Fairy Winner

Chapter 1513: have eaten

The black spot hovered in the air for a while, and found that Zhou Shu was playing a ghost, and immediately flew over.

It's near and I can see clearly.

It is indeed a bug, bulging, covered with a carapace, and eight legs on the side. It is somewhat similar to a crab, but it has no claws or eyes. It can’t distinguish the head and the tail. It has dozens of very thin tentacles, which swings in the abdomen. .

"You go in first."

"Why, this palace also has to deal with foreign races!"

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and despite Caiying's objection, he stuffed her back into Qiankun's bag.

He had a foreboding danger.

The worm flew close, and rushed towards Zhou Shu. As the tentacles were swinging, a tricky force burrowed towards Zhou Shu.

Shu Zhili was already densely covered all over his body, the bug could not penetrate, but he refused to give up.

Zhou Shu didn't mean to bounce it, carefully perceiving the power, contrasting with the previous impression.

"The same feminine and soft, the same pervasive, the same endless source, it really is it!"

He quickly realized that this power was what he had seen in Yan Doumen at the beginning, and he had also used this power to wash his body to perfect his body of the five elements.

"It's no wonder that the monks of Yandoumen died so strangely. It turned out that they were controlled by such monsters before they killed each other and died voluntarily... There is no introduction about it in the world of immortality. I don't know what it is. Maybe It is a foreign race, perhaps a creature that was brought to the Xuanhuang Realm by other foreign races... But what is certain is that it is very dangerous, even more dangerous than most foreign races!"

Thinking of the tragic situation of Yan Doumen before and the scene in front of him, Zhou Shu felt slightly shocked.

Small in stature, powerful, able to enter the body, and completely control other races, once this kind of creature spreads in the world of cultivation, it will definitely be a great disaster.

The little insect in front of him is obviously not as good as the black spot on the Yandou Gate. They are essentially the same in strength, but their strength is far different, which is almost the difference between the Tribulation Realm and the Nascent Infant Realm.

"You must find a way of restraint."

Zhou Shu thought so, so he tried.

It is expected that with such a small figure but with such power, it should not be acquired through cultivation, but an innate ability. Since it is innate, there is probably a natural restraint method. This is determined by the rules of heaven and earth. .

A natural thing cannot be perfect, there must be natural enemies.

This kind of speculation is reasonable. After all, it doesn't look like a race that is too intelligent, let alone the spirit of all things like humans. It can make up for its shortcomings through wisdom and become without natural enemies.

Zhou Shuxin took ice, fire, thunder and lightning, wind, earth, etc., sword intent, vitality, spiritual consciousness, etc., to test on this strange insect one by one.

He has every kind of power, and most of them can be regarded as the top level of the world of cultivating immortals, but those powers have no effect on this strange worm. The worm's tentacles swing twice, and Yuan Li and so on quickly fall apart.

Of course, the various powers he uses are very small, and if he uses his full strength, he can drive away the monsters, but it loses the meaning of testing.

"Doesn't it mean that there is no effective defense method except for the power of Shu Zhili? Or, like the Yinkui clan, only the power of compassion can restrain..."

As Zhou Shu thought about it, while continuing to try, he used the dragon's power that was useless for a long time.

In the seabed, he and Zhu Dashan used the dragon pattern grass to open up the dragon source, and also gained the power of the dragon, but he was not interested in the dragon clan, and did not want to become a half-dragon body, being restricted by various restrictions, so he was very Less use of dragon power, basically half abandonment state.

Compared with other powers, his dragon power is very small, and can only drive dragon magic weapons, that is, nothing.

That was this thread, but it made the strange insect retreat suddenly, as if seeing the thing most feared, and wanting to escape.

"Are you afraid of the power of the dragon?"

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized something, and drove the power of the dragon forward, quickly surrounding the strange bug.

Sure enough, the unique power of the monster insects, when they hit the power of the dragon, they are immediately soft as noodles, and there is no power to fight back.

It was helpless, made a few screams, and quickly passed on.

For a while, the rakshas all stopped, as if they had been pressed the stop button.

A weird scene appeared, one after another strange insects crawled out of Luosha, flew up, and gathered towards Zhou Shu. There were a lot of them, perhaps thousands, densely packed, like a dark cloud.

The screaming, humming, and constant approaching made people shudder.

And as the strange insects flew out, the Rakshas fell one after another, no longer sounded, and completely dead.

Maybe it's already dead.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu didn't even feel frowning. His little dragon's power could deal with one or two, but it would be difficult for so many strange insects.

It is natural to use Shu Zhili, but it doesn't make sense. He also wants to observe the characteristics of these strange bugs, not wanting to solve the battle too soon.

"You try it."

Thinking of something, the little snake who was still sleeping lazily was caught by Zhou Shu.

Being disturbed by Qingmeng, the little snake was very angry, grinning at Zhou Shu, the small golden horns suddenly lit up, and a huge dragon power emanated.

Pop, pop!

The autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, and the strange insects that were still flying near fell one by one, densely dense, like rain.

It was more shocking than when he rushed.

I was completely shocked by Long Wei~www.ltnovel.com~ What are you doing? "

Xiao Snake looked at Zhou Shu dissatisfied.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's nothing, thank you, by the way, have you seen anything like this?"

With a casual move, a monster that had completely lost its resistance was caught by Zhou Shu.

The little snake took a look, his eyes lit up suddenly, a flash of excitement, a mouth, sucked the strange bug in.

"Hey, it's dangerous!"

Zhou Shu was taken aback and quickly reminded.

The little snake slapped its mouth, with a satisfied face, nothing happened. Suddenly, it saw the large patch of weird insects on the ground, and it was instantly overjoyed.

One by one, a whirlpool formed around his mouth, and almost all the strange insects were eaten in.

Zhou Shu was dumbfounded, "What...what exactly is this, do you know?"

"do not know."

The little snake shook his head and said contentedly, "I want to eat it somehow, um, it tastes good..."

Zhou Shu was a little worried, "After eating so much, are you okay?"

The little snake was still feeling a little bit, and smacked his lips, "No, where there is, I want more."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize that the dragons are the natural enemies of this strange insect. The little snake has never seen these strange insects, but knows how to deal with them, and treats them as delicious food, which is completely a natural enemy relationship.

It is indeed possible to think about it.

There has never been a record of this weird insect in the realm of cultivation. Mostly because of this, the Xuanhuang realm in the past was dominated by the dragon clan. As soon as they came to the Xuanhuang realm, they were eaten by the dragon clan... Then if the Flame Doumen were not on the island, maybe It will not be destroyed...

"Next time I see it, I'll tell you, you go to rest first."

Zhou Shu smiled and put the little snake back into the universe bag. The little snake was still reluctant to give up, "Don't forget it." js3v3 (Battlefield Literature)

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