Fairy Winner

Chapter 1506: Tianlu

Zhou Shu decided to stay for a year in more days.

There are daoists who can teach him a lot of knowledge, and countless resources-there are eighth-order monsters everywhere, rare and exotic treasures can be seen everywhere, just take out one is the finale of the auction——, Moreover, it is safe.

Yes, there are dangers here, and the eighth-rank monsters are rampant. You may encounter two or three in a few steps. Even if Zhou Shu is too poor to deal with it, he has a strong backing. As long as he is exhausted, he can retreat to the mountain. Within the scope of, there will no longer be any strange beasts—the eighth-level perfect mountain monk is the king in this even greater secret realm, and no other monsters dare to provoke.

Shan Ren quickly agreed to Zhou Shu. This request was not even a help for him, so he gave Zhou Shu something.

"this is……"

Staring at the golden beads in front of him, Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and said in deep thought, "Why fellow Daoists? I will never collect them below.

The bead was taken out of the carapace by the bead. After a lot of time, it seemed very solemn, as if it were its most precious thing.

Appearing to understand Zhou Shu's thoughts, Shan Ren shook his head, "This is not my blood."


Zhou Shu had a slight meal.

Although the golden beads did not have much luster, they could be seen at a glance. They contained extremely strong vitality and powerful strength. Although they were not as good as the unicorn blood obtained before, they were not much different. He thought Shanbi knew that he was not lucky, and of course he wanted to refuse to give him the blood.

Shan Ren slowly said, "I have to overcome the catastrophe, how can I give you my blood."

Zhou Shu smiled, a little embarrassed, but the words behind Shan Ren shocked his heart and his smile froze.

Shan Ren stared at him, "This is the blood of a Tianlu beast."

"Tianlu Beast?"

Zhou Shu was startled, the Tianlu Beast was not a strange beast, but a real divine beast.

Tianlu beasts have multiple appearances. The dragon head, horse body, and lin feet are like a lion. They have two wings on their shoulders. In the ancient times, they were also considered as vassals. In the ancient times, the rise of mankind and the mysterious yellow world entered the war period. Divine beasts dealt with humans together, but joined the camp of humans to help humans fight against dragons and other divine beasts. Therefore, they were grateful to humans, thinking of auspiciousness, and thus named Tianlu.

Compared with other sacred beasts, Tianlu Beast's mana is not high, and it needs to be attached to other clan to exert its full strength. Among the sacred beasts, it is considered a weaker party.

The appearance of a divine beast in the secret realm really shocked Zhou Shu, but what made him even more shocked was that the Tianlu beast and the Xuanyuan clan of the human being had a close and even inseparable relationship.

This should start from the beginning.

The ancestral land of Tianlu Beast is at the foot of Xuanyuan Mountain, in the same place as Xuanyuan Clan.

Originally, the Tianlu Beast clan had a bad relationship with the Xuanyuan Clan, and they fought endlessly in order to compete for Xuanyuan Mountain.

However, after the human emperor was born, the situation suddenly changed. The Tianlu Beast and the Xuanyuan clan became friendly, which can be described as a family of closeness.

The Xuanyuan clan taught Tianlumon various human etiquettes, taught various techniques, and helped it transform, while Tianlumon helped humans to fight against various monsters and beasts, and also used its own special abilities to mine and it was extremely difficult to obtain. The Xuanyuan Iron was given to the Xuanyuan clan to build weapons. The human race and the mythical beast were extremely harmonious and allied. When the emperor went to the dragon clan, the mount used was also the Tianlu beast.

Since then, Tianlu Beast is also called Xuanyuan Beast.

At that time, there was a legend that the Emperor Human and Tianlu Beast were in the same line. They were originally from the same origin. The Emperor Human was born from his mother, Yemeng Tianlu Beast. Among the many techniques used by the Emperor, there is vaguely the Tianlu Beast. Ability is in it.

If this legend is true, this drop of blood may have a great effect.

But it was only possible, he couldn't be sure, because he didn't know whether what he got was Xuanyuan Sword.

Zhou Shu pressed his mind and said calmly, "How can a fellow Taoist have the blood of a beast?"

Shan Ren said slowly, "You are surprised."

When Shan Ren stepped into the eighth level, it was already one of the strongest in the Gengtian Secret Realm.

Because it is different from other monsters and monsters, it not only has a powerful body, natural blood, but also the way of the overlord sword taught by Qu Taiyuan. Although it has just entered the eighth level, no one in the secret realm has rushed to provoke it. Except for one monster.

The pale golden monster found the mountain, and wanted to fight it to determine who is the real master of the secret realm.

Shan Ren recognized it at a glance, it was a Tianlu beast.

When I was with Qu Taiyuan, Qu Taiyuan taught him many things about divine beasts and strange beasts in the past to encourage him to learn Taoism and become immortal. Among them, Tianlu Beast was mentioned.

This Tianlu Beast is not pure. If it is a real Tianlu Beast, its body should be grayish white, which is only pale golden.

However, apart from the difference in color, it is almost the same as the Tianlu Beast. The strength on its body and the permanent clouds around it are 90% similar even if it is not 100% Tianlu Beast.

The Tianlu Beast had just reached the eighth level, and both had the overlord's aura. They didn't agree with each other, and immediately launched a battle.

This battle can be described as dark and dark, fought for a hundred days and nights.

Seeing all the monsters around him was afraid.

After the war, Tianlu Beast was finally lost and died of exhaustion.

Although Tianlu Beast is a sacred beast, many of its abilities have to rely on other races to be able to play ~www.ltnovel.com~ similar to the assistance of the Cihangzong, so it is not too pure to face the descendant of the overlord, Shanbei. Without the upper hand, he was defeated by Shan Ren using his stamina and domineering sword.

When the Tianlu beast died, its flesh and blood and inner alchemy naturally became food for the mountain.

It has to be said that Tianlu Beast assisted the Shan Ren, without its selfless dedication, it would be difficult for Shan Ren to reach the eighth level of Consummation.

Almost all of the essence of the Tianlu beast was absorbed by the mountain-recipe, but it was only sucked, but in the end there was still a drop. It was the purest blood of the Tianlu-beast, only one drop, and the mountain-recipe couldn’t absorb it. , Not at all.

It's not surprising that Shan Ren is a descendant of the dragon clan, and the dragon clan and the Tianlu beast are dead enemies.

Therefore, Shan Ren kept this drop of essence and blood until today.

Shan Ren looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "I will keep it for no use, so I will leave it to you, even if it is paid."

The golden essence and blood hung in the air, spinning slightly, exuding majestic vitality, and a peaceful and strong breath.

Just took it out for a while, and many strange beasts have been lured by it, staring at it, all eyes are greedy, if it weren't jealous of the mountain, I'm afraid it would have rushed forward.

The blood of beasts can change their destiny.


Shan Ren roared in a low voice, the storm rose, and the land broke.

Those strange beasts, monsters, and beasts immediately became birds and beasts, never daring to stay.

The smoke disappeared.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, collected the drop of essence and blood earnestly, and said, "Thank you fellow daoist, I will certainly not disappoint my good intentions."

"Do what I want you to do."

Shan Ren said slowly, and gradually retracted his head, the mountain did not move.

There was silence all around. js3v3 (battlefield literature)

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