk named Qu Yuan more than 30,000 years ago.

Speaking of Quyuan, perhaps no one knows, but if you add a word in the middle of the name to become Qu Taiyuan, then the name is well known in the world.

Before Qu Taiyuan, Tianjianmen was an unknown Zhongliu sect, but after Qu Taiyuan was born, Tianjianmen became the six major sects of immortal cultivation.

Qu Taiyuan is known as the first person to cultivate swordsmanship in ancient times. He is a true swordsman genius. Any sword art in his hands can quickly comprehend the sword intent, and can refine and integrate them to create new and more powerful swords. He understood that of the seven strongest sword intents in the Heavenly Sword Sect, six of them were understood by him, and they are still the strongest ever since.

Most sects only soared to the sky after the emergence of a super genius, such as the Heavenly Sword Gate.

Of course, the Dutch school is also.

Qu Yuan spent two hundred years in the fourth heaven of the Guixu Secret Realm.

These two hundred years are the two hundred years in which he has grown the fastest. He has lived here three times, comprehended hundreds of sword intents, and surpassed the realm of heaven and earth. The most important thing is that he got his own right here. The kendo, the domineering sword, and gradually expand it.

Kendo is a avenue, and the avenue contains countless trails. Creating your own kendo in the avenue is simpler than direct creation, but it is also a creation.

When Qu Taiyuan was practicing, he encountered this mountain.

At that time, the mountain had only six steps, and it was still very weak, so it was naturally not Qu Taiyuan's opponent, but Qu Taiyuan didn't kill it and kept it.

The reason is very simple. It’s not that Qu Taiyuan has mercy, but when Qu Taiyuan completed his enlightenment and successfully released the Dao Pagoda, this mountain-recipe suddenly appeared. I looked at the Dao Pagoda for a long time, as if I could understand the lines on it. .

Qu Taiyuan believed that he could be his first disciple. Naturally, he would not kill him, but would treat him as the best disciple, looking for food for him, teaching tactics, teaching him to speak, etc.

Shan Ren's intelligence is very low, and ordinary teaching methods are difficult to work, but Qu Taiyuan's method is different.

"This method is not just preaching directly..."

Seeing this, Zhou Shu nodded slowly, seemingly rewarded.

Qu Taiyuan did not directly teach the tactics, but told the scriptures on the Dao Pagoda over and over again. Regardless of whether they understand or not, he kept practicing kendo in front of the mountain, and the mountain must also be read. I can’t relax a little bit. After ten years of persisting like this, neither he nor the mountain remnant stopped for a moment. The mountain remnant finally gained something and unintentionally cast a technique similar to Qu Taiyuan’s. Although extremely weak, the power in it , There is no doubt that it is Tyrant Sword Jianyi.

"The big thing is done!"

Seeing this scene, Qu Taiyuan was ecstatic.

Shan Ren can directly use the power of its debut, indicating that it has realized the Tao, how can it not make the founders ecstatic, the same is true when changing Zhou Shu.

Since then, Qu Taiyuan has called it "Taoyou".

Today's Shanren can cultivate to the eighth level to perfection and spend time after day. The Tao taught by Qu Taiyuan has played a big role in it, and Qu Taiyuan can be regarded as its enlightened person.

Of course, Qu Taiyuan and his Tao have gained more gains in the process of transmitting Shan Ren Jian Dao. Without Shan Ren to verify his Dao, he would not know whether his Dao could spread, nor would he I know if his Tao is the real Tao ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Not to mention, Shan Ren gave him a lot of feedback on the Taoist furnace. If they are sincere to each other and preach the Tao, they are complementary to each other, and both parties can benefit. A lot.

Seeing this, Zhou Shu hated Pu Lao again.

Had it not been for Pu Lao's troubles, he might have obtained his first disciple long ago, and his Shu Zhidao would also develop even more.

Hate things all your life.

However, he got a revelation from these words, his first disciple does not have to be a human, maybe a strange animal is better?

He is somewhat enlightened.

After Xue Nu’s accident, he was obsessed with finding suitable disciples among human beings, but he has not yet found them. Moreover, even if he finds suitable ones, there will be many problems. Human cultivators have too many thoughts and too many demands. Concentrated on Tao, and a disciple who is unfamiliar with the new Tao, Zhou Shu did not have enough confidence.

Compared with human cultivators, the alien beast has almost no other thoughts. As long as it can meet its basic requirements, it will concentrate on doing one thing for you. If you don’t do it, it will never stop. The same is true for Tao. If you can find a suitable alien beast, you don’t need to be too high. As long as you can understand the Taoist tower a little bit, and then repeat the process like Qu Taiyuan, maybe the alien beast can also get the Tao of Shu?

If this is done, it will certainly be of great help to Shu Zhidao.

If you think about it, if you don’t have this mountain helper Qu Taiyuan perfected the Dao, where would there be the Dao of Overlord Sword in the Xuanhuang Realm, how could there be so many inherited tactics in the Heavenly Sword Gate today? Can the Domineering Sword continue?

Qu Taiyuan helped Shanbian open up Meng, but also helped him find a suitable way.

Where to find such a strange beast, Zhou Shu might not have the chance of Qu Taiyuan, and he had a candidate in his heart. (Battlefield Literature)

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