Fairy Winner

Chapter 1510: Blood shadow

Di Yacha looked at Zhou Shu condescendingly, with arrogance in his eyes, as if Zhou Shu was already dead.


Zhou Shu curled his mouth slightly, disdainfully said, "The rat generation in the ghost realm of the gutter is worthy of the word formation?"

"Damn it!"

Di Yasha immediately furious.

Di Yacha lives in the ground all year round and dug many ditches to hide. In the eyes of the cultivators, the place where the Di Yacha is located is called the ghost domain of the ditch by the cultivators. The Di Yacha is also called a mouse by the cultivator. His own insult, and Zhou Shu said all the words, piercing his heart, how can he not be angry.

Zhou Shu just ignored it and said indifferently, "The Rats came to the Xuanhuang Realm, and when they saw my profound Taoism in the Xuanhuang Realm, they moved their minds and tried every means to seize them. They thought they could learn all those advanced Taoisms. I don’t know if I have only learned some fur for tens of thousands of years, which is not worth mentioning. Just your blood fog is also worthy of the formation? Funny."

"Good, good!"

Di Yacha was so angry that there was no words, and he roared in a low voice, "Today, I want you to die without a place to bury you! Raksha blood shadow killing array!"

He took out several black flags and waved them continuously.

Thousands of blood pillars began to move, combining, changing, and transforming into various blood shadows, such as monsters, such as Yasha, and rushing towards Zhou Shu.

The blood shadows are all gathered from the essence of dead Rakshas. They preserve the powerful power of the Rakshas and are more condensed. Moreover, each of them is injected with the spirit of the Earth Yaksha, which can be controlled by the Earth Yaksha. Facing nearly a hundred Rakshas at the same time.

Zhou Shu swung his sword and smashed several nearby blood shadows.


The blood shadow suddenly exploded, bursting out a large swath of blood, and pressing it down.

In this bloodstain, there is not only the golden fire of the Rakshasa, but also a kind of weird corrosive power. The sword intent that is close to it is quickly frustrated and can't help losing its power.

Zhou Shu flashed away.

The blood stain slammed to the ground, but did not dissipate, and soon gathered again, turned into a blood shadow again, and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

That's it.

Zhou Shuruo has some enlightenment.

Not to mention the power of these blood shadows, just being able to continuously regenerate is a bit troublesome, making them very difficult to be defeated, if ordinary monks encounter them, they will indeed fall into a hard fight.


The ground Yasha in the sky laughed loudly, "So many, how do you hide? You will be dead after entering the battle!"

"Still talking about the formation?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and said with disdain, "There is no yin and yang, there is no Tai Chi, not to mention the integration of the four images, the circulation of the five elements, and the mutual growth and mutual restraint, etc., I am afraid you don’t understand what that is, this so-called formation, I can't see it at all, it's just the use of alien characteristics, it's not worth mentioning."

"You...damn it!"

Di Yacha's words are poor, just cursing, unable to argue.

Zhou Shu said these words, he knew the literal meaning, but the meaning was broad and profound, how could he understand it.

After a long pause, Di Yasha said, "Even if you don't understand it, you are always going to die, haha."

He smiled coldly, his eyes were extremely cold.

And Zhou Shu glanced at him, did not speak, only shook his head and sighed, feeling sad for his ignorance.

Ji Yasha became more and more angry. His wings kept flapping, and the flag in his hand moved faster. It seemed that he wanted to fan the power of his whole body into the flag, and thoroughly fan Zhou Shu into fragments to dispel his heart. hate.

Zhou Shu ignored him, only wandering among the blood shadows, relaxed.

He just wanted to take a good look at this "Raksha Blood Shadow Killing Array".

About a quarter of an hour.

Zhou Shu has completely figured out the killing formation, and even the function of the flag flag, how to control it, and even the principle of the killing formation have been deduced seven to eight points.

There is no need to continue.

He raised his head and glanced at Di Yasha, still fanning the flags tirelessly, but his complexion was a little pale, it seemed that he was overstretching.

"This is your formation, ridiculous."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and said slowly, "Not to mention the level of refining the flags, even your control method is so low, 90% of the power can only act on these blood shadows, and the remaining 60% are affected. You are empty. No, it’s not empty. 30% of the 60% are actually impacting your body in the opposite direction, making it more difficult for you to control the flag, which is less efficient and consumes more."

Di Yasha's face was pale, swallowed the blood from his lips, and continued to fan vigorously.

Zhou Shu just ignored it, and continued, "Raksha Blood Shadow Killing Array, um, the name is very interesting, but there is only a name. Such an array is impossible in our Xuanhuang Realm, any immortal cultivator Can do better than you."

"You! What did you say?"

Ji Yasha trembled and almost fell down.

He is very confident in his wisdom. Such a big formation was developed by the Yasha tribe after nearly a thousand years. Facing other races such as Rakshasa, he would not be disadvantaged. But now facing Zhou Shu's use, he was used by Zhou Shu. Such a ridicule, completely unworthy of mention, is simply heartbreaking.

Zhou Shu shook his head and said faintly, "If you learn the formation technique in any formation sect in the Xuanhuang Realm, you are guaranteed to be driven out of the division within three days. If I were your teacher, you might..."

"What could it be?"

Diyasha stagnated, staring at Zhou Shu, wanting to get an answer.

Zhou Shu's expression turned cold~www.ltnovel.com~ He pierced through heavy shadows as soon as he got up, and in a few moments, he fell in front of Di Yacha.

The so-called formation is not a threat to him.


Di Yasha's complexion tightened and wanted to escape, but his whole body was restrained by a tremendous force, unable to move at all. He could only flap the flag in his hand and direct the blood shadow to pounce, making a dying struggle.

But soon something more shocked him.

Those blood shadows were all motionless, standing still, as if they were dead.

Only then did he realize that the connection between himself, the banner flag and the blood shadow had long been cut off by Zhou Shu, and it was impossible for him to pass his orders.

Knowing no luck, Di Yacha didn't struggle anymore, just looking at Zhou Shu, seemingly begging, "Tell me, what might be..."

"You are dead, there is no need to know."

Zhou Shu calmly shook his head, turning his right hand together, crushing Di Yasha straight to pieces.

Only the flag and black wings remained.

The flag is left because Zhou Shu still has some puzzles and needs to be understood through it, and also for better restraint in the future.

The Yasha wings are a good material, which can be used to refine the nightwing. As a special flying magic weapon, the nightwing has many magical uses, and it is an extremely rare treasure for the cultivator.

Looking around, there was blood and fog everywhere, and the ground was smelly, and the original green land had long been destroyed.

If these alien races entered the Xuanhuang Realm, the result would only be the same.

Zhou Shu was thinking slightly, as if he had discovered something, his heart suddenly shocked.

In the distance, there was a scream.

It is the human voice.

(Ps: Thank you book friends 20170219223739664 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) js3v3 (Battlefield Literature)

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