Fairy Winner

Chapter 1515: bottleneck

After defeating a group of Ulu people, Zhou Shu came to the entrance of the sixth floor.

It's very quiet here, and there are no other races to nuisance, Zhou Shu can settle down quietly.

He has been busy for too long.

Before he knew it, he had spent more than two months in the fifth level of mystery.

Over the past two months, they were completely fought over, with almost no rest in between, one after another.

Fortunately, it’s Zhou Shu. There is soul fluid element fluid, so you don’t need to worry about recovery. There are also a lot of spiritual energy around you. He is also a spiritual body. A little movement of the mind can replenish the consumed energy. If you change to another monk There are many pills, and it is difficult to stick to it.

"The future alien invasion should be like this, maybe more."

Zhou Shu didn't realize he was worried, "After returning, we must make the Heyin school disciples feel more urgency. Otherwise, we really have to face these alien races. Ten of those disciples can survive two or three, even if it is good luck. ."

He had done a lot of preparations before, but he still didn't expect that the real alien race was more terrifying than imagined.

Not only is the number huge, but each alien race has its own unique methods, which are almost never seen in the world of cultivators, and it is difficult for cultivators who have been peaceful for ten thousand years to deal with.

After so many battles, Zhou Shu has gained a lot.

He obtained detailed information on about thirty different races, and also tried to find out their weaknesses, which was an intangible and huge wealth.

As for the material aspect, there are not many things. After all, most of the items on the alien race are useless to the immortal cultivator. Apart from the Yasha wings, only rat lizard hair and ground herring beads are worth mentioning.

The rat lizards are also one of the alien races who covet the Xuanhuang world. They have a strange appearance, rat head, lizard body, and oxtail. They are covered with burrs. They are not very intelligent, but they have strong physique, strong vitality and full of weapons. Big threat.

Zhou Shu discovered their weakness, that is, the feminine abnormal fires above the fifth order, such as moon fire, etc., can restrain them well.

And the burrs on them, Zhou Shu also tested, may be harder than most seventh-order materials. Although they can't penetrate spiritual energy and can not be refined into magic weapons, Zhou Shu has other ideas, such as using them as puppets. on.

Making some puppets that fire this kind of burr is a very useful weapon in war.

Just think about it, more than a hundred puppets suddenly released tens of thousands of rat lizard burrs, their strike range is enough to cover a radius of ten miles, and the aliens inside are basically difficult to survive, no matter it is Raksha Yaksha, Or something else, the result is the same.

It is very reliable, and there is no need for a cultivator to take action, and safety is also guaranteed.

The puppet in this regard, he is already deducing, and maybe there will be results after going out.

In fact, there are several kinds of puppets that Zhou Shu has already deduced. For example, the snarling puppets known as the Prison of Hundred Soldiers are real killing weapons. If they are successfully manufactured according to Zhou Shu's vision, the finished product can withstand hundreds or even thousands of alien races. Of course, the cost of making this puppet is huge, and there can be too much.

As for the ground herring beads, it is actually a kind of alien inner pill called ground herring.

The ground herrings grow underground, are small in size, good at digging holes, have very poor eyesight, and are extremely sensitive. They are all similar to the underground beasts of the Xuanhuang Realm. They also have an inner pill in the body, but this inner pill is not used It is the storage and fusion of various impurities that are used to transform the aura's growth strength, which can be described as a collection and concentration of various garbage.

Once in danger, they will release this inner alchemy out of the body and detonate it.

The result of this is that hundreds of miles are completely filled with poisonous gas and odor, which lasts for a long time and can last for a month or more. Most creatures cannot resist such a violent odor and have to retreat. You can escape safely.

The smell of herring beads in that place was something that Zhou Shu couldn't bear. Even if the five senses were closed, it would still get into the body, which was unbearable.

Most foreign races are the same, they can't stand it at all, so they must avoid the Herring race from a distance.

Such good things must of course stay.

When necessary, it can be used to build a line of defense, or be used to siege foreign races, combined with military and military routes, can play a very good strategic role.

In addition to the information and articles he received, Zhou Shu himself has certainly made a lot of progress.

It's not the cultivation base, the secret realm is all foreign races, and his cultivation base can't be increased. The demon refining pot can't absorb foreign races yet, and can refining power to expand the demon refining realm, but it cannot turn the foreign race into cultivation base.

This time Zhou Shu chose to believe in the refining demon pot.

After all, it is a foreign race, even if it can be transformed, Zhou Shu may not be able to use it.

He doesn't care about cultivation, for him, the most important thing is experience.

Playing against all kinds of different races is a rare experience for Zhou Shu.

After each fight with these alien races, Zhou Shu would repeat the process in the sea of ​​knowledge to understand their ways.

There are many realms in this universe, and naturally there are many big and small roads~www.ltnovel.com~ The methods or tactics used by foreign races may be difficult for a cultivator to understand, but they also conform to the original meaning of Tao and imply various Tao.

The process of Zhou Shu fighting with them is also the process of understanding various Taoisms, and then confirming and fusing them with Shuzhidao, taking the essence and removing the dross, and slowly strengthening his own Shuzhidao.

Most Taos are single. After practicing one Tao, you can only resist other Taos. Even if you are envious, you can only look at it. It is impossible to abandon your own Tao. That is to abandon your own mind and nothing can be achieved. The so-called Tao is not compatible with each other, while Shuzhi Tao is different. It is inclusive and can draw nourishment from any Tao and obtain useful things.

The continuous battles were exhausting, but Zhou Shu's way was progressing rapidly.

Apart from here, where can you find many different opponents?

The growth of Tao is naturally the power of Tao, that is, the growth of strength. Almost every day, Zhou Shu feels differently, very refreshing.

After training in these layers of secret realms, it can be said with certainty that he has reached the top of the immortal cultivation world, comparable to the nine major monks in the cross-tribulation realm, and there will be no one who can beat him in the mysterious yellow realm.

However, he also inevitably encountered a bottleneck.

There are about two reasons for this.

First, he needs to think and settle to make up for the lack of Shu Zhi Dao. Just like the physique progressing too quickly, there will be a hidden injury. The Dao is the same. It is inevitable that there will be many loopholes and mistakes. This process may take a long time, maybe several. Ten years or more.

Second, he feels that Shu Zhidao has reached a point where it can’t be expanded. It’s completely impossible to rely on him. It is necessary to find a suitable heir to expand Shu Zhidao. If Shu Zhidao is only his own. , Basically it is difficult to make progress. )!!

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