Fairy Winner

Chapter 1509: In the calculation

The green sword fell on his hand and held it extremely firmly.


The cyan sword intent spread out like waves, wave after wave.

Rakshasa, who was the first to bear the brunt, had no time to make any response, and was immediately chopped into pieces by the sword intent, and the blood mist was splashing, and it remained for a long time.

Zhou Shu held the sword and rushed straight into the army.

There are tens of thousands of Rakshasa, vast and mighty, but Zhou Shuru enters the realm of no one, every time a sword is shot, a group of Rakshasa will fall.

Zhou Shu at this time can be described as killing the sky, that is, Raksha who does not fear death or even regards death as a mission will not retreat. If it is a group of immortals or monsters, seeing Zhou Shu like this, he will have escaped long ago. Do nothing.

Caiying in the sword was a little frightened. She had never seen Zhou Shu with such killing intent.

"Zhou, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

"Why are you so fierce today? Did you kill too much, too cruel?"

"When dealing with these invading aliens, only killing can stop the killing. You must never be merciful. You must remember this, Caiying."

Zhou Shu reaped the Rakshasa calmly, without a trace of fluctuation in his mind. In his opinion, this was originally the only way to solve it. In the face of these fierce aliens, even if there is a trace of holding hands, a little indulgence will be given to the Xuanhuang world. Brings a disaster.

He had this kind of consciousness a long time ago, and many people might not understand it until the alien race actually invaded the Xuanhuang Realm, and some people might never understand it.

"Oh... I know it."

After a few words, Caiying gradually understood that he would follow in the footsteps of Zhou Shu and would not lag behind.

However, in just a few hundred breaths, the tens of thousands of Rakshasa army fell by nearly a third, and the corpses were everywhere.

What's strange is that those corpses disappeared quickly and turned into a puff of blood mist. The blood mist didn't dissipate, and they swayed slightly in the air.

What special means is it?

Zhou Shu thought this way, he had no time to do more, and he also had the idea to see what the method was.

The more you know about aliens now, the more comfortable you will be in the face of real alien invasions in the future.

The Rakshas army was still moving forward, surrounding Zhou Shu, and several Rakshas generals also rushed up.

Unlike other rakshas, ​​the fire on their bodies is pale white, and their power is much stronger. Basically, the vitality will be burned when they touch it, and the sword intent without the original power will dissipate in a few breaths.

That is Raksha bone fire, and it is also the fire of Raksha's origin. It is much higher than real fire and can only be used by Raksha clan.

The bone fire is not only on the body, but also on the weapons. Most of those weapons are made from Raksha's own bones, which will continuously increase the strength in the bone fire, and cooperate with the Raksha to make the unique violent, even more powerful.

Ordinary monks crossing the tribulation realm can hardly be the opponent of the Rakshasa general.

They also fought back and forth with Zhou Shu.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Yasha unconsciously showed a lot of disdain in his eyes, "Stupid humans, weak immortals."

It is not surprising that Diyasha can speak out.

The Yasha tribe has always been one of the alien races who most want to occupy the Xuanhuang Realm. They have repeatedly invaded, knowing a lot about the Xuanhuang Realm, and also have a lot of understanding of the human beings.

Zhou Shu noticed Di Yacha's actions by himself and took it lightly.

He played back and forth, just want to know the information of the Rakshas generals, and see clearly the attacking methods of the Rakshas generals, really want to fight, even if there are hundreds of these Rakshas generals, it is impossible to fight him. It has to come and go.

about there.

After Zhou Shu saw it clearly, he swung a sword and cut off the Rakshasa by his side.

The remaining meaning was not exhausted, the sword intent turned into an invisible blade, and flew straight to the Yasha in the army.

The sword intent was invisible, but it opened a long **** road, which was especially obvious in the army. The Rakshasa who blocked the road was torn apart by the sword intent and turned into blood fog without any reaction.

In the blink of an eye, Jian Yi had arrived in front of Yasha.

Feeling the horror of the sword intent, Ji Yasha's expression changed slightly, immediately spreading its wings and flying, trying to avoid it.

The sword intent followed him like a shadow, closely following him, seemingly unhurried, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"Damn it!"

Di Yasha cursed secretly and waved his hand, seeming to have used some strange technique. The three Rakshasa on the ground immediately jumped up the guards, and one after another stood in front of Jianyi.

Blocking the sword with the body is meaningless life and death.

Bang bang bang.

After three crisp sounds in a row, the three Rakshas all cracked and turned into blood fog.

The sword's intent had almost decayed, and the Yasha was abruptly blocked with bone armor, and his body retreated several tens of feet.

"Is that only so?"

Looking at Zhou Shu, his eyes were quite mocking.

He didn't know that Zhou Shu's sword didn't use much force at all.

Zhou Shu secretly nodded, as he expected, Di Yasha was just a little smarter. He also knew that he was afraid of death and his strength was not stronger than that of General Raksha. If that was the case, then this battle should be over.

But Diyasha will not kill first, and it has not been studied clearly.

Zhou Shu stepped forward quickly, his sword intent was like mercury pouring on the ground, like pushing a card, Raksha had no resistance, and kept falling to the ground.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer rakshas, ​​the Yaksha did not panic. He took out a horn and blew it a few times. Soon, there was a dark cloud in the distance. A glance revealed that there were tens of thousands of rakshas. I am afraid that there are more people than before~www.ltnovel.com~ and after that dark cloud, there are many dark clouds, which add up to hundreds of thousands.

The Raksha tribe has always been crowded, ant-like and endless. Zhou Shu also understood this, but he didn't know that there were so many.

He was not frightened, only a trace of worry in his heart. If such a Raksha tribe reaches the Xuanhuang Realm, he really does not know what kind of disaster it will cause. Compared with some powerful but few alien races, the Raksha tribe with extremely strong reproduction ability , I'm afraid it should be considered more.

Think about it later, just kill it now.

Zhou Shu quietly increased his strength, the sword intent suddenly increased several times, sweeping the floor, and the Rakshasa who encountered the sword intent flew straight out, silent for a moment.

The Rakshasa also came extremely fast, the tide was average, and the quantity was large, and it quickly filled the gap opened by Zhou Shu with the sword intent, always protecting the Yasha, fearing life and death.

Zhou Shu didn't care, his consumption was not worth mentioning, he would kill as much as he came.

Time flies quickly, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Zhou Shu is already full of blood fog, and there are only a few thousand Rakshas all over the sky at this time, all of which are guarded by Di Yasha and no longer move forward.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly and pointed his sword at Di Yasha, "It's your turn."

"Stupid human, you are dying."

Di Yasha grinned, revealing two rows of sharp fangs, and laughed loudly, "Don't you know if you've been in the game?"

"In the calculation?"

Zhou Shu was slightly startled, as if thoughtful.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding blood mist changed rapidly, forming thousands of tall blood pillars that surrounded Zhou Shu.

On the pillar of blood, a breath of suffocation was exuded, and the power in it was extremely powerful and endless, even Zhou Shu did not dare to look down upon it.

"Do you know this formation?"

Di Yasha spread her jet black wings and flew, looking at Zhou Shu coldly. (Battlefield Literature)

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