Fairy Winner

Chapter 1514: Mother Worm

It seemed that the little snake was all right, but the strange insect was a foreign race from outside the sky after all, Zhou Shu didn't dare to be completely relieved and kept paying attention.

Looking around, there are still a few strange insects lying on the ground, dumbfounded.

That burst of Longwei, the blow to them was really not small.

Zhou Shu waited and waited for them to recover from the shock. He planned to follow the vines and find the nests of the strange bugs from these strange bugs, or the alien that brought these strange bugs.

This is very important for understanding weird bugs.

After about a few hundred breaths, those strange insects got up, tremblingly spread their wings, and flew into the air.

Xu Shi's aftermath of shock was still there, and the monsters were still a little dazed, flew swayingly, and at a very slow speed, but looking at their appearance, they had fixed targets and flew toward the west.

Zhou Shu fell far behind, not letting them do their tricks.

After following a long way, a barren mountain appeared in front of him, and a few strange insects turned a few times and turned into the depths of the rift valley.

The depths were slightly open, and the buzzing sound of the camp continued to be heard, letting go of the spiritual sense, and Zhou Shu was also startled.

In that small deep valley, there are at least 100,000 strange insects, densely packed, which makes people look terrifying, and among the many strange insects, there is a very large strange insect.

It was about a few hundred times that of a normal monster, and it was a few meters long, and its appearance was not much different from that of a normal monster. Hanging in the air, its long tentacles couldn't help swinging.

On the back of the carapace, there was a weird eye, and underneath it was a huge mouth, jet black, deep, without a trace of brilliance, nor could it be clear inside.

When the mouth opens and closes, many weird worms come in and out from it, as if the big weird worms are home.

"this is?"

This scene made Zhou Shu seem to have a sense. Although he didn't know what it was, he gave it a name on his own initiative.


It seems that this guy is the root of these weird worms, and can continuously produce weird worms, and it must be completely solved to prevent the spread of weird worms.

While he was thinking about it, but unexpectedly, the consciousness that he had discovered was quickly discovered by the female worm.


The whistling sound like a violent wind came from the mother insect's mouth, and the surrounding monsters seemed to have received the order and immediately gathered.

Converged into a black cloud, screaming towards Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu didn't panic, and only caught the little snake out.

"Found it, it's your turn!"

The little snake stared at the airtight strange insect swarm on the opposite side, very calm, without a trace of fear in his eyes, his four feet swayed slightly, his five claws spread, and his small horns flashed light. You can see that it is all excited and wary. Unusually high.

"Sure enough, it is a natural enemy, but not afraid of such a large number at all, it is also rare."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and most humans would be frightened when faced with this situation. Compared with humans, the conditions of the dragons themselves are indeed very good. Their minds and bodies are far superior to humans, just because they are too arrogant and arrogant. Lost to humans.


The little snake roared, sound like thunder, at the same time, a wave of mighty dragons suddenly appeared, spreading forward.

If caught by a gust of wind, the monsters keep falling, and there is no ability to resist.

Seeing this scene, the female worm at the back was very panicked, her eyes opened and closed, the light green soft light continued to radiate, covering herself and the monsters, like a layer of armor, covering them. .

However, this kind of armor did not have much resistance in front of Longwei, only persisted for less than a few breaths, and it was broken into powder.

The little snake was very excited, roaring constantly, and Longwei wave after wave, the back wave was stronger than the front wave.

Although there are a large number of monsters, they can't withstand a wide range of blows like a small snake, but within a few hundred breaths, there will be no more flying monsters in the entire Rift Valley, all lying on the ground. Dizzy, twitching occasionally.

The ground is densely covered, like a layer of black sand.

The female worm was also a little sluggish, the green light on her body was as thin as nothing, shaking her tentacles, and slowly backing away.

"These small ones, you can figure it out by yourself, and the big ones don't move."

"I can feel it, the big one is the best!"

"Eat the small ones first, and wait for the big ones. I will leave it to you."

"It's about the same."

After a brief negotiation, the little snake opened his mouth and sucked up a bunch of weird bugs.

However, Zhou Shu strode out and landed next to the female insect, carefully observing it.

During the battle, he saw clearly that apart from controlling the monsters and helping the monsters bless some armor, they had no other ability. This is the same as the queen in the ant colony, except Health and control, nothing.

Although this is enough.

The female worm was very frightened, avoiding Zhou Shu's observation, but couldn't escape.

"Why do you want to come to Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhou Shu looked at it for a long time before speaking slowly.

The female worm was very dull, looking at Zhou Shu blankly, at a loss.

"It seems to be unspeakable, and there is not much wisdom..."

Zhou Shuruo realized that the appearance of insects, the mother insects give birth to small insects, and the survival mode similar to ants do not have much wisdom... They are not only dealing with human races, Raksha tribes and other alien races are also affected. Because of their mutilation ~www.ltnovel.com~ to control others to kill each other, perhaps their instinct, this instinct, will bring devastating disasters to other races.

However, such races will not leave their realm to go to other realms for no reason. Most of them are brought by other alien races.

What kind of alien would it be? It would be a shame to bring such a killer to the Xuanhuang Realm.

If you can find it, Zhou Shu will never be polite, but from the mother bug, it seems that there is not much information.

Just thinking about it, the strange insects over there have been swept away by the little snake. The speed is surprisingly fast, and it seems that the little snake’s body has not grown much larger. It should be absorbed and transformed as soon as it is eaten...

Is this the power of natural enemies?

The little snake flew towards Zhou Shu, looking at the mother insect, her small horns shone, and the mother insect shivered and was terrified.

"You said you want to give it to me."

"Can you eat this big?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Then you start."

It was another brief conversation, and the two sides reached an agreement, Zhou Shu retreated, leaving the mother bug to the little snake.

Speaking of which, Xiao Snake's intelligence and comprehension are really high. She has only been with Zhou Shu for more than a year, and she is already even better than Xiao Gun in terms of language.

Of course the female worm must be killed. Such a race shouldn't exist here. It is best to be extinct.

It’s just that the little snake probably didn’t think about it. If it left this female worm and allowed the female worm to continue to breed strange worms, there might be an endless stream of strange worms to eat in the future. Of course, Zhou Shu would not remind him of this. , This female worm is too dangerous to stay.

The huge female insect gradually shrank into a ball under the coercion of the little snake.

(Ps: Thank you book friends 20170219223739664 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) js3v3 (Battlefield Literature)

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