Fairy Winner

Chapter 1505: Stele

Looking at the stele from side to side, Zhou Shu benefited a lot.

The stone tablet records the process of Qu Taiyuan's teaching the domineering sword and his own experience in the process of teaching. For Zhou Shu, this is a much-needed wealth, and he does not want to miss a word.

Qu Taiyuan recorded the preaching process in detail. It seemed useless, and he could do it himself. Why would he leave any traces?

Only Zhou Shu understood this mentality well, and he would do the same if he changed him.

As a person who creates Taoism, he is extremely lonely. There is a feeling that there is only one person in the world. Apart from himself, no one knows the Tao that he has created, and it is impossible to understand. If there is any problem or thought, it is impossible to understand. You can only think and understand by yourself. How can you not be lonely. In this case, you can record in detail what you have realized, just like talking to someone, and you have the pleasure of finding a friend.

Zhou Shu watched slowly, and Shan Ren was a little anxious, urging him from time to time.

"I have forgotten many things, even his name, but I still can't forget, he left me something."

"What did you see, what did he leave for me?"

"I miss him so much..."

"Friends of Taoist do not need to worry, after reading it, I will tell you one to five to ten."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, but he was stunned when he saw the last few words of the last stone tablet.

"In the end, the mountain is not my race, it is a descendant of the dragon race. Although he has gained my way, his heart is unpredictable, and he does not know the blessings and blessings of future generations. I cannot bear to kill my disciples. For future troubles, holding the stele to the Heavenly Sword Gate, I will have a big reward, remember."

Zhou Shu glanced at the mountain forest below, and shook his head slightly.

Shan Ren had many expectations in his eyes, waiting for Zhou Shu to tell him something.

Obviously, in addition to his own Tao, Qu Taiyuan didn't teach the shanren much other things. Even if he perceives the stele, he can't understand the words on it.

Na Shanfang respected Qu Taiyuan very much, and it was also a relationship of teacher and friend. After more than 30,000 years, he had forgotten too many things, but he still missed Qu Taiyuan’s preaching to him, but where did you know that Qu Taiyuan stayed The next important purpose of the stone stele is to let the latecomers kill the mountain.

He can understand Qu Taiyuan’s thoughts. In the ancient times 30,000 years ago, human immortal cultivators and descendants of dragons with dragon blood were still great enemies. From time to time, real dragons broke the ten-day boundary of Xuanhuang Realm and used dragon blood. Rebirth in the Jinlong race, and then set off a storm in the Xuanhuang Realm (also because of this, the Xuanhuang Realm has repeatedly changed), that's why Qu Taiyuan would say that. Only Zhou Shu can understand, will Shanren understand?

In this case, can he tell Shan Ren?

Of course not.

At least not now, he can't bear the consequences, in case, let's be honest, if the heart of this mountain is chilled and it suddenly goes crazy, Zhou Shu is not an opponent, but suffers himself.

Zhou Shu let go of the stone tablet, jumped down, smiled and nodded at Shan Ren, "After reading it down, he also misses fellow Taoists."

Shanbi suddenly shook, "Did he... say that?"

"Yes, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "It is clearly written on the stone tablet that the senior must leave the secret realm and return to the sect, but he cannot take you away with you. It is really a hate thing, so he left the stone tablet. I hope that when people see it later, they can help him fulfill this wish, bring you fellow Taoist out of the secret realm, and achieve a career with that senior."


Shan Ren's figure trembled, and there was a wave of waves in his vicissitudes of eyes, and he was speechless for a long time.

Zhou Shu looked at it and said with regret, "Unfortunately, I don’t have enough abilities. I’m afraid I can’t help him fulfill this wish. Fellow Daoist, I’m really sorry, but as long as the stone monument is still there, you can definitely wait for a senior fellow. People, help fellow daoists out."

In fact, he can help Shan Rei go out, but he can’t do that. If the eighth-order Consummation Shan Rei reaches the realm of cultivation, I really don’t know how much disturbance will be caused, whether it will end well or badly, based on his current situation. Ability cannot provoke such cause and effect.

The mountain is still unheard of, silent as an image, I don't know what I am thinking about.

Zhou Shu didn't have a good time to leave, just waited at ease.

After a long time, it may be one day or more, but this time might be a flash in Shanbei's eyes. When Zhou Shu wanted to leave, the Shanbei finally moved.

"Can't wait."

Shan Ren shook his head and said very desolately.

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "No, since they can come here, there will be people here."

Shan Ren said slowly, "I can't wait, I'm going to die."


Zhou Shu's figure trembles slightly, "The Daoist seems to be in good condition, why do you say that?"

"I can live for a year at most. After a year, I will have to face the tenth calamity. I know that I will not be able to survive."

Shan Ren said slowly, his voice gradually calmed down, there was a kind of vicissitudes of seeing through everything.


Zhou Shu sighed slightly, but stopped talking.

Shan Ren's cultivation base has long been completed, and it seems that he has been suppressed for a long time, but now he can't suppress it at all, and one year later, he must face the catastrophe.

Even he knows that with the current strength of the catastrophe, it is completely impossible for an alien beast like Shantou to ascend to the immortal. How could Shanfan himself not know~www.ltnovel.com~Thank you for telling me the words on the stone tablet , And the sentence of fellow Taoists. "

Shan Ren stared at Zhou Shu, "Let me do something for you. You can tell me what you need. There is nothing I can't do here, but there is not much time, only one year, and , I also need you to do something for me."

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, "What's the matter, fellow daoists, please tell me."

Shan Ren slowly fell down, stretched his head in front of Zhou Shu, with a pleading tone, "Help me bring him the stele, or his descendants, tell him that I can't get out, but I will never Fortune remember him, my fellow Taoist."

Zhou Shu looked at Shan Ren, with a hint of guilt in his heart.

Non-my family, its heart must be different? This mountain remembrance in front of him should be different. It must have sincere feelings for Qu Taiyuan, but Qu Taiyuan would not think so. Zhou Shu is also the same as Qu Taiyuan.

Perhaps this is the difference between humans and monsters.

"Can't it be done?"

Shan Ren raised his head and looked at Zhou Shu, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Long Wei was ready to go, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense, like the eve of a snowstorm.

It can be seen that it takes this request very seriously and does not hesitate to cause catastrophe.

It can be said that the previous Shan Ren had never used power seriously, but now it is different. The eighth-order Consummation Monster must do its best, and Zhou Shu also has a trace of palpitations.


Zhou Shu nodded, "If I can go out, I will definitely do it, and help fellow daoists bring the stone tablet back to his sect."

"Thank you."

Shan Ren let out a long sigh of relief, seeming to let go of the burden of tens of thousands of years, his head shook lightly, and five stone steles landed firmly in front of Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu thanked him and collected it seriously.

(Ps: Thank you Shihai Bodhi for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) (Battlefield Literature)

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