Fairy Winner

Chapter 1508: Raksha

As far as I can see, it is a green grassland with a familiar smell of earth.

Very good, it shouldn't be an outside world.

Putting down his worries for a while, Zhou Shu stretched out his consciousness to check the surrounding area, and he was a bit stunned with just one glance.

Not far away, a group of strange creatures seemed to be cruising.

In general, there is not much difference from human beings. They are all limbs plus a head, which are only several times taller. On the shoulders, arms, and legs, there are gray-white bone armor, which seems to grow naturally, and the hair is mixed like thorns, hard as thorns, and flashing. With the faint blue light, the eagle-nosed lion's mouth, with two rows of fangs protruding from the mouth, the same color as the eyes, all blood-red, horrible.

It is definitely not a creature of the Xuanhuang world.


Zhou Shu is no stranger to the Raksha tribe. As one of the first alien races to invade the Xuanhuang world, they are still very famous in the world of cultivation.

The Rakshas have a slightly low IQ and are brutal and bloodthirsty. They regard killing as life and would rather kill than kill. They are irrational and **** aliens. Because of this feature, although the Rakshas are large in number, their overall strength is not very strong. , They are not the main force in the invasion. In fact, in the eyes of the cultivators, they are no different from the monsters. Many cultivators use various techniques to collect the Raksha tribe for their own use and train them into slaves. Used by Rakshanu.

Of course, these are all things in the past. There are no Rakshas and Rakshas in the immortal cultivation world. Only some "inheritances" from the beginning have been handed down, such as the real fire of Rakshas, ​​the Raksha bone sword and so on.

This group of Rakshas, ​​in terms of body shape and strength, should be the lowest Rakshas soldier among the Rakshas.

Among the Raksha tribe, the highest-rank Rakshasa is called Rakshahou, followed by Raksha generals, Raksha guards, and Raksha soldiers. There is no Raksha king, because the Raksha tribe has no king, and they are affiliates of the Yasha Clan has no realm of its own, nor is it qualified to be king.

Rakshasa soldiers are roughly equal to the Golden Core Realm Cultivator. Of course, Zhou Shu would not see it, but the Rakshasa clan here is a bit strange.

It’s not a secret realm, but a foreign race appears

Could it be that this is a trial battlefield deliberately arranged by Da Neng for the cultivators to learn to deal with foreign races?


After thinking, a few roars passed, the group of Rakshasa soldiers yelled and ran towards Zhou Shu.

Although the Rakshas are not strong, they have some special abilities, such as extremely sensitive noses. They are good at smelling blood, especially human blood. As long as there is human aura around them, they can quickly detect it, even if human beings repair it. Because it is much higher than them, it can't escape their sense of smell.

These characteristics are also the reason why they can always exist.

The Rakshasa is fast and powerful. A team ran like tanks, shaking the ground.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Zhou Shu.

After shouting, they rushed up together after making a strange cry that Zhou Shu didn't understand.

The whole body burst into flames, and the bone armor suddenly showed many sharp bone spurs, trying to stir Zhou Shu into pieces.

The low-level Rakshasa soldiers can't even use weapons and can only fight with their bodies. They are indeed the same as monsters.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, as he traveled through it, as if feeling something.

He was not eager to kill them, but wanted to use this opportunity to carefully study the specific information and fighting methods of the Rakshasa soldiers, and then record them, so that when facing alien races in the future, he would not be in a hurry.

"I don’t know how to art, it’s no different from a monster, but it comes with the real fire of the Rakshasa that can melt most of the fifth-order magic weapons, and the bone armor that is as hard as the fifth-order high-grade magic weapons. It will be very troublesome if there are a large number of people, it can be regarded as a force that cannot be ignored"

In a short while, he basically grasped the fineness of the Rakshasa soldiers.

Immediately, he slapped a palm with great force, pressing these Rakshasa soldiers underneath, and grinding them a few times, they all turned into powder.


Zhou Shu's face tightened as if thinking of something just after the killing.

When the Rakshasa soldier died, a layer of light red smoke floated on his body, which quickly dissipated. How did it dissipate? Even Zhou Shu didn't notice it, and naturally it was impossible to stop it.

Wanting to come is also one of the characteristics of the Raksha family, but I don't know what the consequences will be.

Only soon he knew.

There was the sound of shaking mountains in the distance, and staring at it, the black and heavy Raksha army was coming in quickly.

Look at it like this, I'm afraid there won't be tens of thousands.

Sweeping the divine consciousness a little bit, you can find that there is Rakshasa general among them, and more than one.

The figure of the Rakshasa general is more than twice that of the Rakshasa soldier, and the bones and spurs on his body are denser and sharper. They are not empty-handed. They all hold various weapons, and the three Rakshasa in the middle General seems to be guarding a Rakshasa who is slightly thinner.

Na Raksha sat on the back of a Raksha, as if sitting on a chair, relaxed and contented.


Zhou Shu seemed to feel a little bit, and increased his spiritual consciousness, wanting to see more clearly.

As soon as the divine consciousness approached, the thin Rakshasa suddenly moved, and a pair of wings appeared behind his shoulders, more than three feet black, thin as a cicada's wings, with sharp edges as sharp as a knife. With a wave of the wings, Zhou Shu’s divine consciousness Suddenly was swept away, unable to approach.

"It's not Luo Shahou, it's the Yasha clan!"

Zhou Shu suddenly understood ~www.ltnovel.com~ The Raksha tribe has no means to stop the divine consciousness, but the Yasha tribe is good at it. In terms of divine consciousness and divine soul, some methods of the Yasha tribe even outperform most human beings. Cultivator.

The appearance of the Yasha tribe and the Raksha tribe is almost the same, but with more wings.

The body of the Yasha tribe is not as strong as the Raksha tribe, but its wisdom is far superior, and it has a pair of extremely useful wings. Therefore, its status and strength are above the Raksha tribe and dominate the Yasha realm, and the Raksha tribe can only become their subsidiary .

"Black wings, this is an Earth Yasha."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, not too concerned.

Wings are the most important part of Yasha. Their ranks are also closely related to wings. Those with golden wings are Wang Yasha, and the highest rank. The white wing is Tenyasha, and the black-winged Jiyasha underneath is the general variegated color. The winged yaksha.

It is said that there is also a heavenly king Yasha who gave birth to two pairs of wings, but it is definitely not seen in the world of cultivation.

The strength of the Di Yasha is roughly equivalent to the God Transformation Realm among the human immortal cultivators.

The Rakshasa of the Raksha tribe will also be of this level, but the status of the two is completely different, and the Rakshasa will only be the guard of the local Yaksha.

After the death of the previous Rakshasa soldiers, they passed the information through their own blood, and soon attracted the Raksha army led by Di Yasha.

"Huh huh!"

Di Yasha stood up, stepped **** the Rakshasa under his feet, vented some dissatisfaction, and then shouted loudly.

Those Rakshashas suddenly ran towards Zhou Shu, flushed with fire all over, like chicken blood.

Like a red wave, it was unstoppable, and wherever it went, it was burned to dryness. The original green grassland was immediately in disarray.

Zhou Shu frowned.

:Thank you for the reward and support of the ruling Xianzun, the reward for the long time no see, thank you (Battlefield Literature)

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